Fragrant oleander. Home Care

Oleander is an evergreen shrub that belongs to the kutra family. It is common in many countries, found in Japan, North Africa, Southern Europe. In nature, an oleander grows up to 2 m, or even up to 5 m in height. Care at home, of course, does not imply such growth, but subject to the necessary conditions and timely feeding, the height of the bush can exceed one meter. The leaves of the plant are leathery, dark green in color, narrow. From July to September, an oleander blooms. Pink, white, yellow, red are the most common shrub colors. In the natural environment, racemose inflorescences are very fragrant, but at home it is almost impossible to smell them.

oleander home care
The oleander is easy to care for, because it is completely unpretentious, the bush can often be seen as a decoration of a hall or office. Decorative plants should be maintained by pruning branches. Do not be afraid to overdo it: the more you cut it, the bushier and more beautiful the bush will be. In the spring, buds are laid, so only after flowering is completed the oleander is cut off. Home care requires compliance with a certain temperature, lighting, watering regime and feeding.

Since the oleander comes from warm countries, then you need to take care of it accordingly. In summer, the optimum temperature for it ranges from 20-25 ° C. As soon as the spring warms up and the threat of frost passes, the plant should be taken out to the garden or to the balcony, fresh air will not interfere. In the cold season, the oleander feels great at a temperature of 5-10 ° C. Home care involves placing a pot with a bush in a well-lit place. The plant is very fond of the sun, its lack can lead to elongation of shoots, moreover, the leaves are likely to fade, and the buds will not bloom. In winter, daylight hours are very short, so it is advisable to provide the oleander with backlight.

oleander pink
The shrub is very fond of moisture, in the summer there should always be water in the saucer, especially if it is carried out in the open air. With lowering the temperature, watering should be reduced, but even in winter it is recommended to spray the leaves from time to time so that the tips do not dry out. A regular spring transplant requires an oleander. Home care involves transshipment of young bushes annually, and adults - as they grow out of the pot. Top dressing should be carried out from April to August. Oleander suitable complex fertilizers for indoor plants, they need to be sprinkled in a pot 2 times a month.

oleander growing
The shrub can be affected by a spider mite, scabies, mealybugs and aphids. The reason most often lies in insufficient watering in the summer, lack of nutrients. If necessary, oleander can be propagated by seeds or cuttings. Growing in the second way is preferable, because it is much easier. You can root the cuttings in the ground or sand, and so that the root appears faster, you should initially place the stem in a container of water. It must be remembered that the oleander is a poisonous plant, so care must be taken when working with it.


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