Interesting crafts for children 5-6 years old do-it-yourself

Our stores today are full of all kinds of toys, and modern kids sometimes do not even know that you can do such a thing yourself. This interesting and fascinating lesson will teach the baby to create, will lay in him the desire to do something on his own.

A five-year-old child probably has enough toys. But you can independently make crafts for children 5-6 years old. Such an activity will help parents to educate in their child the best personality traits: patience, imaginative thinking, perseverance. Working on the creation of crafts, the baby will join the world of beauty, will be able to develop creative abilities and aesthetic taste. After all, children's crafts created with their own hands are similar to educational games. And it is in a game form that you can educate the child in the right qualities.

Crafts for children 5-6 years old can be made from various improvised materials: from boxes, plastic bottles, paper, plasticine, natural materials.


crafts for children 5 6 years old

The application "Sunflower" will be a great example of how you can perform autumn crafts for children 5-6 years old. For the application you will need such materials: a disk - 2 pieces, yellow paper - 1 sheet, green paper - 1 sheet, plasticine - 1 black bar, scissors, seeds, glue. We cut strips of paper of arbitrary shape, cut a corner, these will be the petals. We take the disk and glue the petals in a circle on the even side, first we use yellow paper, then green. Now close the pasted petals with the second disk. Apply a thin layer of plasticine to the surface of the first disk. Glue the seeds. The application "Sunflower" is ready.

autumn crafts for children 5 6 years old


And here's another interesting uncomplicated version of the craft for children 5-6 years old - a voluminous applique "Tree". She will need colored cardboard, a thick double scotch tape, a small bird from Kinder surprise. So, along the contour from brown cardboard we cut a tree trunk, from green - a crown. We stick the crown on the trunk using double tape. From colored green paper we cut out leaves, glue them on the crown at the tip. Between the leaves, we will "seat" a bird on a twig, also using double scotch tape.

"Ocean is shaking"

Here is another very simple to manufacture and interesting craft - "The sea is worried." First, prepare everything you need:

  • colored paper - different
  • cardboard - 1 sheet,
  • corrugated cardboard - 1 sheet,
  • pencil,
  • lace,
  • wooden sticks - 2 pieces,
  • scissors,
  • hole puncher.

Now we begin to manufacture. From colored paper and corrugated cardboard we will prepare various sea inhabitants (at the discretion of the kids): fish, whale, starfish, etc. We will make holes in them with a puncher. Circles after a hole punch can be used as eyes, we will make a whale from the same corrugated cardboard. We attach pieces of twine of different lengths to the prepared figures, and then place them on a stick. We also hang the whole craft with twine, after placing color cardboard in the background.

Interesting crafts for children 5-6 years old are obtained from paper. Let's look at some of them.


"Magic caterpillar" is made of multi-colored stripes of paper on the principle of a New Year's garland. On the first ringlet we make a muzzle by gluing eyes, nose and mouth. We will make horns and legs from fluffy wire. That's all - our caterpillar is ready.


The "Mouse" hack is very simple. We take a sheet of paper and twist a cone out of it. At the tip of the cone, draw a nose, glue the mustache, eyes and ears. From the lace we make a tail. You can colorize the mouse or use an initially colored sheet of paper.

children's crafts for children 5 6 years old


Sponge for washing dishes can be the basis for the crafts "Sponge Bob". To do this, cut out eyes, mouth, and pants from colored paper and glue them to the base, to which we then add pens and legs of fluffy wire.

interesting crafts for children 5 6 years old


But how to make "Forget-Me-Not" out of paper? Now we will tell. First, we will prepare strips of paper: five strips of blue, five - blue and as much yellow. With each color we make them shorter. Next, glue the rings.

DIY crafts

What do we do next? Now insert the rings into each other, starting with the smaller one. After gluing at one point. Get five volume rings. Glue them together, close the middle with a yellow circle. Add the stem - and the flower is ready.

Little conclusion

When together with the child, parents perform children's crafts for children 5-6 years old, you need to ask questions, give the necessary explanations, answer the questions of the baby. This will help him consolidate knowledge, acquire the necessary skills.

Crafts for children 5-6 years old will teach the baby to love work, to appreciate the time and work of others. The execution of any product will give him pleasure. He will see how from strips of paper, some ribbons, sticks, pieces of cotton wool suddenly turns out a familiar cartoon character or an object of the world. And parents will, of course, rejoice at how their child’s skill grows with each craft.


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