"Fire", Rasputin: a summary. Rasputin's “Fire”: Summary of Chapters

In 1985, Valentin Rasputin wrote "Fire." A summary of this story is presented in this article.

Start of fire

Ivan Petrovich, tired, was returning home. He had never been so tired, although today he was not torn, there was no scream, no hassle. Just opened the "edge". Ivan Petrovich finally got to the house, and suddenly he heard shouts: “Warehouses are burning!”, “Fire!”. The summary of the first chapter ends here.

Summary of Fire Rasputin

At first he did not see the fire, but then he noticed that the warehouse buildings were on fire. There has never been such a serious fire in the history of the village.

Warehouses were built in such a way, and it caught fire in such a place that everything burned up without a trace. On the sides diverged buildings: industrial and food. The fire went on the roof to the food region, but the main hell was in the industrial.

Ivan Petrovich helps on the roof

rasputin fire content

When Ivan Petrovich walked around the yard of the warehouses, the groups began to knock together in only two places. One was rolling motorcycles from a marketer, the other was dismantling the roof in order to break the fire. The protagonist climbed onto the roof, where Athos Bronnikov commanded, who put him on the edge overlooking the courtyard. Ivan Petrovich began to tear off the boards. The guy sent for the crowbar returned and, instead of the crowbar, brought the news that the Urals, a charred motorcycle, had been rolled out.

The main character looked around, knocking out the last gag. The kids rushed about in the yard, screaming and rushing about at the department stores. But the authorities were already running in. The chief engineer of the timber industry enterprise, the head of the site, approached. This is described in the third chapter. The whole village fled, but no one has yet been found who could organize it into a single reasonable force that could stop the fire.

Meeting with Boris Timofeich

The main character jumped down and headed for the place where he had just seen Boris Timofeyich, the head of the station. He found him in a crowd by a cry, at a food warehouse. He asked to open the warehouse door Valya the storekeeper. This is described in the fifth chapter of Rasputin ("Fire"). The content of the work is presented briefly - we note only the main events. Valya did not agree. Boris Timofeyich then shouted to the Arkharovites to break the doors. And they began to break with pleasure. The main character suggested that Boris Timofeich put Misha Hampo at the gate so that he would guard. The site manager did just that.

fire rasputin summary

Memories of Yegorovka

The sixth chapter describes the memories of Yegorovka, the old village, which surged over Ivan Petrovich. He left his village for a long time only once - during the war. The main character fought for two years, and another year after the Russians won, he held the defense of Germany. He returned home in the fall of 1946. And he did not recognize his village - it seemed to him deprived and unprepossessing. Here, everything remained unchanged and as if stopped forever. Soon he met Alena in a neighboring village. When the collective farm received the new car, it turned out that, besides him, there was no one to plant for it. And Ivan Petrovich began to work. Soon his mother came down in a long and hard illness. The younger brother of the protagonist went to a construction site and drank himself with big money. Ivan Petrovich decided to stay in Yegorovka. When it was flooded, all the inhabitants were brought to the new village. Six more were brought here, like his native village. The timber industry enterprise, which was named Sosnovka, immediately established itself here.

Ivan Petrovich entered the food warehouse

A summary is ongoing. Rasputin describes the fire chapters in the work, interrupting it with the recollections of the protagonist and his thoughts. The seventh chapter tells us the following. When Ivan Petrovich jumped into the extreme food warehouse, it was already blazing with might and main. It droned terribly over the cracked ceiling. Near the wall several ceiling blocks broke, and the fire burst into the opening. Ivan Petrovich was never inside the warehouses, and he was struck by abundance: dumplings were piled on a large mountain on the floor. Sausage circles lay nearby. Oil stood in heavy cubes, and red fish in boxes. Ivan Petrovich thought about where all this went. Dancing from the heat and wrapping himself in a padded jacket, the protagonist threw out sausage circles to the door. Here, in the courtyard, someone picked them up and carried them somewhere. We proceed to the eighth chapter, describing the summary ("Fire"). Rasputin in it describes how the fire became stronger.

summary of fire rasputin chapter by chapter

Relations with Boris Timofeich

All became intolerable heat. It seems that no one extinguished anymore - they retreated. They only pulled out what could still be carried out. The main character thought that the warehouses could not be saved, but the store could be defended. Suddenly he saw Boris Timofeich. He cursed with Arkharovtsy. He prevented a scuffle.

Ivan Petrovich once spoke with the head of the site. This is described in the ninth chapter of the story "Fire" Rasputin. The summary of this conversation is as follows. Boris Timofeyev started talking about the plan. And then the main character could not stand it: "It would be better if we lived without it!". In his opinion, it would be better to have another plan - not just cubic meters, “but also to the souls!”, That is, it would take into account how many souls were lost. The head of the site did not agree with him. However, the main character was arranged differently. In it, as if under daily pressure, the spring was compressed and reached such a degree of elasticity that it became unbearable to withstand. And then Ivan Petrovich began to speak, hating himself and terribly nervous, realizing that all this was in vain.

