Where to complain about the local police? Responsibilities of the district police officer

Russians are not used to contacting the police for help. But is it worth going there if our government representatives are in no hurry to protect ordinary citizens? But sometimes you still have to go to the district police officer.

It is then that the citizen is faced with complete indifference. The district police officer is not only not eager to help solve the problem, but he can also be rude. Where to complain about the local police who do not want to work properly? And is it possible to defend your rights? Let's find out.

Responsibilities of the local police

Before we start talking about complaints about a police officer, we will deal with his duties. Not always the local police commissioner can help the petitioner. Not from harm, but from the fact that he does not have the authority to do so.

So what should a law representative do?

  • Ensure the safety of citizens.

  • Respond promptly to complaints.

  • Accept information about various violations, transfer them to the appropriate departments.

  • Respond to reports of impending crimes and other irregularities. Check on this subject.

  • To bring to the notice of applicants the results obtained during the audit on their issue.

  • Respect the rights and interests of those who seek help.

  • Provide first aid to injured persons.

And this is not all the duties of the local police. There are paragraphs in the instructions regarding his interaction with management. But this does not apply to us, ordinary citizens.

As can be seen from the list, the observance of the rights and interests of citizens, as well as the reaction to their appeals, are among the duties of the precinct. What do we see in practice? Nobody is in a hurry to help citizens, they explain this with an indifferent facial expression. At times, and with comments in the style of: "this does not belong to the powers of the local police inspector."

Wrong, comes in. Everything is spelled out in the job description. The representative of the government is obliged to help the citizen who has contacted him.

But what if the district officer knows what he is obliged to? But doesnā€™t want to do this at all? Then we have every right to complain about him. Itā€™s his own fault, it was necessary to respond to the statement.

Policeman and citizen

Where are we going to complain?

Who to complain about the inaction of the local police? His immediate superior, the chief of the Internal Affairs Directorate, and possibly to the territorial ministry. In the event that they are also inactive there, feel free to contact the prosecutor's office. Do you want - in the city, you want - in the district. You can go higher and file a complaint with the Prosecutor General.

And the last instance is the court, which is "responsible" for the territory where the department of the duty station of our precinct is located.

Any other options?

Yes there is. Where to complain about the local police? Hot line or helpline to help us. With every ATC, it exists. Call and state your complaint verbally. Donā€™t be afraid. The more we are afraid to take action, the more impudent the unscrupulous precincts are impudent.

Appeal online

Where to complain about the local police, we found out. And how to do this if there is absolutely no time to go to court, to the head of the Department of Internal Affairs or to the prosecutorā€™s office with a statement?

For this, they came up with online receptions. We go to the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, select the tab "Online Service", the subsection "Reception of appeals", and then find the department we want to contact and write a complaint about the district police officer.

Such treatment can be monitored online. And its results will be sent by e-mail, or they will contact you at the indicated phone number (if you write it).

On the website of the Prosecutor's Office we are looking for the tab "Internet Reception". We select the document we need, state our question and send it for consideration.

Golden letters

Written appeal

A sample complaint about the inaction of the local police is issued upon direct appeal to one or another body. Come to the selected organization and make a complaint to the local police officer who refused to help.

How is a complaint written? We have already said that her sample will be issued. But you need to know that the complaint must be written correctly. It does not allow the use of swearing and slang words, too emotional a description of the inaction of the commissioner.

The following data must be included in the complaint:

  • surname, name and patronymic of the applicant;

  • address of his residence;

  • surname, name and patronymic of the district commissioner;

  • the essence of the complaint (described dryly, without unnecessary emotions);

  • full name of the body to which the complaint is filed;

  • materials confirming the inaction of the police officer (district, in our case).

Office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

What kind of materials are these?

Where to complain about the local police in case of inaction, we told. And then it turned out that some materials were needed. What it is?

  • First of all, the statement with which you applied to the district police officer.

  • Audio or video of a conversation confirming the police officerā€™s refusal to listen to your problem.

With the latest materials, itā€™s more complicated, itā€™s understandable. A copy of the statement on hand may not be. What to do in this case? Demand to request materials of the case, that is, a statement confirming the appeal to the district commissioner.

