Dog breed American Cocker Spaniel: character, care and nutrition

The spectacular appearance and the good-natured complaisant nature of the American Cocker Spaniel make him a great companion. This beautiful little dog was bred for hunting, but today it has turned into an ordinary pet. She adapts well to life in urban apartments. Therefore, it can increasingly be found on the streets of modern megacities. Having become acquainted with today's article, you will learn a lot of useful information about representatives of this breed.


These dogs have a very long history. Experts are sure that Spain is the birthplace of spaniels. The ancestors of these animals were lop-eared long-haired bird dogs that came to England during its conquest by the troops of Julius Caesar. Cockers stood out from the variety of spaniels with their miniature sizes. The height of the adult dog should not exceed 30 centimeters, and the mass - 10-12 kilograms.

cocker spaniel american character

In 1893 they were recognized by the London Kennel Club as a separate breed. And nine years later, the first official standard of English cockers was approved. Having fallen from Britain to the USA, these dogs continued their modification. As a result of this, the American Cocker Spaniel appeared. The nature and appearance of this dog completely corresponded to the purposes for which it was derived. Despite the fact that the American and English cockers were exhibited in different exhibition rings, for some period they were crossed among themselves. But in the 30s of the XX century, it was decided to ban interbreed mating. And on July 30, 1992, the official standard of the American cocker was approved. Over time, representatives of this breed spread throughout the world and gained popularity among professional breeders. These dogs came to Russia only in the 1970s.

Breed description

The American Cocker Spaniel, in whose character hunting instincts are clearly traced, has a memorable appearance. It has a well-balanced compact body with a deep chest and proportional beautiful head. On a rounded, non-planar skull there are well-defined superciliary arches and a clear transition from the forehead to the broad muzzle. Smooth rectangular jaws of the animal are covered with tight-fitting lips. The small almond-shaped eyes of the spaniel should be dark brown. Hanging long ears of a cocker are covered with thick soft hair.

american cocker spaniel breed description character

A muscular neck with a slight suspension in the throat region smoothly passes into a well-defined withers, a strong back and a straight lower back, turning into a cropped, slightly raised tail. Under a slightly stretched case of representatives of the American Cocker Spaniel breed, photos of which can be seen in today's article, muscular limbs with paws gathered in a lump and hard pads. The well-defined scapula of the animal is slightly laid back.

Coat and acceptable colors

The whole body of the American cocker is covered with silky straight or slightly wavy fur. The hair on the head is shorter, on the body - medium-length hair. On the ears, chest, abdomen and limbs of the dog there are beautiful tows that hide the natural outline of the dog.

As for color, the standard allows several different options. The American Cocker Spaniel, whose character and exterior make him an excellent companion, can be black and tan, speckled, spotted and plain. The most common is the color scheme, ranging from brown to light fawn. The color of the animal should be uniform, without extraneous inclusions. The standard allows for a white tie on the dog’s chest or throat. As for tan marks, they should not occupy more than 10% of the main tone.

American Cocker Spaniel Character

And the temper and appearance of this small dog always cause emotion. Representatives of this breed are very optimistic and friendly. They are always ready to accompany their owner on walks and long trips. They are very obedient and easy to train. With the proper education, excellent companions grow out of American cockers.

They get along well with children and get along well with other pets. These spaniels need constant communication with the person. In the absence of contact with the owner, the dog may feel unnecessary. Therefore, it can not be left alone for long.

breed american cocker spaniel photo

The nature of the American Cocker Spaniel has a natural love for people. This dog quickly becomes attached to all members of the owner's family and needs to communicate with them more than in games with its relatives. Affectionate, good-natured and tireless cocker will be the perfect dog for a teenager. It will make an excellent partner in children's outdoor ball games.

Hair care

Representatives of this breed need regular combing and cutting. Despite the good-natured nature of the American Cocker Spaniel, grooming can cause some dissatisfaction on his part. Therefore, you need to teach your dog hygiene procedures from puppyhood. Immediately after the baby gets used to a new place of residence, they gradually begin to acquaint him with a comb and a hairdryer. About once a month and a half it is advisable to visit the grummer. Over time, when the puppy gets used to this procedure, you can increase the interval between visits to the dog hairdresser.

It is advisable to comb the luxurious cocker coat at least three times a week. Of course, this takes a lot of time, but the result is worth the effort. If your rhythm of life does not allow combing your pet regularly, then you can cut it short. From this, the dog will get a tidier look, and you will save a lot of free time.

cocker spaniel american character care

An animal should be washed no more than once every two months. It is advisable to do this using special shampoos sold in any department of pet supplies. During water procedures, it is important to ensure that water does not get into the eyes and ears of the dog. After washing, the cocker wool can be rinsed with a weak solution of vinegar. From this, it will become more brilliant.

Dental, claw and ear care

Like any other dog, the American Cocker Spaniel, whose character is described just above, needs the care of its owner. Particular care requires long hanging ears of the animal. To prevent dust and dirt from accumulating in the ear canals, they must be regularly cleaned. In addition, it is important to regularly trim thick hair in the area of ​​the ears to ensure proper ventilation.

The teeth of a dog require no less attention. In order to prevent diseases of the oral cavity, they need to be cleaned regularly with a special brush and paste. In addition, it is important to timely remove the resulting tartar. This can be done at any veterinary clinic.

It is also necessary to monitor the length of the dog's claws. As they grow, they are trimmed with a special device. This must be done very carefully so as not to damage living tissue.

Feeding recommendations

The American Cocker Spaniel, the nature and nutrition of which is described in today's publication, can eat both industrial and natural food. And in that, and in another case, it is important to comply with the recommended standards, since representatives of this breed are often obese.

dog cocker spaniel american character

Those who decide to give their pet dry food should give preference to proven brands of super premium or holistic class. Such products contain all the necessary vitamins and minerals. As part of high-quality dry food should not be potatoes, corn and wheat.

Those who plan to give their cocker natural products, it is important to remember that the basis of the dog's diet should be meat. The dog can be given beef, lamb and poultry. About twice a week, the meat component is recommended to be replaced with low-fat marine fish. Also, the menu of the animal should contain eggs, vegetables, cottage cheese, kefir, rice and buckwheat.


Representatives of this breed are easy to train. The character of the American Cocker Spaniel contributes to high learning and quick memorization of the main teams. Raising a puppy should be done immediately after its appearance in your house. It is important that from the first days the baby remembers his name. As soon as the puppy starts to happily run up to the call, you can proceed to the study of more complex teams.

cocker spaniel american character training

In the process of training, you need to show consistency and hardness. A puppy should not be allowed to be banned by an adult dog. First, training should take place in a playful way. It is strictly forbidden to shout at the animal, and even more so to beat it.

Breed diseases

In general, American Cocker Spaniels are distinguished by good health and good immunity. But, like any other living creatures, they are prone to certain diseases. They are often diagnosed with allergies, atopic dermatitis, obesity, seborrhea and otitis media.

Also, American cockers are prone to urolithiasis and problems with the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, they sometimes reveal corneal dystrophy, glaucoma, cataracts, hepatitis, hip dysplasia and epilepsy.


From the foregoing, we can conclude that the American Cocker Spaniel is an ideal family dog. He is distinguished by a touching appearance and a good-natured, cheerful character.

cocker spaniel american character and temper

Representatives of this breed perfectly adapt to any conditions of detention and do not require complex specific care. You can feed them both industrial and natural food. In addition, they have a well-developed intelligence and are good at training. With the proper upbringing, excellent companions and partners in outdoor games are obtained from them.


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