Ivan Petrovich helps make oil and flour

The fire continues. A summary of the chapters of the work of interest to us has come to chapter ten. Completely crowded out the fire from the first food warehouse. Now we are already in the second. When Ivan Petrovich first jumped in here, it was already smoky and glowing, but still bearable, without fire. It was crowded here. Boxes of vodka passed along the chain. The screams of Vali the storekeeper came from somewhere. She begged to take vegetable oil from the building, which was in an iron barrel. It was knocked down with difficulty by Ivan Petrovich, but failed to roll out. Then he snatched someone out of the chain, and together they rolled out a barrel.

fire chapter summary

For the second, Ivan Petrovich returned, but his partner returned to the chain. The main character noticed, trying to find him, that not only the boxes are transferred along the chain, but also uncorked bottles. And again, Ivan Petrovich rolled out the barrel with the help of someone, but it turned out, when it was rolled out, that it was without a cork. A writhing trace of oil went into the warehouse. Afony Bronnikov told Ivan Petrovich that it was necessary to save flour. In a low building, sugar was kept behind the third warehouse. There was also flour, which was dumped in a shapeless pile. The first bag that fell, Ivan Petrovich took over and carried it out. Together with Sasha the Ninth, he knocked over the fence connection and laid it on the slope on the road. That is how the bridge turned out. After that, another one was torn off and laid next. To find Alena decided the main character of the story "Fire" (Rasputin). The summary of the work continues with the thoughts of the protagonist about family life.

Ivan Petrovich thinks about the family

fire summary

In the thirteenth chapter, he recalls how he and Alena two years ago celebrated the 30th anniversary of their life together. We went around the children taking a vacation. The eldest daughter lived in Irkutsk. She was in the hospital, where they did not stay long. In Khabarovsk there lived a son Boris. He got married. The son and daughter-in-law asked their parents to move to them, and Ivan Petrovich agreed. The last year, when the new brigade of Arkharovites became established in the timber industry enterprise, became completely unbearable. When they turned the front garden before the hut, Ivan Petrovich decided to write a letter of resignation. There was only one salvation: to leave.

Misha Hampo

The events of the fifteenth chapter continue the summary (Rasputin's “Fire” consists of 19 chapters). The main character pulled a bag and carried it. At first there were about ten people who made flour. But then there were only four of them left: Ivan Petrovich, Savely, Athos and some unfamiliar guy. After a while, Boris Timofeyich also adjusted. The main character decided to take one by one: either cereal or flour. When there was no strength left, he stopped near the building, which was the bathhouse of Savely. He dragged sacks of flour into it. The protagonist also noticed an old woman picking up bottles from the yard - of course, not empty. Ivan Petrovich in the middle of the yard saw Misha Hampo. We only described this character in a few words, making a brief summary. Rasputin's “Fire” is a work in which this character plays an important role. From childhood he was paralyzed and dragged his right hand with a whip. The only thing this man could say: "Hampo-oh!". He lived alone, having buried his wife for a long time. His nephew left for the North. Misha Hampo was a mighty force and used to use one left to do anything. This man was a born watchman.

Reflections of Ivan Petrovich

The sixteenth chapter begins with the thoughts of Ivan Petrovich, who began to think more meticulously and more often, deciding to move: what does a person need in order to live in peace? And he decided: work, wealth, home. Afonya persuades him to stay, but Ivan Petrovich does not listen to him.

The death of Hampo and Sony

valentin rasputin fire summary

Sacks were thrown out the door, and he dragged them to the fence. Someone called Ivan Petrovich in a drunken voice, but he did not respond. About this in chapter 17, writes Valentin Rasputin ("Fire"). Its summary continues with the fact that men began to linger more and more often - in order to swallow air. The main character stood, not feeling neither arms nor legs.

They managed to get everything out of the last warehouse. Uncle Misha noticed two people playing ball of colored rags. And then a blow hit him. It was Sonya. Several Arkharovites beat him. When the main character saw that Hampo and Sonya were lying in an embrace in the snow, they were already both dead. The mallet was lying five meters away.

The final

The last two chapters (18 and 19) complete the summary. Rasputin's “Fire” ends with the main character returning from the fire not even lying down. He just sat, looking out the window, seeing how the smoke carries from the shore. The next day, the main character left the village. It seemed to him that he was falling into solitude, that the earth was silent, either meeting or seeing him off. So ends the story "Fire", a summary of which was presented in this article.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E17183/

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