How to care for a parrot at home?

Little feathered friends are able to revive any home, fill it with joy, sonorous singing and comfort. That is why many people decide to have a parrot as a pet. Unlike a cat or a dog, they are odorless, do not spoil furniture, and of course they take up little space, which is very important, given the dimensions of modern housing in a metropolis. Nevertheless, before buying a bird, you should learn a lot about them. First you need to find out how to care for a parrot and what conditions it needs for a comfortable life.

What should be the parrot cage

The house for the parrot should be spacious. Since the bird will be there all its time, it is desirable that it has where to stretch its wings. Of course, a parrot will be able to fly well only outside of it, but if there is an opportunity to jump on the poles, he will be very happy about it.

cage for a parrot

The parrot cage should be medium in size. If you buy too large a design, it will be difficult to catch a parrot, which will adversely affect its taming. A small cage will limit its movement, which also will not affect the pet in the best way. It is advisable to purchase a cage in the shape of a rectangle. Some parrots love privacy in the corner. Newfangled round cells deprive them of this opportunity. When thinking about how to care for a parrot, it is worth remembering that a good house is the key to his joy and active pastime.

Cell care

The bottom of the cage should be retractable. Thus, it is possible to easily clean the cell, periodically replacing its filler. Some breeders advise instead to lay plain paper on the bottom. The main thing is that this is not a newspaper, as it contains harmful paint for the birds. Do not place grilles on a pallet. A parrot can damage its legs about them. Knowing how to care for a parrot at home, you can not worry about its condition. Being supervised, the bird will not get into a situation that will become a threat to life.

Cell equipment

In the house, the parrot must have a drinker and a feeder. Gathering information on how to care for a parrot, you need to think about this first. Water needs to be changed daily, and feed should be blown away from shelled shells. So that the bird was not bored of sitting in one place, it is better to equip the cage with several poles. It is advisable to place them at different levels. The parrot will be happy to jump from one to another.

how to care for a budgie

Under the dome, the cages hang a swing. They are best placed at the very top. Also, birds like all kinds of bells, beads, clinking rattles and mirrors. If you hang a small mirror near the perch, this will make the pet truly lucky. He will spend hours looking at himself and chirping with rapture. For daily hygiene procedures, a bowl of white sand is placed at the bottom of the cage. The parrot will tumble in it, clearing its feathers. Special bathing sand needs to be purchased at a pet store. They will not only tell you how to care for the parrot, but also provide you with everything you need for this equipment.

Choosing the right place for the cage

The comfortable life of a small bird depends entirely on the person, so he must make sure that the parrot always feels calm. Parrot's house can not be placed only if only where. The health of a foreign bird is greatly affected by the temperature in the room. If it is low or with constant changes, this can contribute to the emergence of diseases in the parrot. Therefore, the cage must be kept away from drafts and higher from the floor.

caged budgie

In the room where the cage stands, the air should be fresh. Also, do not forget about good lighting. Parrots are very dependent on daylight. If they spend all day in a bright room - this will make them playful and cheerful. In winter, when daylight hours are significantly reduced, you will have to take care of additional, artificial lighting near the cell.

Where you can not put a cage with a parrot

Cell location also plays an important role in how to care at home. Lovebirds, whether they are corollas or budgies, it doesnโ€™t matter, you need to know that caring for each species is practically the same. The same conditions of detention apply to all. The parrot cannot be placed in the following places:

  • In the hallway and in the kitchen. There, the air temperature is constantly changing due to openable windows and doors. For birds, such changes are unfavorable.
  • Near heating appliances. Parrots do not tolerate cold, but even a strong stream of dry and hot air will not do them any good.
  • In walk-through and too noisy rooms. Parrots are very exciting and fearful creatures. Loud sounds can sadly affect their psyche and health.
  • On the floor or too high. Ideally, the cage with the bird should be located at the level of the human eye.

Parrots need constant monitoring and control. Each owner should know how to care for and feed a parrot. They should never be left unattended for long. Having noticed the slightest ailment, you need to urgently go to the veterinarian, not letting everything go by its own accord.

