Euphorbia multicolor - a bright accent of the garden composition

Euphorbia multicolor is a compact neat bush with large golden-lemon inflorescences. This is perhaps the most beautiful of the existing species of perennial milkweeds.

The brightest representative of the euphorbia genus

Euphorbia multicolor - a low plant (up to 40 cm), most often has a dense spherical shape. Stems are characterized by uniform pair-opposite leafy; densely branching roots form a dense turf. The growth of the bush is slow and occurs mainly in width, sometimes reaching a diameter of about 1 meter.

The inflorescence is quite peculiar: it consists of 5 cup-shaped inflorescences surrounded by a cup-shaped common bract. In cyatia (inflorescences) in the center is a male flower, surrounded by female ones. It is believed that it is such a structure that most attracts pollinating insects to the plant.

Euphorbia multicolor photo

Euphorbia multicolor (photo in the article) in any garden composition stands out as a bright spot due to the unusual flowering that occurs in May.

Description of milkweed multicolor

Abundant flowering of milkweed is observed in May – June. A closer look at the plant may surprise us to find that it is not due to flowers to a greater extent, but to the bracts surrounding the yellow flowers and acquiring a rich lemon color in spring . The emerald green color of the stem leaves dilutes the lemon shade, smoothly changing in the autumn to pink, orange and peach. It is this feature, the color of which lasts much longer than the flowering of the plant itself and lasts for a month (starting from mid-May), which makes the milk milky color decorative.

euphorbia multicolor

The original bush is characterized by unpretentiousness in leaving, frost resistance, resistance to drought and undemanding to soil fertility. Euphorbia multicolor feels comfortable in sunny places, like any plant, needs periodic watering, does not tolerate waterlogging of the soil. Loamy humus lands are most suitable for such a picky plant.

It is recommended to mulch loose humus or ventilated peat. It is advisable to place a small amount of mulch at the foot of the bush, to do this systematically, which will only positively affect the appearance of the plant, its flowering activity and growth rate.

Euphorbia multicolor: planting and care

Euphorbia propagates by dividing the overgrown bush into parts with 3-4 buds. This is done in spring or early fall. In one place, such sprouts can grow more than 10 years and are able to reach a meter diameter

Euphorbia can also be propagated by seeds, the ripening of which occurs in the month of July. However, this method does not give that decorative offspring that has the characteristics of an adult plant, therefore it is more preferable to give preference to vegetative propagation. Milkweed is planted in the spring, at the beginning of the growing season.

Euphorbia multicolor planting and care

Caring for plants consists in spring feeding humus, watering. In mid-September, trimmed outlets that have lost their decorative appearance are trimmed.

Euphorbia as an integral part of garden compositions

Euphorbia multicolor looks spectacular in a group of plantings. It is recommended to plant it in separate spots in the foreground in shrubby compositions, it will look very good in the appearance of the garden.

In mixed flower gardens, euphorbia of this type looks most profitable in their middle part. Originally, it is combined with carpet perennials (periwinkle, stalk, survivor, antennae, awl-shaped phlox) and decorative shrubs, the color of the leaves of which has a purple or steel tone (purple willow, vesicle, Thunberg barberry). Euphorbia multicolor, the cultivation of which is possible for any gardener, looks great on a rocky stone landscape, it is better when the stones are large in size or represent an extensive placer. With milkweed you can accentuate coniferous compositions from tall trees (thuja, pyramidal junipers, fir, spruce, pine), planting it with a solid line at the foot of the curbs. Euphorbia with its decorative effect and natural attractiveness becomes a welcome element in the landscaping of entrance areas in offices and companies.

euphorbia multicolor cultivation

Long-lasting decorative effect, simplicity of agricultural technology, bright appearance - these are the advantages for which it is worth falling in love with such a bright and unusual plant as the leafy euphorbia, and make it a welcome guest in your own garden.


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