Rotary hammer: operating principle, device, types, application features

One of the most popular power tools today is a hammer drill. It is used by both professionals and home masters. To choose the right power tool in accordance with your goals, you will need to consider the recommendations of specialists. Next, we will consider the principle of the puncher, varieties of this equipment, reviews of the best models.

The difference between a punch and a hammer drill

To choose the right power tool, you need to consider the classification, device and principle of operation of the punchers. This equipment has a number of characteristic features. Do not confuse the punch and hammer drill, as the principle of their work is completely different. Impacts in these tools have different strengths, since their origin in both types of power tools is different.

The difference between a punch and a hammer drill

In a percussion type drill, the punch works by means of a gear transmission, which two wheels possess (ratchets). At the same time, productivity is rather low, and shock is relatively weak. Hard concrete will not succumb to an electric drill with a percussion mechanism.

Considering the principle of operation of the Caliber, Bosch, Interskol and other manufacturers, we can note the following. This tool is designed for drilling holes in solid materials. The hammer drill system may be electropneumatic or electromechanical. This allows you to create a shock force of high power. The wizard does not need to press the tool. The easiest way to work with pneumatic rotary hammers. This is a modern mechanism that is popular today.


The principle of the hammer mechanism

The principle of operation of the Makita, Bosch, Hitachi, Interskol and other varieties is almost identical. The device device requires several mandatory structural elements:

  • Electric motor It can be vertical (in heavy and medium models) and horizontal (in light perforators). In the second case, the impact falls on the motor area, which reduces the life of the equipment. Vertically mounted engines have a high-quality cooling system. This affects the quality of the tool, which is often used by professionals.
  • Shock mechanism. It can be mechanical, electromechanical or pneumatic.
  • Gearbox. Transmits torque to the axis of the cartridge from the motor, reduces the speed of rotation.
  • Anti-vibration device. Improves the quality of work, reduces the harmful effects on the health of the master.
  • Body. It is made of shockproof plastic.
  • Electrical circuit. Controls engine speed.
  • Safety clutch. It stops rotation when a tool is jammed, protects the hands of the master from getting injured.

Operating principle

The device and principle of operation of the punch is relatively simple. The system has an impact mechanism. It can be made according to different principles. The impact mechanism is driven by a motor.

The principle of operation of the punch

The electromagnetic mechanism works on the principle of functioning of two coils. They provide a translational-reciprocal motion of the core, which, in turn, transfers shock to the end of the drill.

If the mechanism is pneumatic, the reciprocating movement is created by the piston, which is located in the cylinder. Such a system has two versions. The first assumes a swinging bearing. The second type of pneumatic system uses a crank mechanism, combined with a gearbox.

When the shaft rotates, oscillatory movements of the piston appear. It pumps air into the cylinder, inside which pressure is pumped. This drives the striker and ram. This creates shock movements.

Additional functions

Considering the principle of the impact mechanism of the perforator, it should be noted that there are several additional modes. So, the availability of idling is provided. In this case, the mechanism does not press against a hard surface and switches itself off. Therefore, there is no compression pressure. Blows in this case stop.

The principle of operation of the punch Makita 2450

The working mechanism is motionless. In this case, the shaft speed can be adjusted. For this, a button is provided on the case. Startup is smooth. In most modern models, the button is supplemented with a limit trigger control. This allows you to set the speed and power of the electric motor.

To protect the master from injury, a special protective sleeve is used. It is triggered if the tool jams during drilling. At this moment, the coupling disconnects the shaft from the gearbox. The mechanism then instantly stops.

The principle of operation of a complex system

Considering the principle of the punch, it is worth noting the effect of a more complex mechanism. Some models use more sophisticated electronic systems. They are called constant electronics. Such a system is designed to maintain a constant, given energy upon impact.

The best professional model

Such a system avoids a decrease in productivity if the load increases. This is especially noticeable at low revs.

Some professional models have an anchor rotation control function. In case of increasing load, standby power is started.

Often, the master has to drill holes in materials that create a large amount of dust. This leads to rapid wear of the tool barrel, and also negatively affects the health of the master. Therefore, many models of modern rotary hammers are equipped with a built-in vacuum cleaner. It collects small abrasive particles from the drilling zone, increasing comfort and quality of work.


Considering the principle of operation of a puncher, it is worth paying attention to the varieties of the power tool presented. It can be network or battery. The choice must be made in accordance with the features of operation.

Network models are more common. They can have both vertically and horizontally located electric motors. Battery models are used only when it is not possible to connect to a fixed network. They have a battery installed directly on the case.

