Dairy-free rice porridge "Heinz": composition, method of preparation, pediatricians' advice on complementary foods

All parents sooner or later face the choice of porridge for feeding. Today, there are many different manufacturers that offer a wide selection of baby food. But which of them should be preferred? Most moms and dads give positive feedback on Heinz dairy-free cereals.

First lure

When your child turns 4 months old, you can think about introducing complementary foods. Often, for this, many parents use ready-made baby food. In this case, preference is given to milk-free cereals, especially if the baby is breast-fed. Thus, parents try to protect their baby from allergic reactions that can cause "someone else's" milk powder in the milk mixture.

first lure

Heinz dairy-free cereals, rice, buckwheat or any other, are made only from natural ingredients, they do not contain dyes, preservatives or flavorings. That is why many parents prefer this particular brand.

All cereals contain the necessary amount of vitamins and minerals for the child. In addition, they necessarily include prebiotics that help maintain the proper functioning of the baby's digestive system.

How to choose the right one?

Many mummies begin to pick up cereals for feeding, based on the taste preferences of their baby. But this is quite an expensive way. After all, your baby may refuse to eat the product you bought, then you will run to buy porridge of another manufacturer in the hope that the baby will like it. Not only you, but also your child will be tired of this introduction of complementary foods.

It is much wiser to first get acquainted with the range of mixtures offered by manufacturers. And also listen to the opinions of mothers who have already passed the period of the introduction of complementary foods.

To avoid allergies to unfamiliar products, it is recommended to purchase products from a trusted manufacturer. As you know, the composition of dairy-free porridge "Heinz" rarely causes an allergic reaction in a child.

first lure

Which is better: finished or natural?

Pediatricians recommend giving ready cereals from 4-5 months. They exclude animal milk, salt and sugar. They are made from rice, buckwheat and corn flour. Because of this, they are well tolerated by the baby's body and reduce the likelihood of allergies.

Natural cereals are highly nutritious. With their help, you can expand and diversify the diet of the child. This, for example, semolina, millet and oatmeal, as well as pearl barley, barley and barley. But they contain gluten, so they are not suitable for the first feeding. They are usually given to older children.

Usually gluten-free cereals are introduced into a child’s diet only after gluten-free. At the same time, you need to make sure that the baby tolerates them well and that he does not have symptoms of allergy or indigestion. For example, you can first introduce the Heinz milk-free rice porridge into the lure, and after the child’s body gets used to it, try the oatmeal mix of the same company.

Types of cereals

The Heinz product range has many different types of cereals. Especially for early feeding, namely from 4 months, a series of dairy-free mixtures has been developed. They contain in their composition only one cereal. The series is represented by the following single-cereal dairy-free cereals "Heinz": rice, buckwheat, oat and corn.

feed porridge baby

This manufacturer also has other products that your baby may like. For example, a series of "Tidbits." In addition to cereals, these cereals contain fruits and berries. Their hallmark is the absence of sweeteners, sugars and other harmful impurities. More recently, this series also included products with the addition of pumpkins and zucchini. This is a very convenient solution in order to diversify the diet of your baby.

There is also a series of Heinz drinking cereals. They are indispensable, for example, on the road, with a long journey. The composition of this series includes three types of mixtures, namely 5 cereals, rice and oat.

For children over one year of age, the series "Lubopyshki" is provided. It differs in that the composition of cereals includes large pieces of fruit and whole flakes. It helps children learn to chew on their own.

The benefits of ready-made cereals

As we have already found out, the basis of the first feeding is rice, buckwheat, corn and oatmeal. The main thing is that they be dairy-free.

Buckwheat porridge contributes to the development of the muscles and bones of the child, due to the iron and magnesium contained in it. It also strengthens the immune system and serves as a prophylactic against the formation of tumors, thanks to copper and zinc in its composition. In addition, buckwheat porridge contains proteins, dietary fiber, vitamins PP, B1 and B2 and trace elements.

Rice porridge is indispensable for normal bowel function. Baby ready-made mixes are made from rice flour. Their consistency does not affect the formation of constipation. Many parents give positive feedback about Heinz milk-free rice porridge, which, on the contrary, helped their children normalize the bowel movement. But homemade rice decoctions can provoke constipation, as they are made from refined, detailed grain.

porridge heinz

Corn porridge contains the amount of protein and iron necessary for the child. The composition of this mixture includes fiber, which prevents the process of fermentation in the intestine and the occurrence of gastric colic. The polyunsaturated fatty acids contained in it are indispensable for the baby’s nervous system.

Oatmeal is introduced into the food of the first of the gluten. It contains vegetable proteins, B vitamins, manganese, magnesium and zinc. In addition, it includes fiber and iron, and the amount of healthy fats is 6 times more than in other cereals.

Buckwheat porridge

Dairy-free cereals are recommended to start introducing into the baby’s diet with buckwheat mixture. It does not contain gluten and is a hypoallergenic product. In addition, everyone knows the benefits of buckwheat porridge for growth and development. After all, it contains vitamins, minerals, omega-3 and fatty acids.

This mixture is easy to prepare. It does not require that it be cooked, just dilute it according to the instructions. Giving your child such porridge is recommended twice a day. For each meal you need to cook a fresh serving, so do not breed it too much.

buckwheat porridge

For one dose, 200 grams of the finished product is enough. To do this, cool the boiling water to 40-50 degrees and mix it with 30 grams of the mixture. The consistency should be uniform and smooth. Perhaps for the first time there will be a lot of porridge, but you will immediately understand how much your baby needs, and in the future you will be able to correct its amount.

Many mothers give positive reviews about Heinz dairy-free buckwheat porridge. They celebrate its pleasant taste and the fact that children are happy to eat it. In addition, it is convenient for the parents themselves, because it does not take much time to prepare it. In addition, it is well suited for feeding a baby outside the home.

Rice porrige

Dairy-free rice cereal "Heinz" is also great for the first feeding. It is on a par with buckwheat mixture, has a pleasant taste and contains a large amount of vitamins. In addition, it is well suited to saturate your crumbs, as it has high nutritional properties.

The fiber content is minimized in the composition of the product, so it will be very useful for children who have unstable stools. However, you should be careful when giving such porridge to children predisposed to constipation, since rice has the ability to strengthen the chair.

Among its useful properties, its ability to envelop the mucous membrane is also noted, which is a protective mechanism for disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Also, the product does not contain gluten, milk, sugar and salt, which reduces the likelihood of allergies.

rice porridge

Composition of porridge

The Heinz milk-free rice porridge includes:

  • rice flour;
  • prebiotic chicory fibers 2% (inulin, oligofructose);
  • calcium carbonate;
  • vitamin C.

Nutrition value per 100 g of the finished product:

  • proteins - 0.7 g;
  • fats - 0.05 g;
  • carbohydrates - 7.7 g;
  • calcium - 45 mg;
  • sodium - 2.1 mg;
  • Vitamin C - 5 mg.

Energy value:

  • per 100 g of the finished product - 34 kcal;
  • per 100 g of dry product - 377 kcal;
  • per 1 serving (20 g of dry product and 200 ml of water) - 75 kcal.
first lure

Cooking method

How to breed milk-free porridge "Heinz"? To do this, pour in the plate the amount of water that is indicated on the package. It should be boiled and cooled to 40 degrees.

Then, stirring constantly, pour the required amount of the dry mixture into the water. Its recommended amount is also indicated on the package. Cooking porridge is not necessary. Stir until smooth. Make sure that no lumps form.

For the first feeding at 4 months, it is enough to take 20 g of dry mix per 200 ml of water. 20 g is about 3 tablespoons.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E17200/

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