The first days of a parrot in a new house

Each conscientious owner will know how to care for a budgie parrot at the time of check-in. But you donโ€™t need to impose all your free time on the budgie. A feathered friend will need several days to adapt to the new space and get used to the environment of people. At this time, you must be very careful with him. You can not scare him, take it constantly in your hands and actively try to tame it. Upon arrival of a small resident in the house, his cell should already be equipped with everything necessary for a comfortable life. It should have a feeder with food and a filled drinker.

how to care for a parrot

Usually parrots are brought in a special shipping box. It needs to be opened and substituted to the door of the cage. The bird must leave the box on its own and move to its new home. A couple of days she will develop a home. It is necessary to provide the parrot with silence, peace and the absence of any kind of irritant. Since these birds are quite shy, any noise or scream will injure them. Therefore, it is very important to take care of their comfort. If the adaptation goes well, a happy parrot will quickly get used to people.

How to feed a parrot

How to properly care for a parrot, every responsible owner of this feathered creature should know. It is especially worth taking its nutrition. A bird no less than a person needs a high-quality and balanced diet. Therefore, when buying a parrot, you need to remember that its food should contain all the necessary vitamins and nutrients.

bright budgies

His daily menu should include the following products:

  • Grains of cereals and cereals. Pet food sold at a pet store usually already contains these substances. Every day you need to clean the pet feeder, slightly blowing it from the husk.
  • Sprouts of cereals. All parrot owners are recommended to germinate oats. Birds love this delicacy very much.
  • Spikelets of oats and wheat. Biting grain grains of ears, parrots strengthen their beak. Spikelets can only be given to those birds who are 1 year old.
  • Grains of fresh corn. Grains need to be soaked in water so that they soften. Parrots should not be given canned corn. It contains preservatives, salt and sweeteners.
  • Fresh and dry greens.
  • Different fruits.
  • Pitted berries.
  • Raw vegetables.

In addition to good nutrition, fresh water should always be available to parrots. Do not give the bird drinks, tea or any other liquids. Only fresh, clean water without gas.

What can not feed parrots

Everyone who wants to make such a friend needs to know how to care for a budgie parrot at home. Caring for the correct diet of a parrot, it is important to know that it is strictly forbidden to give him food. You can not feed the bird with the following products;

  • dill;
  • sour, spoiled fruit;
  • berries with seeds inside;
  • parsley;
  • salty and spicy;
  • basil;
  • meat.
than to feed a parrot

In order for the parrot to always be healthy and active, you do not need to give it everything that is on this list. Some parrot owners like to write on various forums that birds like boiled chicken. They write mainly in sections on how to care for a Corella parrot. This is true, but this appetite cannot be encouraged. Even a small piece of chicken or any other meat can cause irreparable harm to the state of the bird's body. In small parrots, the liver may even fail. If you feed your pet with such food, sooner or later he will develop severe illnesses that will lead to death.

How to Prevent Parrot Injuries

If you do not look after these active birds, constantly let them out of the cage and leave them flying around the apartment for a long time, this can lead to accidental personal injury. A human abode with a huge amount of equipment, dangerous devices, noises and smells can become a source of dangerous situations for a parrot.

take care and feed the parrot

To prevent this from happening, letting the pet fly, each owner should remember the following:

  • extraneous sounds from the street will attract the attention of the parrot, so all windows and doors must be closed;
  • a bird can crash into the glass of a window or door;
  • domestic plants may be poisonous to birds;
  • you can not smoke in the room where the parrot is located, as well as leave an ashtray and gobies there;
  • do not let the bird go in a room where there are a large number of cords, ties on the curtains;
  • to avoid drowning a parrot, you can not leave it in access to filled buckets of water, pots in the kitchen, toilet bowl, aquarium;
  • use caution when closing cabinets and shelves - a bird can fly into them at the most inopportune moment;
  • Do not use various sprays, aerosols, varnishes and other substances poisonous to them in the room with the parrot.

When releasing a feathered friend for a walk, you need to warn all family members about this.


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