Caucasian toasts for different occasions

Caucasian toasts are miniature parables that embody oriental wisdom. Residents of the Caucasus are still famous for their hospitality. In the homes of these peoples, they will always welcome any traveler, even if they are unknown to the owners, give a lodging for the night, and set the table.

A table in the Caucasus is unthinkable without wine. And any feast is a whole ritual on which beautiful folk songs and real Caucasian toasts necessarily sound. Moreover, they are pronounced in a special way. The speaker lifts a horn filled with wine high, or puts a glass of drink on his open palm. They make a Caucasian toast calmly, slowly, so that the listeners can penetrate the meaning of the speech, catch its essence. And often these short stories resemble fables, contain genuine humor.

For example, such a short speech, filled with sparkling humor and deep meaning.

Fire experiences gold, gold experiences a woman, and a woman experiences a man. So let’s drink to people of the highest standard! For us, my friends!

And sometimes, Caucasian toasts have such an unexpected and therefore ridiculous ending that the silent listeners simply explode with cheerful laughter.

For example, here's a toast about the relationship between husband and wife. At first it resembles a mystical thriller, the speaker lowers his voice, catches the fear on the audience ... However, here, listen to it yourself.

One wonderful young man once caught up to a beautiful girl. And she gave him her consent. However, she warned the groom: “I will be your faithful, obedient and loving wife. But swear that one day in a year you will let me go home, you won’t ask me anything, and moreover, follow me. And if you break your word, then death awaits both of us! ”

The young man loved the girl very much and agreed. So they lived for almost 10 years, happily and safely. But once a year, the spouse went away for a whole day somewhere, returning only in the morning. At 11, her husband began to have doubts, he was hungry for jealousy and curiosity. And he broke his oath!

When the wife took leave from home again, the husband began to sneak after her, watching. Here the wife came to the outskirts, here she entered the dark - dark forest ... Here she went to a huge old oak tree with a large hollow, took off all her clothes and climbed inside the tree ... The husband was frightened and went closer, trying to see where the dear wife had gone? And suddenly ... a huge cobra jumped out of the hollow and stung a curious man who violated the oath!

So let’s drink so that the spouses never break their oaths, and that the wives turn into a cobra only once a year!

It is no wonder that today, in preparing to go on a holiday to friends or colleagues, the guests are trying to pick up beautiful, imaginative Caucasian toasts that are appropriate for the event. For example, such a parable is perfect for celebrating the defense of a dissertation.

A merchant and a sage set off on a ship. Suddenly a hurricane began, the ship crashed. The sage sits and cries. And the merchant told him: “You don’t have to cry, but me - I lost everything I had, my goods and money. And all yours is left with you - your knowledge and wisdom, so there’s nothing for you to be upset about! ”

So let’s drink to ensure that we always have something that no power can take away from us - our wisdom, our knowledge! And let this wealth not give in to inflation, but constantly increase, turning into material values!

There is a special category of congratulations - Caucasian birthday toasts. I would like to give an example of this.

In one house lies an ancient old man. Suddenly he hears a knock on the door.

- Who's there?

- This is Love!

- I already had love, I do not need another.

A knock again.

- Who again?

- This is health!

- I was young, healthy and handsome. Now I don’t need it, it’s time to prepare in a different way.

A knock again.

- And who brought this hard?

- This is happiness! Surround me, let me in!

“Why do I need happiness now?” I was happy, never to experience this again.

And again, someone knocked on the old man at the door.

- What do you need? - the grandfather creaked.

- Rejoice, old man! Your wealth has come to you!

“Why do I need it?” I understood the price of money - it costs nothing.

And then suddenly he heard cheerful voices, laughter and shameless rumble of a fist in his window.

- Discover soon! This is us, your faithful friends!

The old man could not refuse his comrades, opened the doors in front of them. And together with friends, happiness, health, wealth, and love also entered the home.

So let your faithful friends always be on your way hand in hand! Then you will always have happiness, and love, and health, and wealth!


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