Description, the passage of "Stalker" ("Debt. Philosophy of War")

All fans of the Stalker trilogy are aware that these games have open source code that allows gamers to freely change the game itself and customize it to their taste. Someone does this for their own pleasure, and someone does this more globally, which leads to the fact that full-fledged user modifications appear on the Web. They can be very different - from those where a new weapon is simply added or the graphics are changed for the better, and ending with those that completely change the storyline, add whole new locations, dozens of quests, and much more, thereby completely changing the passage of Stalker ". "Debt. The Philosophy of War ”is one of the most popular global mods for the game, which is the final episode of a whole trilogy of modifications. Here you can go through a couple of dozen story quests that will be diluted and side. Please note that this modification is ideal for those who do not particularly like action, since there will be a minimum number of shootings - all attention will be paid to the plot, which will greatly change the passage of Stalker. "Debt. The philosophy of war ”is a wonderful addition that should be tested for absolutely everyone who enjoyed the original trilogy.

Group Search

passing stalker duty philosophy of war

Where does the passage of "Stalker" begin? "Debt. The philosophy of war ”, as already mentioned, is a mod with a minimal amount of action, therefore, your tasks will be mainly to think, run, chat and search. So, you start on Cordon, where you need to find Berger - he will give you a task that can be designated as the first in the game. You need to find a group of people who are missing in the Zone. Go to the head of the checkpoint, which will send you to a helicopter flying to Pripyat. Once in place, you will become aware that the group is in the building of the Palace of Culture - get in there, and everything will actually be like that. The group has a leader named Slaven - talk with him, and then with the rest of the group to hear their opinions. After that, return to Lukash and find out about his decision regarding the order. That's all, the first quest turned out to be quite simple. A good start to successfully begin the passage of the "Stalker". "Debt. The philosophy of war ”, however, is a deeper mod than you might think at first. So keep playing - and see for yourself.


stalker duty philosophy of war walkthrough

It's time to move on the plot of the game “Stalker: Debt. Philosophy of War "- the passage will gradually twist, so get ready for a wonderful pastime. Go to the army warehouse where you will find the captain - he will ask you to escort an important patient to the place where the Freedom group is based. Go there and pass the patient into the hands of the doctor Lector. After that, Lukash will call you to himself, who will express dissatisfaction with the fact that you could not convince the found group to follow the order. Suddenly, you are again disturbed by the Lecturer, who demands to find insulin for the patient, otherwise he may die. Passage of game "Stalker: Debt. The philosophy of war ”will often require you to respond quickly and make difficult decisions, so be prepared.

Hunters at the bar

walkthrough stalker duty philosophy of war

What can gamers offer further mod "Stalker Apocalypse: Duty. The philosophy of war? The passage of the game is becoming increasingly exciting - now you need to go to the bar, after leaving all the weapons at the entrance. Once inside, you will learn from the Bartender that there are three hunters in the back room, who are more than serious. It’s better for you to stay here, because it will not be easy. The fact is that if you decide to talk with hunters, they will stun you and then kill you. You cannot resist them, since all your equipment is at the entrance. Accordingly, you need to look for other options. The most logical is to go to Yermol and secretly buy a grenade from him. You need to throw this grenade into the back room, and after the explosion finish off the surviving hunters with a knife if someone is alive. Now you can already freely communicate with the Bartender and get the necessary information, pick up your things and go on. In the game “Stalker: Debt. The philosophy of war ”passing (part 1) in places may be similar to the original (for example, spavnoy at the very beginning, although he has a logical explanation that you become aware of in a conversation with Lukash), but gradually the game turns into a full-fledged independent project.

Voronin and Debt

stalker apocalypse duty philosophy of war walkthrough

Walking past the hangar, you will meet with the lords who will direct you to their leader Voronin. It is worth recalling that Stalker Apocalypse is a trilogy, “Duty. The philosophy of war ”, the passage of which is now being considered, is the last part of it, so some points may not be clear to you if you did not play the first two parts. For this reason, it is recommended that you first go through the first and second episodes of the Apocalypse, and then take on this one. So, you go to Voronin, who, like Lukash, shows strong discontent and concern about what happened on the Radar. And you are presented with a choice that, in fact, has no special alternatives. You can either enter into Debt and work for Voronin, or refuse to remain a free Stalker, but still work for Voronin. Other things being equal, entering into Debt has its significant advantages, but no one here can force you to make this or that choice - moreover, there is no right decision here, they are simply different. No matter what you choose, Voronin sends you to Panzer and Grisha, who give you your first two tasks. This is where the Stalker: Debt. Philosophy of War »passage. Part 3, of course, has already been going on for quite some time, but from that moment on, you become part of the Debt, and the plot really twists so that you will be surprised in the end.


