An example of an individual educational route for a preschooler according to GEF

An example of an individual educational route for a preschooler (IOM) is an indispensable element of the effectiveness of each modern educator.

The essence of the IOM preschooler

GEF defines a new approach to preschool education. One of the main requirements for it is the effective use of all pedagogical resources to achieve maximum results in the upbringing and development of future students. Given that the program is aimed at the average student, it is possible that the weaker ones can not grasp it well enough, and the most capable ones can lose their motivation to learn.

example of an individual educational route of a preschooler

That is why an individual approach to all children, taking into account all their characteristics, provides the IOM of a preschooler. It is understood as an educational program that aims to educate a particular child and takes into account all his personal qualities.

The purpose and directions of the IOM

The individual educational route of the preschool child in the Federal State Educational Standard, an example of which is found today in all educational institutions, is aimed at solving specific problems. The purpose of the development and implementation of the educational route in the curriculum is the formation of factors in the kindergarten that will be aimed at positive socialization and the social and personal development of pupils. The latter includes the basic processes of intellectual, emotional, physical, aesthetic and other types of development.

individual educational route preschooler cognition development example

The main task that the individual educational route of the preschooler solves is the development of cognition, an example of which is demonstrated in open classes. The directions of the educational route are as follows:

- the formation of movement, which includes the improvement of motor skills;

- the opportunity to engage in various fields of activity;

- improvement of speech skills;

- development of ideas about the world of objects and social relations;

- development of the concept of time, space.

At the same time, the implementation of an individual route involves regular monitoring in order to track the degree of development of the educational program by each pupil of a preschool institution.

IOM structure

In the process of introducing new standards into the education system, all educators were required to take advanced training courses. They demonstrated to them an example of an individual educational route for a preschooler, a sample of which was examined in sufficient detail. However, this type of monitoring of child development is important not only for educators, but also for parents, who often do not know about the purpose of this pedagogical tool.

The structure of the educational route should include such components as:

- target, which involves setting specific goals that meet new standards;

- substantial - systematization and grouping of subjects;

- technological, stipulating the use of certain pedagogical technologies, methods and techniques;

- diagnostic, determining a set of diagnostic tools;

- organizational - pedagogical, determining the conditions and ways to achieve the goals;

- effective, containing the final results of the development of the child at the time of transition to schooling.

Necessary preliminary actions before drawing up an educational route

Since the main goal of the educational route is to identify difficulties in the learning process and social development of each child, a thorough study of its features is necessary.

individual educational route of a preschooler
An example of an individual educational route for a preschooler involves preliminary research activity before fixing the results of the child and is mandatory, including the following actions:

1. Drawing up the characteristics of the child. This document should indicate the visit by the pupil of other preschool institutions and the break between their shifts. It is also necessary to note the speed and level of adaptation to the group.

2. To determine the key difficulties in a child, a thorough study of his family is necessary, followed by drawing up its characteristics. In this case, it is worth paying attention to the relationship between the child and parents, since excessive guardianship can cause suppression of the pupil.

3. Next, you need to study the physical characteristics of the child, such as gait, posture, facial expressions and indicate the group of health. It is necessary to note the state of health, as well as the characteristics of sleep and appetite.

4. Determining the degree of development of attention, memory, thinking, as well as speech development is mandatory for further monitoring of its success;

5. It is also necessary to identify the child’s propensity for specific activities in order to help develop with the help of such games.

Registration of the educational program

An example of an individual educational route of a preschooler proves the need for a thorough study of all spheres of life of each specific child. Having studied all the necessary data, the teacher proceeds to compile an individual route, which includes the following sections:

- general information about the preschooler;

- characteristics of the family;

- Features of the appearance of the preschooler;

- health;

- features of motility;

- cognitive sphere of the preschool child;

- level of knowledge in sections of the program;

- level of speech development;

- attitude to classes;

- characteristics of the activity;

- the presence of difficulties in communication;

- individual characteristics;

- Additional information about the preschooler.

This in-depth analysis allows you to build an individual work with a preschooler quite effectively.

Inclusive education and IOM for preschool children with disabilities

The introduction of inclusive education involves removing barriers between children of all health groups through coeducation.

An example of an individual educational route for a preschool child with high school education

It is based on an equal attitude to each child, but at the same time the creation of special conditions for children who have health problems for a comfortable stay in an educational institution. The system of inclusive education includes all categories of educational institutions: preschool, secondary, vocational and higher. Given that kindergartens also practice such training, the example of an individual educational route for a preschool child with disabilities justifies its relevance.

When compiling it, the teacher must inform the parents of the following data:

- limits of load standards;

- the presence in the institution of additional corrective development programs;

- the content of the essence of psychological and pedagogical correction;

- the ability to make corrections to the existing educational route.

The IOM of a preschooler with disabilities is compiled taking into account the diagnostic data and recommendations of the psychological, medical and pedagogical consultation. It is based on maintaining the strengths of the preschooler with a sufficient share of compensation for defects in development.

It is important to consider that when drawing up an individual route for a particular child, changes in the number of classes and their forms are possible.

An example of an individual educational route of a gifted preschooler

Each baby is born with certain abilities that need to be constantly improved. And given that the preschool is the first social institution of the child, it is to him that the main role in this development belongs.

The category of gifted children needs differential training, which involves a personal approach to each of them.

individual educational route of a preschooler in federal state education example
This need is due to the fact that if you teach the gifted according to the standard program, he will quickly lose interest in learning, and therefore motivation. To avoid such a phenomenon, each educator should identify gifted children in his group and create an educational route, taking into account all their features.

To create an effective educational route, it is important to take into account:

- Features, needs and interests of the child himself, as well as the wishes of his parents;

- the ability to meet the needs of a gifted child;

- available resources to achieve a result.

In drawing up such a route, parents must also participate, who should continue at home the methodology used in kindergarten.

An example of an individual educational route for a preschooler with OHP

The creation of an IOM for a preschooler with speech impairment should take place together with a speech therapist and the child's parents. It should be aimed at creating conditions that will help overcome speech barriers.

An example of an individual educational route of a gifted preschooler

A psychological examination is necessary that will reveal the interests and inclinations of such a child. This study will help improve work efficiency. The directions that the educational route should contain are:

- medical and health-improving work;

- issues of training and social adaptation;

- correction issues;

- physical education;

- music education.

Individual educational route in fine arts

A vivid indicator of the importance of a creative approach to educational activities will be an example of an individual educational route for a preschooler in fine arts. Since this subject initially assumes the presence of creative abilities in a child, it is necessary to direct it to their development. This can be both drawing and making various things with your own hands. The main thing is to identify what a particular child shows a tendency and ability to do. Creating conditions for development will give every gifted preschooler the opportunity to discover the talents hidden in him. The demonstration of creative achievements is an important stage of work, since a creative child needs a public recognition of his abilities.

Sample of an individual educational route of a preschool child in fine arts

Art activity

Academic year

20 __- 20__

Academic year

20 __- 20__

Academic year

20 __- 20__






Acquaintance with art
Independent creative activity


Thus, the example of an individual educational route of a preschooler proves the need for a personal approach to each child and taking into account all its features.

example of an individual educational route preschooler sample
These factors allow you to most effectively develop the future student, giving him the opportunity to choose his preferred activity.


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