In some cases, the perforator is endowed with a gasoline engine. It is most suitable for carrying out road works.

A rotary hammer with a pneumatic mechanism is used when working in an unsafe environment. This, for example, may be required when working in the immediate vicinity of gas equipment. Even a small spark can cause an explosion. Therefore, in such conditions it is permissible to use only pneumatic tools.

Mass punchers

Studying the principle of operation of the Makita 2450 ?, DeVolt 25103 rotary hammer and other popular models, one more nuance should be noted. On sale are models that differ in their weight:

  • Lungs (up to 3 kg). They are used to create small holes, for example, for dowels or anchors.
  • Medium (3-5 kg). It can create holes in a reinforced structure or stone of high hardness.
  • Heavy (more than 5 kg). By functions can replace a small jackhammer. Therefore, such equipment allows you to create holes in concrete, the thickness of which is up to 6 cm.


Considering the principle of operation of a rotary hammer, it is worth noting that this equipment has the ability to perform various operations. Depending on the applied modes and nozzles, you can not only drill holes of different thicknesses and depths. Using the equipment presented, you can mix the mortar, grind the surface. Also, using the appropriate nozzles, you can clean the surface of various contaminants, finishing materials.

Punch Functionality

In addition, depending on the model, a gating function can be provided, which is used to dismantle ceramic tiles, create channels for electrical communications in the walls.

You can drill surfaces, as well as destroy them in the chiselling mode without rotation. Some drills also have a screwdriver function. This makes it easy to assemble or dismantle furniture.

Top manufacturers

Hammer working principle

To choose the right model of a hammer drill, you need to pay attention to reviews about the manufacturers. There are several market leaders whose products are bought more often than others. Bosch equipment occupies a leading position in the market. The equipment of this manufacturer is recognized as one of the best in the world.

The Japanese brand Makita is not far behind its German competitor. This company produces a large number of models of punch with different functionality.

The company "DeWalt" operates in America. This is a quality, proven technique that does not fail in any conditions. There are lines with household and professional models.

The principle of operation of Hitachi drills is thought out to the smallest detail. These are high-quality products that are distinguished by their performance and functionality.

The best domestic manufacturer

Interskol is a domestic manufacturer. Products are in demand due to high quality and reasonable cost. The principle of operation of Interskol punchers is also well thought out. In many respects, it is not inferior to more expensive foreign brands. Another domestic brand in demand in the construction market is Caliber. The products of this manufacturer are gaining popularity.

The best professional model

The special operating principle of the Bosch rotary hammers makes them the best in the world. One of the most sought after professional models named Bocsh GBH 7-46 DE. A quick detachable cartridge is provided in the configuration, with which you can get holes, both very small and quite large. The service life is long, up to 8 years. This hammer drill is convenient for work, even drills metal fittings up to 6 mm thick. At the same time, the cost is relatively acceptable - 35 thousand rubles.

The disadvantage of this model is the large weight (8.2 kg), as well as heating during prolonged use. It is inconvenient to work without an auxiliary handle. During operation, the tool vibrates violently. Also, a bad fan location is noted. It is located below, so it is quickly clogged with dirt.

Another interesting model for professionals is the Makita HR 5211. This hammer drill works faster than other analog models. He copes with any solid partition materials. The model provides an anti-vibration system, so you can work non-stop for a long time. The cost of the instrument is about 50 thousand rubles. At the same time, the high cost pays off for a long service life.

The disadvantage is the very large weight - 12 kg. Only a strong person can use it in work. Bulky equipment is inconvenient when working in confined spaces.

Household models

The special principle of operation of the punch "Makita 2450 & raquo; makes him the best model in the class of household tools. He has sufficient impact power. At the same time, there is no recoil from the punch. It is convenient to work with this model. It has three modes, which allows you to perform different operations. At the same time, the cost of equipment is acceptable - 8 thousand rubles.

The disadvantage of this model, users call the need to repair after a year of operation. The tool is not suitable for regular, daily use. The cartridges on this punch are pretty weak.

Another popular model is the DeWalt 25103. This is a lightweight (2.6 kg), compact model that is durable. It is quite functional, the modes switch smoothly. Dust protection is provided in the drill hole.

The disadvantage is the relatively high cost, given that the hammer is designed for domestic use. Its price is 10 thousand rubles. In order for the tool to drill well, you need to put a lot of pressure on it. The start button is not fixed properly. During prolonged use, it becomes very hot.


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