Consulate and Embassy of Tajikistan in Moscow

The history of bilateral Tajik-Russian relations began in 1991, when Tajikistan left the USSR. For more than a quarter century, Tajikistan has become one of Russia's most faithful and consistent allies in Central Asia.

Historical mansion

The full-fledged embassy of Tajikistan in Moscow began operations in December 1993. A building in the center of Moscow, a monument of history and architecture, was reserved for the diplomatic mission . The historic mansion was built by architects Sherwood and Adamovich on the order of the famous Moscow businessman Jacob Rekka.

Immediately after the revolution, the building was nationalized, and in 1918 it housed the Supreme Military Council of the People's Commissar for Military Affairs, then one of the directorates of the General Staff. In the twenties, the building was occupied by the hostel of the Red International of Trade Unions.

The Embassy of Tajikistan in Moscow is located on Granatny Lane, 13. The trade mission and consular service are located on Skatertny Lane, 19.

Russia and Tajikistan on the map

Tasks of the Embassy of Tajikistan in Moscow

The basis of bilateral relations is the desire of partners to ensure international security in such a strategically important area as Central Asia and the Middle East. In fact, Tajikistan has become an outpost of Russian interests in Central Asia.

The Embassy of the Republic of Tajikistan in Moscow is engaged in a whole range of issues, including both security and economic cooperation. It is worth saying that trade between the countries is constantly growing and can reach one and a half billion dollars in the coming years. Also, more than a million Tajik citizens, according to rough estimates, live in the territory of the Russian Federation. Thus, Tajikistan is highly dependent on revenues from Russia.

One of the most important posts at the Tajik embassy in Moscow is a military attache.

Russian peacekeepers in tajikistan

Military-technical cooperation

The difficult geopolitical situation of Tajikistan and its proximity to Afghanistan, as well as unresolved problems since the civil war of the nineties force the country to seek reliable partners far beyond the region.

Since the mid-nineties, two countries signed an agreement on the protection of the Afghan-Tajik border, through which a significant amount of drug trafficking went to the Russian Federation and Europe. Over the same border, uncontrolled transit of Islamic militants to Russia and the countries of the Caucasus was carried out for a long time.

During the partnership in the field of security, Russia has repeatedly supplied military equipment, ammunition and fuels and lubricants to Tajikistan at no cost.


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