Istanbul in January: weather, tours, what to see, reviews

Choosing how it would be more interesting to spend the New Year holidays, many Russians pay attention to foreign trips. Someone wants to see Europe, and someone is attracted to the Eastern countries. But most of the inhabitants of Russia after the New Year holidays dream to bask in the sun. And that is why our compatriots prefer to fly to Istanbul. In January, the weather is nice there, but of course you can’t swim and sunbathe. And then what to do there? Where to go, what to see and what to feast on in the Turkish metropolis, we will tell in this article.


Istanbul in January is a wonderful holiday destination. Like any other city located on the Black Sea, it cannot boast of stable weather. It is impossible to predict in advance whether it will be warm or the piercing sea wind will not allow you to leave the hotel. Of course, you can rely on weather forecasts, but they often turn out to be wrong, so when you take a ticket, you will only need to hope for luck.

Istanbul tours in january

According to average statistics, in Istanbul in January, the thermometer rarely drops to -2 ° . It may seem to our compatriots that -2 ° C is even warm compared to our standard -20 ° C. But this is an erroneous opinion. The cold wind from the sea penetrates through, and sometimes you want to return to your native -20 ° C. But this is rare. The average temperature in the Turkish metropolis is 15 ° C. When the sun is shining, walking along the street is a pleasure. The weather brings back memories of warm spring days in Russia.

How to relax: take a tour or plan a trip yourself?

Everyone is free to choose their own way of traveling. But how to choose the right one?

Is it worth going to Istanbul in January
All prudent people understand that when ordering a ticket to a travel agency, you overpay. After all, a travel agency needs to pay employees a salary, and, in principle, make at least some profit. Therefore, if you want to save money, then you definitely need to go on your own.

But buying tours to Istanbul in January, you are depriving yourself of many problems. You don’t have to choose a hotel on your own, buy tickets, paint your travel program, think about where to eat. Well, and, of course, it is impossible to foresee everything. Travel agencies send tourists on a daily trip. Employees know all the pitfalls that can be found when organizing a tour, and successfully bypass them. Therefore, you can give this advice: if you are flying to Istanbul for the first time, then it is better to use the services of a travel agency, and if this is the second visit, you can fly on your own.

Country Culture

Istanbul is the capital of the former Ottoman Empire, so the past leaves its mark on the present. Most of the population of the Turkish metropolis preaches Islam. Therefore, religion imposes on the inhabitants many different obligations and prohibitions. Turks do not drink alcohol and do not approve of tourists drinking alcohol. The female half of the Turkish population dresses modestly, in clothes covering its entire body. And people expect the same outfits from visiting ladies.

Turks are very fond of holidays and festivals. The most popular of them are: Youth Day, Tulip Festival and Shopping Festival. Regarding the last event, we can say that the Turks are very fond of trading and bargaining. The market is a favorite place for locals. Here they can not only buy products, but also find out the latest news.

Istanbul in January what to see

National cuisine

If the weather in Istanbul in January may not be pleasant for tourists, then Turkish food will certainly cause positive emotions among Russians. Turks cook a lot and love to eat. What are the most common dishes?

Holidays in Istanbul in January

  • Kebab - in our country it is called barbecue. But in Istanbul, fried meat is not served in large pieces, but in small pieces, they are more like our goulash.
  • Lahmajun - a kind of pizza with minced meat. To taste, just before eating, in such a meat pancake, you can add parsley, onions or mint. Mint is needed so that lahmajun is sharper. Then the "pizza" is folded into a tube and eaten in this form.
  • Baklava is a national Turkish sweet. It is a multilayer dough that is interconnected by a layer of nuts and honey syrup. This cake is traditionally served with tea.


If this is your first time in the city, the question involuntarily arises of what to see. Istanbul in January is excellent. It is sunny and warm during the day, the weather has long walking excursions.

  • Hagia Sophia - this unique building was built in the VI century. In 1453, the Orthodox Cathedral was captured by the Turks and converted into a mosque. Today, the Byzantine art monument is a museum.
    istanbul january reviews
  • Edikule is a fortress, which today is also a museum. The castle, built by the Byzantine craftsmen, used to be a prison. Therefore, today the main exhibits of the museum are ancient instruments of torture.
  • Dolmabahçe Palace - in translation from Turkish, the name sounds like “bulk garden”. If the weather in Istanbul is rainy in January, you can take a walk through the unique interiors, for the decoration of which more than 100 kg of gold was spent. Also in the palace there is a room made entirely of crystal. For Russians, it will be a pleasant surprise to see the work of their compatriot I. Aivazovsky on the walls.


Most tourists who traveled to Istanbul in January leave positive reviews. Yes, this is not surprising. A large Turkish city, divided into two parts (old and new), finds fans among various social and age groups of tourists. Here you can admire the architecture, eat deliciously and have fun in the hotel restaurant.

Some tourists leave bad reviews about the trip. Holidays in Istanbul in January did not work out for them simply because they were not lucky with the weather. If ice appears on the roads of Turkey, then all transport is worth it. Winter tires in the country are not in use, and this fact complicates the movement of tourists.

Istanbul in January

But some people are so lucky that they even manage to swim in the sea. The water temperature, of course, will not be higher than + 12 ° C, but not all tourists are confused by this fact. If the body is hardened, then you quickly get used to the water. And going ashore is just a pleasure. No cold is felt, since the temperature of the water is the same with the temperature of the air.

How to choose a hotel?

In order not to lose money with the hotel, you first need to interview your friends or read reviews. Going randomly is not worth it. Since the Turks are a very economical and enterprising people, they know how to cash in on tourists. Locals can even sell you a place in the bungalow, but even at + 10 ° C, sleeping on the street is not very comfortable.

If you want a comfortable stay, you need to know in advance about the availability of a swimming pool in the hotel. And you definitely need to make sure that it is heated. It is desirable that the pool was indoor, but this, in principle, is optional. If you plan to relax with children, then it is better to choose a hotel in the new part of the city. It is less touristy, and noisy parties under the window do not exist there.

weather in Istanbul in January

What to pack in a suitcase?

You need to understand that the temperature in any city located on the Black Sea is unstable. If you never rested in Istanbul in January, then you probably went to St. Petersburg in the fall or spring. So the weather in the cultural capital of Russia is very similar to the one that awaits you in the Turkish metropolis. Should I go to Istanbul in January? Of course yes. Prices for tickets are low, and you can look at the magnificent architecture in any weather.

What is the first thing to take with you? Well, of course, warm things. Jeans, sweaters and coats will be most welcome. From shoes you can do with autumn boots and rubber boots. On the streets of the city there is always high humidity, so you should not take suede shoes with you. And for the same reason, you should give preference to a leather coat.

Almost all hotels give towels and soap, so you do not need to bring these things with you. But the first-aid kit is simply necessary. You can buy medicine in Istanbul, but you will need to find a pharmacy and explain to the seller that it hurts. And the Russian language in Turkey is used only by tourists and sellers in the market.


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