Sled stroller "Umka 3 in 1": customer reviews, description and main characteristics

Any child born in our country is looking forward to the winter. All mothers prepare for this time of year in advance and with special care. This is because for the smallest, and for those a little older, you need to choose one inalienable and very favorite winter attribute - sledges. Today we will pay special attention to the main advantages and characteristics, as well as consumer reviews of the Umka 3 in 1 stroller model manufactured by the Russian company Nika.

What modern parents need in today's winters

sled stroller umka 3 1 reviews

In central Russia, winters have not been pampered recently by the abundance of snow and impassable snowdrifts. Increasingly, on the streets of large cities on the roads you can see a thawed "mess", which is impassable for an ordinary pedestrian, and for a mother with a stroller or with a sled is generally an impossible test. It’s hard for a young parent to cross the road with a sled where the baby is sitting, or to stretch them through the hollows.

In winter, public highways are treated with special means so that there is no snow on them. In such conditions, a special children's transport is required, which is maneuverable and convenient. The Umka 3 in 1 wheelchair sled, the reviews of which we will examine below, is exactly what is required in harsh winter conditions for children and their parents living in large megacities, smaller cities, villages and villages.

Characteristics and interesting features of the sledge "Umka 3 in 1"

sled stroller Price

What distinguishes such sledges from others on the market? In order to answer this question, it is worth listing the main features and characteristics of models of baby sled strollers "Umka 3 in 1" from "Nicky":

  1. The main advantage of the Umka model is the presence of high seating for the baby. It is very convenient not only for an adult, but also for the child. It is much more convenient for parents to seat a fully equipped baby for a walk on a higher seat, and a child from this angle will be more comfortable exploring the world around him. By the way, the seat is made of fabric and mounted on a lightweight metal frame, which in turn greatly simplifies the transportation of such sleds. The seatback is high (47 cm) with fixation in three positions (90 °, 60 ° and 30 °). And it’s worth adding that the absence of wooden elements in the model allowed the manufacturer to equip them with an assembly mechanism. This is very useful for those who bring children's winter transport into apartments that do not differ in size and spaciousness.
  2. The next most comfortable and convenient element that the Umka 3 in 1 sled stroller boasts, customer reviews fully confirm this, the model has both runners and wheels. This is a clear advantage. In the case of heavy snowfall, this design can be used on runners that are familiar to all, and if it is necessary to cross the road at a traffic light, it will be enough just to tilt the sledges slightly for themselves, and they will ride on the cover with special plastic wheels. They are designed specifically for these purposes. During the thaw, and possibly if necessary, go to the supermarket or clinic sledges are easily put on wheels. Moreover, this is done with the click of a foot on a special pedal. Thanks to this function, sledges are completely retrained into a stroller on comfortable rubberized wheels, which are also almost silent in operation.
  3. The Umka 3 in 1 wheelchair sled, the design of which is quite simple, but at the same time strong and reliable, has a convenient cross over handle. This function has several advantages in winter, when due to the strong wind it is necessary to hide the face of the child. It is also very convenient if the baby wants to study the environment: throwing a pen behind the baby and pushing the stroller on the other hand, the parent completely leaves the field of vision of the child, providing him with an open, unexplored space. And, on the contrary, if the baby is fearful and does not like to lose sight of mom and dad, the pen can easily be thrown back.

children sled stroller nika umka 3 1


I would like to add to the main characteristics and description of the Umka 3 in 1 stroller sled what is included in the product set. This model has all the necessary accessories required for recreational children's products. It is a raincoat, a cover for legs and safety three-point belts. These things are simply necessary. The foot cover has a convenient fastening - Velcro, and if necessary, is easily removed from the structure, as well as it is equipped with a convenient zipper and has a water-repellent waterproof coating.

Prices that delight buyers

sled stroller 3 1 description

The Nika company, which manufactures products for children, knows firsthand how to combine the essentials for adults with the interesting ones for the younger generation. I would like to note that the "Umka 3 in 1" is a sled stroller, the price of which pleasantly surprises and pleases parents. For example, the new 2017 model of the budget option has already gone on sale, and the starting price tag for it amounted to just over 2,300 rubles. In its configuration there will be all functions except the retractable rubber wheels mentioned above. The monetary limit, which the company "Nika" exposes for its product, equipped with all of the above characteristics, stopped in the region of 5000 rubles.

Color, age, weight

sled stroller umka 3 1 construction

The age restrictions that you should adhere to when choosing a Umka 3 in 1 sled stroller for your child, reviews of which are mostly positive, range from six months to 4 years. Also, do not forget that the manufacturer indicated a specific number of weight restrictions - 25 kg. As for the colors offered to the consumer, then you should not worry, because they are presented in abundance. Everyone, even an overly demanding customer, will be satisfied with the variety of shades of sledges available.

Reviews about sled strollers "Umka 3 in 1"

Speaking about the reviews that the sled of the Russian manufacturer has, I would like to note that the Nika did its best and took into account all the nuances relating to children's vehicles. Their maneuverability, compactness, equipment with covers, three-point seat belts , together with the price of sled strollers brought this product to the position of the leader in the consumer market of our country. Customers have appreciated and recommend that their friends and acquaintances purchase such a product for themselves. This is recognition.


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