Such a different fashion: tunnels in the ears

Sometimes fashion takes on completely unexpected forms, especially if it is youth. Today, one does not have to be surprised at tattoos or piercings, because there are things, as they say, “worse”. Tunnels in the ears - one of the options for self-expression of representatives of youth movements.

tunnels in the ears

As a rule, they are made by "metal workers" (fans of the musical genre of metal core). However, this type of jewelry is not too attached to a particular subculture. Therefore, tunnels in the ears can also be seen on ordinary body-lovers (from English body modification - artificial body modification).

Often this phenomenon is very disliked by the older generation or people with conservative views. However, it is worth saying that many African tribes began to stretch the lobes several centuries ago . This action has a certain symbolism. The values ​​may be different, but one of the most common is protection against evil forces. The natives of Africa believe that spirits will not be able to get into the body, because they will slip out of a hole in the lobe.

The tunnels in the ears come in different sizes. And the method by which it is made depends precisely on the diameter of the hole.

Girls tend to like small tunnels the most. They prefer a diameter of 5 mm. There are several advantages, and here they are:

photo of tunnels in the ears

  • it is almost painless;
  • It does not look defiant, which means that there will be no problems with the bosses or teachers in the educational institution;
  • finally, such holes are able to tighten themselves - you need only a few months to pull the jewelry out of your ear.

5 mm tunnels in the ears are made using a special expander. To do this, you just need to have a puncture in your ear. It does not matter when it was made. After the lobe has expanded to the required diameter, a plug is inserted into it - a special decoration. Tunnels in the ear (photo is in the article) of this size look neat.

Holes 8 mm or 1 cm in size are made in the same way. But here several procedures are already required. And all because expanding a small hole to 1 cm at a time is difficult.

tunnels in the ear photo

For a hole several centimeters in diameter, a surgical scalpel is usually used. The earlobes are cut and plugs inserted immediately. Moreover, during the procedure there is usually a fairly large amount of blood. Photos of the tunnels in the ears, having a large diameter, are present in the article.

Care for dilated lobes should be done regularly. They should be treated with preparations such as "Chlorhexidine" or "Miramistin" or those advised by the master who performed the procedure. If you do not follow the rules of care, suppuration may begin.

There is nothing strange in the fact that 90% of the owners of the tunnels in the ears after a few years (or even months) come to the conclusion that it is time to remove them. And if small holes tighten themselves (albeit for a long time), then incisions of 1 cm or more must be sutured in the office of a plastic surgeon. To do this, the excess skin is cut off and stitched parts of the lobe. The procedure is performed using local anesthesia. It is quite expensive, an average of 5 thousand rubles. And, as a rule, scars and scars remain after it.


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