stalker duty philosophy of war walkthrough part 1

Now you have to unravel a rather impressive tangle, during which your character will prove to be far from the best side, but the main characters do not always have to be good, right? The same applies to the game “Stalker. Shadow of Chernobyl: Debt. Philosophy of War ”- the passage of this project at the very beginning was different from the original, and already by talking with the group in the first quest on the Radar you could understand that your hero is not one of the noblest. So, you need to find out what is happening on the territory of the Dark Valley - for this you will have to get through the Landfill, where the passage is guarded by a sniper, collecting prey from his victims. You should eliminate it as soon as possible - so you will secure the passage for yourself and get a sniper rifle. In the dark valley you will meet the familiar Boar, who will ask you to speak with the leader of their group called Veterans of the Valley. Go to the building where you will find Lyutogo - talk to him, then go down to the laboratory and find the tools that Grisha asked for from you. One of the debt assignments is almost complete. But that is not all that can be offered to you in the game “Stalker: Debt. Philosophy of War »passage. The description of all the events may amaze you, but the gameplay itself is much more impressive.

Farm path

stalker apocalypse trilogy duty philosophy of war passage

Now it's time to take care of Panzer’s task - you need to get a lot of information for him. First, go to the gas station, where you will need to get the necessary information from Besyak. After that, go to the Factory, where Bormann is waiting for you and another dialogue with the necessary information. Well, then go to the farm, where you will find Koval and get even more information that will seriously advance you in the Panzer quest.


stalker duty philosophy of war walkthrough part 3

Now you need to return to Cordon, since Sidorovich lives there, from whom you can get insulin for the patient. Come to him, and you will see three more, whom Sidorovich calls his colleagues. But you see that this is far from the case - kill all three, because these are hunters who otherwise will kill you. After that, get explanations from Sidorovich and take insulin (it was after him that the hunters came). Well, now you need to talk to Berger to get all the missing data for Panzer. Return to the Bar, where Lukas will be waiting for you, who will report that the patient has disappeared, so that your quest will be failed. Do not be discouraged - this is a plot failure, there is no way to execute it successfully. After this news, return to the Panzer and tell him all the information obtained to complete the quest.


Pantser, of course, does not send you to rest, but gives you a new task - to make a sortie on the Radar in order to check the situation there. But first, you should look at the Lecturer to find out what happened to the patient. However, it turns out that the Lecturer disappeared along with the patient, and no one has any information regarding both of them, not even Lukash. Well, it makes no sense to wait for something - go to the Radar, as Panzer ordered you to. But be prepared for the fact that in this mission the situation in the game will change, and there will not be that relaxed harmless wandering, talking and searching. One gets the feeling that the entire Zone decided to attack your hero, so shoot back as you can and break through to the intersection, from where you can get the most accurate information about the situation. Then turn around and take the same road back to meet minimal resistance. Head to the Bar and report on what you saw Pantser, who will immediately give you a new task - really, not a minute of peace.


You need to go to Agroprom and find Patsyuk there, who for a small fee will tell you where you can find the Pilot. He went underground to find there the cache of Strelka, which had been searched for a very long time. Go after him, however, going a little underground, you will see a message stating that nerve gas has been launched into the tunnels. Come back quickly and go in search of a gas mask. Go to Patsyuk, who will tell you that the costume can be found at Polishchuk - find him and find out that one of the zone Veterans already has a gas mask. Go to that and agree to borrow a gas mask - leave your exoskeleton as a deposit. Get down under the ground, go to the cache of Strelka - there you will find the wounded Pilot.

Gas mask for the pilot

Now you need to bring the Pilot to the surface, but this is impossible to do, since the tunnels are filled with gas. However, the pilot tells you that he has his own cache, in which you can find a gas mask. Listen carefully to the instructions, get to the surface and do exactly as the Pilot said to you - then you will find a backpack in which there will be a gas mask. Take it to the pilot and bring him to the surface. It's time to take your bail from the Veteran and tell Patsyuk about what you saw underground and about the unfortunate fate of his people.

Further walkthrough

Naturally, the game does not end there - you are still waiting for numerous adventures that will lead to an incredibly exciting and very unexpected ending. Moreover, depending on your decisions, the endings may be different during the gameplay.


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