Fucker is a person with marginal inclinations

Harmless, from the point of view of a foreigner, words devoid of swearing subtext for Russian speakers can mean the most base, disgusting manifestations of human nature. A good example would be appropriate for use in society, but clearly an abusive "scumbag." This concept penetrated everyday speech from criminal jargon, and arose in the 19th century.

What is the meaning of the speaker in it?

Worse than a snowman

In domestic folklore, there are many wonderful fairy-tale characters associated with winter. Snow Maiden, Snowman, Santa Claus. They are associated with cold and consist of ice, but their souls are โ€œwarmโ€. However, that is a fairy tale. Ordinary people sometimes believe that if a person spends too much time in the cold, he will easily frostbit the most valuable qualities:

  • compassion;
  • guilt;
  • shame.

The studied concept from the very beginning described an abstract phenomenon that cannot be felt or verified. Also, in some regions, the word denoted the corpse of a deceased in a cold. But if all respectable citizens in heavy snow are sitting at home, with their family, by the warm stove, then who were the victims? The meaning of the word "scumbag" in relation to a cooled body seemed to imply: this is a drunkard and a tramp! Not always fair, but the association gradually consolidated.

Thugs are often called any criminals

Worse than a thief

In the slang of dark personalities, there were exactly two key interpretations of the word:

  • ragged, criminal without concepts;
  • completely downed junkie.

Accordingly, they were talking about unlimited bandits, ready for the most unprincipled offenses. Or about people who, due to addiction to dope, have lost the remnants of their minds, behave inhibited or fall into a riot for an unclear reason for others.

Enemy of society

Contemporaries actually combined historical and criminal interpretations. Today, the signified word refers to the most dangerous representatives of society. Sometimes - in a figurative sense, not referring to any real crimes and pointing solely to behavior, manners or mental abilities. The term is used in relation to:

  • to unbridled personalities who commit unthinkable acts;
  • the same as in the first case, but with emphasis on stupidity.

And if young people have long included the definition in their vocabulary, the older generation usually pronounces it in rare cases. Along with the "bastard" or "geek" at the peak of emotional stress.

Thugs cause subconscious rejection

Appropriateness of use

For native speakers in the 21st century, โ€œscumbagโ€ is a bad concept. Sometimes they can jokingly call a close friend or acquaintance to indicate their fearlessness and recklessness. But in most cases we are talking about marginal elements that are dangerous to the health and life of citizens, their property, psychological state. From official speeches, jargon should be removed, although its use is not taboo.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E1720/

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