Methods and diagnostic tools. Classification of technical diagnostic tools

Equipment during operation gradually wears out. As a result, breakdowns, stops of technological lines occur. This leads to losses for the enterprise. To avoid this, a diagnosis of the condition of the equipment is carried out. This procedure allows you to determine whether the equipment needs repair, even before the machine stops. For this, modern diagnostic tools are used. They will be discussed later.


Technical diagnostics is a procedure aimed at reducing the costs of the enterprise in the course of its core business. This is an integral part of the maintenance of machinery and equipment, which identifies the need for targeted repairs. This area of โ€‹โ€‹expertise covers theoretical and practical methods for identifying equipment status.

Diagnostic technique

The diagnostic procedure can be complex, planned and periodic. It is also divided into three categories: functional, test and express diagnostics. During the periodic scheduled audit, a number of procedures are carried out. When setting the equipment on the balance sheet of the enterprise, technologists inspect the machines, monitor their components and mechanisms. This minimizes sudden equipment shutdowns. Diagnostics allows you to control the degree of aging of the equipment.


In the course of a comprehensive determination of the state of production units, a number of tasks are solved. The technical condition of the equipment is currently being set. This information allows you to decide on the need for repairs. If possible, service intervals can be extended. Spare parts consumption in this case will be less.

Machine diagnostics

Comprehensive diagnostics can reduce the number of spare parts in warehouses. This frees up cash from circulation. They can be directed to the development of the organization. Having received reliable, comprehensive information about the condition of the units, you can reduce the duration of the repair itself. The equipment stop will be short. The quality of service is also improving.

In accordance with the established standards, it turns out to extend the working life of the equipment. The safety of machine operation is increasing. With competent processing of the received information about the condition of the equipment, it turns out to reduce the cost of energy resources at the facility.


During the study, certain diagnostic methods and tools are used. They allow you to comprehensively track changes in the operation of the unit. Diagnostic tools are called special equipment, programs that allow you to perform comprehensive monitoring.

Diagnostic Equipment

As mentioned above, the diagnosis can be of three types: functional, test and express procedure. They are used for different purposes. Test determination of the condition of the equipment involves the impact on the object of study empirically. Using this technique, you can determine how the equipment will behave under certain conditions.

Based on the information received, it is possible to calculate how quickly the unit or its individual components will wear out. For this, measurements of certain indicators are carried out. Diagnostics of machines in test mode allows, for example, to determine how worn the insulation of an electrical unit is. For this, the dielectric loss tangent is measured when AC is applied to the motor winding.

During the functional diagnostics, the operation of the equipment is checked during its operation, not in test mode, but in normal mode or under certain operating conditions. So, for example, determine the state of rolling bearings during the operation of an electric machine. To do this, their vibration is measured.

Express diagnostics are performed as quickly as possible. During this check, a limited number of parameters are checked for a limited time.

Types of diagnostic tools

There is a certain classification of technical diagnostic tools. In accordance with the scope, there are standard and special equipment. They have characteristic features.

Established diagnostic tools are used mainly during the functional determination of the condition of machines. Such equipment allows you to evaluate the current state of the equipment. This category includes all instruments and technical means of control, which are listed on the balance sheet of the enterprise. The same tools can be used during technical diagnostics, if this involves a research technique.

Diagnostic Tools

For example, the standard diagnostic equipment for cars allows you to assess the dynamics of pollution of filters for fuel. To do this, measure the pressure drop before and after the purifier. Standard diagnostic systems can be supplemented with various devices. For example, it can be remote monitoring devices, alarms, etc.

Special tools are used from time to time by specialists of the diagnostic services to determine the need for repairs or the quality of the units after maintenance. Special devices can also determine the cause of a machine stop. As a rule, such equipment does not belong to the entire enterprise, but only to its special department. Some third-party verification services may use similar hardware.

Diagnostic prescribing

Diagnostic equipment for cars, cars and other units for the purpose is divided into specialized and universal. The choice depends on the features of the check.

Universal technical means are used in the course of determining the state of equipment at virtually any facility. In the course of such verification, the features of the equipment are not evaluated. The category of such technical means includes technical means for evaluating temperature, pressure, electric resistance or magnetic field. Also such devices include instruments that determine the spectrum of noise and vibration.

Hardware Diagnostics

Specialized technical means are necessary for testing only certain elements of mechanisms. For example, it can be instruments for monitoring the effectiveness of rolling bearings and the tightness of engine cylinders.

