Which oven is better - gas or electric? Which oven to choose - gas or electric?

Almost everyone who had to buy household appliances for the kitchen wondered: which oven is better - gas or electric? Comparing the prices of gas and electric options, you can see that the first devices will be the undisputed leader. However, according to experts, the second type is most suitable for a housewife. To figure out which oven is better - gas or electric, we will devote a separate article to this topic.

which oven is better gas or electric
Today we will find out all the features, advantages and disadvantages of both options. So, a gas or electric oven - which one to choose?

What are gas devices good for?

Such a technique appeared much earlier than electric, and so far its popularity has no limits. What are its features? Firstly, many owners purchase such devices precisely because of the price category. They cost at least 20-30 percent cheaper than electrical counterparts. Secondly, gas devices are very convenient to use. Cooking in such ovens is very simple, because they do not have a large set of functions.

which ovens are the best
Well, you can control and change the temperature with just one regulator. Those who are not good at electronics will appreciate this. Thirdly, food in gas ovens cooks much faster than in electric ones. In fact, the food is processed on an open fire, which means that the heating temperature here is higher.

About the disadvantages of gas devices

Gas or electric oven - which is better? In order to answer this question, let's look at the disadvantages of this technique. The main disadvantage of gas ovens is a high fire and explosion hazard. The oven, like all other gas equipment, requires compliance with special rules of use. Such devices pose a much greater danger to humans than conventional electrical devices. Even with a minor gas leak, you risk not only your life, but also the lives of everyone around you, and the consequences can be tragic. To prevent this from happening, in no case do you need to install the oven yourself. There are specialists for this, and you should not save on the installation of an oven or gas stove.

gas or electric earwheel which one to choose

The next disadvantage of gas ovens is poor temperature control. You can control the flame only partially, since no instrument will set you this or that temperature with an accuracy of 1 degree Celsius. The time recommended for cooking this or that dish will also be approximate.

Another disadvantage is the high pollution. This happens because the gas is supplied with various impurities and additives, which when burned form carbon deposits that resemble a wax film. Washing it is quite difficult even with the use of abrasive products. By the way, filters on hoods also absorb part of this carbon deposit. Accordingly, they have to be changed more often.

Gas or electric oven - which is better? Advantages of electrical analogues

This technique has a sufficient set of functions in order to cook food as soon as possible using the minimum amount of electricity. Thanks to its wide functionality, even a novice housewife can feel like a chef and cook any gourmet dish. Thus, an electric oven is a fully adjustable appliance that has all the necessary features to facilitate and automate the cooking process.

It should also be noted and the high safety of such equipment. Unlike a gas one, you can connect an electric oven yourself - just buy the appropriate outlet and plug the plug into it. Such a technique will not catch fire, much less explode, and even a child can use it.

gas or electric oven is better

Cleanliness is one of the main criteria for proper cooking. That is why manufacturers make such plates in which there is simply no pollution on the walls of the device. And if gas ovens form a resistant coating, then in electrics there is no such problem. And really, what kind of soot can arise from the operation of the heating element?

Considering the question of which oven is better - gas or electric, it is necessary to note the possibility of precise temperature control in the latter. And the whole secret is that a special regulator allows the device to set the desired heating level with an accuracy of 1 degree Celsius. In gas analogues, there is no such possibility.

About the shortcomings of the electric oven

As we said at the beginning of the article, the cost of electrical units is significantly different from gas, and not for the better for the buyer. Due to the fact that the average price for such ovens is 15-20 percent higher than the others, many prefer gas devices, despite all the difficulties of their operation.

gas or electric oven which is better

Listing the main disadvantages of these devices, their absolute dependence on power should also be noted. In this regard, experts do not recommend installing them in those houses where there are frequent power outages. Judge for yourself - if the power supply is turned off in the apartment, you simply won’t be able to heat the kettle on the stove at least, and even more so use the oven. Therefore, when choosing, always consider not only the functionality of the equipment, but also the stability of your power supply.

To summarize

So, is the oven gas or electric? Is it better to give preference to a cheap or expensive option? Is it worth it to overpay? Listing all the advantages and disadvantages of both options, it is easy to determine which oven is better - gas or electric. The undisputed leader is precisely electrical devices.

Arguments in favor of such ovens

  1. Security.
  2. Convenient functionality.
  3. Simplicity and clarity in use.
  4. The ability to control and accurately set the temperature.
  5. Uniform roasting dishes.
  6. Profitability in terms of energy use. Gas rises in price over time, and faster than electricity, so this energy is more promising.
  7. Such ovens are more thermally insulated, and therefore do not heat the air too much.
  8. After cooking, you will not have the need for additional cleaning of the walls of the device from soot.

Which electric oven is better? Manufacturer's expert reviews

In the Russian market there are a lot of suitable options that work from a stationary 220 V power supply network. If you finally decided to purchase such an oven, pay attention to the following manufacturers:

  1. Virpul.
  2. "Ariston."
  3. "Hansa."
  4. Juneau Electrolux.
  5. AEG.
  6. "Bosch" (its average cost is about 800-950 euros).
  7. "Siemens".
  8. "Burning."
  9. "Zanussi."
  10. Ikea (the cheapest on the world market - the average cost is about 200-220 euros).
  11. "Miele" (by the way, this oven is the most convenient to care for, it is easier to clean).
    which electric oven is better reviews

It is they who are engaged in the production of high-quality household appliances, and the units of these firms, according to reviews, are reliable in operation, economical and fairly easy to care for.


So, we found out which ovens are the best. As you can see, the future is in electricity, so if you want to buy equipment for centuries, buy exactly such units.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E17241/

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