Summary of the Blue Bird by Maurice Meterlink

A summary of the Blue Bird tells us about the amazing story that begins on Christmas Eve. Two children, Mytil and Tiltil, already sweetly sleeping in their beds, wake up from the sounds of music that come from the house opposite. The wealthy neighbors are in full swing. Suddenly, a knock on the door, and on the threshold there is an old woman in a green dress and a red cap. The old woman stands, leaning on a stick, she is a hunchback, limping. In addition, she has only one eye, and her nose looks like an ominous hook. She addresses the children and encourages them to go look for the Blue Bird. Berilyuna does not like that young heroes do not see the obvious. “You need to be brave to see the hidden,” the old woman says and hands Tiltil a green hat adorned with diamond. According to her, turning the diamond, the owner of the cap will be able to see the "soul of things."

blue bird summary

Seeing the world with different eyes is easy

Tiltil follows her directions and turns the stone. And suddenly a wonderful picture opens up in the eyes of the boy: the decrepit witch in her eyes turns into a magical princess, and the poor environment of the hut comes to life. We continue the summary of the Blue Bird. The action includes new characters. These are the souls of the Clock, Karavaev. The flame turns into a fast moving man, dressed in a red leotard. The cat and dog also take on a human form, although they remain masked by a cat and a bulldog. The dog is extremely happy that, finally, he can put on his feelings in verbal form and with joyful cries of "My little deity!" rides around tiltil. The cat, while maintaining its grace, reaches out to Mytil. Water starts to sparkle from the faucet in a sparkling stream, and a figure of a girl with flowing hair in a flowing robe appears in the streams of liquid. Almost at the same moment she enters into a fight with Fire, because this is the Soul of Water. Other Souls appear - Milk, Sugar, Light, Bread. However, this amazing moment is interrupted by a knock on the door. Frightened, Tiltil very quickly turns the diamond on the cap back. The fairy again appears before the children in the guise of a feeble old woman, the walls of the hut fade, but Souls do not have time to return to Silence again. Fairy teaches them to accompany the children during the quest for the Blue Bird. In addition to the Soul of Light and Dog, however, no one wants to go. The fairy goes to the trick and promises to find suitable outfits for everyone, after which she takes everyone through the window. The mother and father of the Tile family open the door and see only the kids sleeping peacefully in their beds.

Where did the journey of Mithil and Tiltil lead?

The following is a summary of the Blue Bird, which tells how children find themselves in the palace of the fairy Berilyuna. Souls of objects and animals have already changed into elegant fairy-tale costumes, and began to conspire against children. The cat is the main one at this meeting. She says that autocratic people have enslaved souls, and having found the Blue Bird, they will finally take possession of them. But the appearance of the fairy herself, accompanied by the Soul of Light and children, silences them. In order for the children to eat a little before the long journey, the Bread cuts a couple of chunks from their belly, and the Sugar breaks off its fingers, which immediately grow again.

The first destination on the children's path is the Land of Memories. Mytil and Tiltil go there unaccompanied. Brother and sister visit their deceased grandparents, see their dead sisters and brothers. Here they learn that those who have gone to another world are as if immersed in a dream, but wake up when loved ones remember them. Having dined with their family, the children gather to meet with the Soul of Light. Grandparents give their grandchildren thrush, which they think is completely blue. However, as soon as the children leave the borders of the Land of Memories, the bird changes its color to black.

fairytale blue bird summary

But to us this journey is only beginning. A summary of the “Blue Bird” tells about the events taking place in the Palace of the Night, where the Cat arrives first. She warns the hostess that Tiltil and Mytil are sent to her. However, Night has no power to forbid a person to learn its secrets, and therefore she and Cat can only hope that the children will not be able to catch the real Blue Bird. When a brother, sister, as well as Sugar, Bread and Dog appear in the palace, Night for a long time tries to confuse them so as not to give keys that unlock any doors in the building. But Tiltil, not listening to her, takes turns opening all the doors. Diseases, runny nose, war are hidden behind the first three. Behind the fourth door, Tiltil discovers his favorite Fragrances of the Night, Fireflies, Wandering Lights, Nightingale Singing, Rosa. Night strongly does not recommend opening the large middle door and convinces its guests that so terrible visions are hidden behind it that they were not even given a name. All the companions of the boy, except the Dog, are hiding. However, Tiltil overtakes his fear. On the other side of the door opens a magical garden of night light and dreams, where fabulous blue birds flutter between planets and stars. The boy, his sister and each of their companions catches several birds and carries them, but soon they die - they did not manage to find the one that can withstand daylight.

We continue the summary of the Blue Bird Meterlink. The characters have to visit several more amazing places where young heroes and their assistants meet with dangerous, insidious characters, and with those who want to help them. Children manage to visit the ancient Forest, the cemetery, and the Garden of Beatitudes.

Of particular interest was their stop at the Azure Palace of the Kingdom of the Future. Here they meet the Azure children - people who are yet to be born. Each of them has already prepared some kind of gift for the world. For one this is the Machine of Happiness, for the other there are several ways to prolong life, for the third - a machine flying without the help of wings. Here Tiltil and Mytil meet their brother, who is only supposed to be born.


And now the fairy tale “Blue Bird”, the summary of which you are reading now, returns us to the green hedge, behind which is the hut of Tile. Here the children say goodbye to their companions. Bread gives Tiltil a cage prepared for the Blue Bird, which has remained empty. And the Soul of Light says that, perhaps, the Blue Bird does not exist at all, or it changes its color when it is locked up.

Summary Blue Bird Meterlink
In the morning, when the mother came to wake Tiltil and Mitil, the children began to enthusiastically tell her about their nightly adventure. This scared the mother, she sent her father for a doctor. However, here in the house appears a neighbor of Berlengo, which looks very much like a fairy Berilyun. Hearing another retelling of the children's journey, she claims that they dreamed of something when they were sleeping under the moonlight. Berlengo, however, talks about the fact that her granddaughter is unwell - the girl does not get out of bed, and the doctor writes off everything on her nerves. Mother asks Tiltil to give the sick girl the turtledove that she had long dreamed of. The boy looks at the turtledove, and it seems to him that in front of him is the same Blue Bird.

Children see their native home with completely new eyes: a cat and a dog, fire and water - everything now seems to them alive, not like before. Soon, a neighbor of Berlengo appears on the threshold, accompanied by an unusually beautiful girl who presses her throat to her chest. To Tiltil and his sister, the girl seems like a Soul of Light. Tiltil himself wants to explain to his new acquaintance how to feed a turtledove, but, taking advantage of the moment, the bird slips out of human hands and flies away. The girl begins to cry, and Tiltil tries to console her and promises that he will soon find a bird.

So the summary ends. “Blue Bird” (Meterlink - the author who managed to write a work that makes you take a fresh look at the world) - will certainly appeal to both adults and children.


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