Complaint example

It is important

When writing to the district police officer, be sure to make a copy of the application. The first you give to him, and on the second you demand to put the date of acceptance of the application, registration number and signature of the police officer, proving that he accepted the application.

If he refuses, hint that you will go with this statement to the immediate supervisor of your precinct. And then to the head of the Department of Internal Affairs. As a rule, this is sobering for employee bodies. He will immediately accept the application and sign it on your sample.

By the way, when you file a complaint with the appropriate authorities, remove a copy from it. Give one, on the second you put the date of registration and the number assigned to the complaint.

Man writes

How long should I wait?

How long do you have to wait for a complaint to be considered after contacting certain authorities? By law, this period is thirty days. And it can be extended for the same time if you need to request any case materials or clarify some information.

The applicant must be notified of the terms for the extension of the consideration of the application.

Refusal to review a complaint

Sometimes it happens. When can a citizen be denied consideration of his complaint against a district police officer?

  • In the case of regular submission on the same issue.

  • If the issue has already been resolved, and the case is closed.

  • With an inappropriate description of the essence. The text contains swear words or threats against the district police officer.

  • If the text is illegible.

  • In the case where the essence of the appeal is not clear.

The last two points are easy to fix. Just rewrite the complaint and file it again.

Anonymous: will they consider it?

Knowing our laws, that drawbar, it is scary to complain about the authorities. Especially when they subtly hint that they will not work for free. But the district police officer should not let this go away. Just what to do when fear makes it difficult to complain openly?

Report anonymously. The relevant authorities are required to consider such a complaint. Its only minus is that the applicant will not receive a response to his appeal.

Themis Image

In what cases complain about the district?

Here are the most common situations in which citizens begin to complain about the district commissioner.

  • Application accepted. All conceivable and inconceivable terms for consideration came out. No response has been received. The further fate of the statement is not known.

  • The answer was given. But the question, as such, is not resolved. The response received is more like a formal reply.

  • The applicant applied to the district police officer repeatedly. But measures have not been taken. For example, just like music played by neighbors after 23:00 hours, so it plays.

  • The district police officer extorts a bribe, refusing to fulfill his duties without encouragement.

Collective complaint

Is it possible to agree with the district?

We are discussing where to complain about the local police if he is completely unwilling to do his job. And with the bodies that are able to punish the negligent officer of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, sorted out.

Is it possible to do without a complaint? Suddenly it will be possible to negotiate with the district police officer?

Let's open the secret: you can always agree. Only this path is not entirely honest. Ready to pay a certain amount for solving the problem? Then act. But we do not advise doing this.

You can also try to put pressure on the pity of the police officer. It happens that it affects them. But not as often as material reinforcement.

Just think: in order for the district police officer to fulfill his duties, it is necessary to look for some ā€œbuttonsā€ and go to tricks.

If conscience does not allow all this to be done, and the representative of the government is inactive, then no complaint can be dispensed with. Alas, today such police officers are for the most part.

If the bosses are inactive

Imagine the situation. An unscrupulous policeman complained to his immediate superior. He did not take any action. The situation escalated even more.

The citizen realized that he would have to go to the head of the police department. I filed a complaint, but there is no and no answer. Police tops are inactive. The problem has not gone anywhere, it must be solved. The answer is silence.

How to find a council for the police? Only a complaint to the Federal Security Service. This is not easy, weā€™ll immediately warn you. Make an appointment in advance, wait for your turn, then go somewhere. But itā€™s worth it; itā€™s worth it to punish insolent police officers and their highest ranks.

We are writing a complaint


We provided information on how to write a complaint to the local police. They told in detail how to do this and where to go.

More and more citizens are complaining about people in uniform. They donā€™t want to do anything for free, but dream of receiving salaries and incentives from applicants.

This problem must be eradicated. How to deal with it if corruption simply ā€œblooms and smellsā€? Upholst the thresholds of other authorities, fill up with complaints. You can write collective complaints about the district policeman. It is possible - individual. But do not be afraid, but act. Despite all the difficulties, the truth will triumph sooner or later.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E17196/

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