Forsythia middle yellow: landing and care at home, photo

You can decorate your garden plot not only with flowers. More and more appears in the sale of decorative trees and shrubs. They can become amazing and original site decorations. Consider in more detail one plant that will interest many with its appearance.

Forsythia - a flower or a bush?

If you want your garden to be fragrant from the beginning of April, then you should opt for such a shrub as Forsythia middle yellow. Planting and caring for this plant is not difficult. Even beginner gardeners will cope with it. Forsythia is a shrub with beautiful bright yellow flowers. Among all the variety of plants, this specimen is the most spectacular and bewitching. Shrub refers to the early primrose plants, which delight with their greenery, when there is still snow on the street. If you look closely at Forsythia, you can see that the flowers cover the entire space of the branches. Because of the buds, even the leaves are not visible. There are many types of such shrubs, which should be considered in more detail.

Forsythia middle yellow landing and care

Types of Forsythia

As we have already found out, the primary flowering shrub is forsythia middle yellow. Planting and caring for her are simple and unassuming.

Forsythia Middle Yellow Care

To begin with, it's worth talking about the varieties of this representative of the flora. There are several of them. Let's consider some of them in detail:

  1. Forsythia is European. It takes root well in the southern territory of Russia. He likes a warm and humid climate. In height it grows up to two meters, and some instances and above. The flowers are large, yellow. Apply shrubs for landscaping streets and city parks. It is highly resistant to severe drought.
  2. Forsythia Giralda. It adapts well in mid-latitudes. As with the previous instance, its height reaches 2-3 meters. Flowering shrubs lasts about a month, large buds of a yellow hue. If necessary, it is easy to propagate forsythia with winter or summer cuttings.
  3. Forsythia is oval. This species is suitable for growing in gardens and plots near Moscow. Winters well. The bush does not need to be prepared and covered. If your climate is cold, and sometimes arid, then Forsythia middle yellow is ideal. Landing in the spring is considered the most favorable time. For this, its cuttings are prepared in the fall. The bush blooms continuously for 20 days. This species is of medium height (up to 1.5 meters).
  4. Forsythia curly. Suitable for the climate of Moscow and St. Petersburg. For a better wintering of the bush, it is insulated with special covering material or thrown with a lot of snow. This instance blooms for about three weeks. The buds are collected in bunches, 6 pieces each.
  5. Forsyth Siebold. This type of plant is considered the most frost-resistant specimen. This shrub also grows well in shady places. Flowers of a dark yellow hue.
  6. Forsythia Lynnwood. Growing view. The bush has a spreading crown. It blooms for about two months: April — May. The height of the bush reaches 2-3 meters. The flowers are bright yellow, located along the entire branch. If your climate is harsh in winter, then Forsythia middle yellow Lynnwood is considered the best example among many species. Planting and care are standard.

    Forsythia Middle Yellow Lynwood Planting and Care

Forsythia varieties are not limited to this. We have given examples of the main representatives of this plant. Gardeners should be aware of the methods of growing forsythia and how to care for it. We will talk about all this below.

What is the cultivation of Forsythia

If you have chosen such a spectacular shrub as Forsythia middle yellow, its care should be carried out correctly. This bush, like any other plant, loves watering, pruning and fertilizing the soil. So, a representative of the Olive family requires the following care after planting:

  • glaze;
  • trimming
  • fertilizers.

We consider each item separately.


So that the bush grows well and is fragrant, for its planting, you need to carefully choose a place. Particular attention is paid to the soil. Forsythia has no serious preferences, but it is better if the soil contains sand, black soil, humus. If the soil is highly acidic, then it is pre-treated with slaked lime. Before planting a bush in the dug hole, you can add ash, gravel or broken brick. Thus, a good drainage for the roots.

Forsythia middle yellow landing in spring and care

Also, sunlight is important for such a plant, so it is better to plant in a bright area.


Watering is carried out as necessary. Forsythia is a drought tolerant plant, so no need to abuse water. From constant moisture, the roots of the plant will begin to rot, which will further adversely affect the condition of the shrub.


Pruning is done on a shrub, which has formed a lot of extra branches. If there are none, then do not touch the plant. Trimming should be done correctly using special tools. All young shoots and lower side branches are removed. All sections must be treated with special tools. To do this, use a garden var or simply cut the place of cut with paint. This will help the bush continue to gain strength. Also, all dead branches on which there are no buds are subject to circumcision. This procedure is carried out either in early spring, before flowering, or in late autumn, preparing the plant for wintering.

Forsythia middle yellow landing in spring


Forsythia loves fertilizer in spring. It is better to carry out this procedure with special mineral complexes, which contain all the nutrients. Further, after the bush fades, you can make a second top dressing. It will help the plant gain new strength next year. Fertilizer can be purchased at a specialized store, or you can do it yourself using soaked humus.

Beautiful and unpretentious plants will help to decorate your garden, forsition is middle yellow. Landing and care, as you see, are simple. Also, do not forget that the soil must constantly be loosened and cultivated from weeds. If you want the garden to find bright spring colors with melting snow, Forsythia middle yellow is perfect for you. Planting and care (photo, which is presented below, will help to visually assess how the bush should grow) will not cause much trouble for it.

Forsythia middle yellow landing and care photo

Such a plant is also suitable for home growing.

Forsythia House

Few people thought that this plant is suitable for growing in any room. If you want to decorate your home with something amazing, then forsition middle yellow will come to the rescue. Home care is no different from street care. The only thing added is spraying the crown before flowering. To plant a plant, you need to pick up a large pot, since it has bulky roots. Land can be bought at the store ready, with all the necessary additives and nutrients. As an option, the soil can be prepared independently, but you must not forget about fertilizer.

People who are constantly on the move, Forsythia middle yellow is perfect. Planting in the spring and care properly provide the plant with constant flowering. But there is one difference between street and home shrubs: on the latter, buds do not open on all branches. In order for the plant to look neat in the walls of the house, it must be constantly cut. This shrub will keep its shape well. Forsythia is perfect for art such as bonsai.

Forsythia Medium Yellow Home Care

After learning about such an amazing plant as Forsythia middle yellow, use our tips. They will help to grow a colorful shrub in your garden or home. It will delight with its flowering in the early spring. If you want to decorate the garden, then you should also choose a plant such as middle yellow forsythia. Planting and caring for the plant do not require any special skills. An unpretentious bush will grow on any site and delight you.


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