Diagnostics of machines using specialized tools can go into determining the status of equipment using universal instruments. Ammeters, manometers, and other measuring devices may be included in the design of such a technique.

All tools used during the diagnosis can be divided into portable and built-in. Some mechanisms are built into the design of the device itself, since testing of its operation is required to be carried out during the entire period of its operation. Portable technical equipment mainly belongs to the category of universal. They are used for different nodes and mechanisms.

Basic diagnostic tools

Technical diagnostics is carried out using various means. They are used to measure and record the state of objects of study. As a means of determining the state of technology, special devices, stands and other devices are used.

A separate group includes electrical diagnostic tools. This, for example, can be voltmeters, oscilloscopes, ammeters and other similar devices. Electrical appliances are used to measure various processes. Almost every company has a similar technique on its balance sheet. With its help, you can determine the electrical and non-electrical indicators. In the second case, special sensors convert the received information into electrical signals.

Auto Diagnostics

Diagnostic tools can work on a different principle. However, various sensors (induction, end, photoelectric and others) are most often used. With their help, the size of the gaps, backlash, the frequency and speed of rotational movements, etc. are also determined. Resistance and thermal resistance sensors, thermocouples, piezoelectric sensors are also among the means .

Regardless of the type of diagnostic tools, they must be accurate enough to provide reliable information about the state of the object of study. Also, such equipment should be easy to use and require a minimum amount of time for measurements during the test.

Diagnostic Methods

To determine the condition of the diagnostic object, a specific testing methodology is being developed. To create the optimal sequence of actions for maintenance personnel, it is necessary to highlight the main parameters of the equipment. They must provide reliable information about the reliability of the equipment. Based on the collection of certain data, the method developers establish the main criteria that may be applicable to a particular device.

Technical Diagnostic Tools

The criteria common to almost all objects of research are accuracy, performance, and resistance to various adverse external and internal influences. This allows you to determine whether the equipment is reliable, whether it will be able to carry out the functions assigned to it in the future.

The methods used during the study can be very different. Some of them consider first of all the parameters of the ongoing processes (fuel consumption, pressure, power, productivity, etc.). Other methods focus on diagnostic parameters of an indirect type. For example, it can be noise, temperature, etc.

Techniques used in production can evaluate the operation of equipment at different levels. Some of them are designed to assess the condition of all machines as a whole, others - only individual units. There are also techniques aimed at obtaining information about the operation of only individual systems and mechanisms of technology. This approach allows you to accurately determine whether the equipment needs repair or whether it can be moved.

Parametric technique

Technical diagnostics can be carried out using different methods. Some of them are designed for certain equipment, while others are universal. Often in enterprises, a parametric diagnostic method is used. It consists in continuous or periodic monitoring of certain parameters of the equipment.

The parametric method is carried out using regular means. The result obtained is compared with the maximum permissible values. Based on the data obtained during this analysis, it turns out to make the right decision about the need for repair or adjustment work. Assessment of the state of operation of the unit is carried out both as a whole and for individual components.

Generalized indicators that are evaluated in the course of the presented method are fuel consumption, power, etc. Private indicators are estimated using certain standard research instruments.

In the process of identifying deviations, a number of procedures are carried out that help establish the cause of the malfunction. If, for example, engine power has increased, there may be several reasons. For example, fouling of the body is observed, certain components of the mechanism are damaged, some organs of the motor are misaligned, etc.

The parametric method cannot be the main one in diagnostics. It is always used in combination with other approaches. The diagnostic results in this case require clarification.

Instrumental technique

There are many technical diagnostic techniques. They apply in certain circumstances. One popular approach is the instrumental method. During its implementation, special devices are used. They measure the values โ€‹โ€‹of certain indicators of the machine.

Often, such methods are used for units whose operation has been suspended. In the course of instrumental testing, endoscopes are used to examine the internal space of the unit. This allows you to detect deposits, damage to internal parts.

Vibroacoustic technique

The technical condition of some mechanisms can be assessed using vibroacoustic techniques. In this case, it turns out to evaluate the low- and high-frequency oscillations of the equipment, its individual elements. For this, different means are used. It can be seismic devices, torsiographs, sound meters, vibrographs, etc. Each of these devices is used to assess the state of a particular unit.

Having examined the existing methods and diagnostic tools, you can understand the features of the work to assess the condition of the equipment. The correctness of such a procedure depends on the trouble-free, productive work of the equipment.


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