Hana is ... The meaning and origin of the word

Every day we exchange a huge amount of information. However, our speech is gradually transforming due to the appearance of jargon in it.

Of course, the formation of social youth movements, subcultures entails the appearance of slang words. So, for example, what is “khana” and where did this word come from, not everyone knows.

hana this

Meaning of the word "Khan"

In the Small Academic Dictionary, such an interpretation is given: "Khan is death, end, death." The word refers to vernacular-slang vocabulary.

But in the Explanatory-derivational dictionary T.F. Efremova is interpreted as follows: “an assessment of a situation as hopeless, losing; the end, kaput. "

Where do the "roots" come from?

We often use this word, bearing in mind that Khan is the end. And for some reason we don’t even think about its origin. Historians claim that the word is directly related to the Siberian verb “to snare” in the meaning of the abyss, to get lost.

Many are mistaken and believe that between the words: khan, khanurik and khanig there is a relationship. However, it is not. Although this can be argued. After all, they called a vagabond hanigah, a man who “descended” along the social ladder and idly “wobbles” through life. Therefore, similarities exist to some extent. However, there is no reliable etymology.

There is another version: the word "khan" has Armenian roots. So it has an origin of two words: “chi” (why) and “na” (he). Probably the "khan" is "why is he?" This meaning justifies the modern meaning of the word.

what is khan

Also, the phrase "Khan them" originates in the Bible. So called the Canaanite tribe. Accordingly, the Semitic expression “Canaanim” and the Armenian word “Khan” can be called synonymous.

How can a word be replaced?

"Hana" is a common and fairly common slang word among the younger generation. However, there is a huge selection of synonyms that can be successfully appealed. For example, “kapets”, “haplyk”, “mat”, “song sung”, “cover”, “faucets”, “pipe”.

Of course, being in modern society, you cannot protect yourself from the involuntary pronunciation of slang words. However, you can control yourself and monitor the beauty of speech. Indeed, it is precisely the words that we pronounce that reflect our intellectual and cultural level. Protect your speech from clogging with jargon.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E17164/

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