Permission to weapons how to get? Help for permission

Nowadays, you can find on sale and purchase weapons for hunting, sports, as well as for self-defense. Naturally, you won’t be able to come to the store and just buy your favorite gun. The law requires permission to purchase this specific product. The question arises, where to get permission for a weapon, how to get it, whether there are pitfalls in this matter. Let's try to figure it out.

Letter of the law

Let us first turn to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation on Arms, which considers and regulates all legal relations that arise during the circulation of weapons in our country. Article 13 says that citizens of our country who have reached the age of majority and have received a license to purchase it from the Ministry of Internal Affairs have the right to purchase sports, signal, weapons for hunting and self-defense, along with bladed cold weapons.

weapons permit how to get
Bearing in mind that Cossacks carry bladed cold steel with their national costumes, and sporting guns are mainly interesting to athletes, and these citizens are probably aware of the process of obtaining permission, we will discuss the remaining types of weapons - for hunting and for self-defense. For each of them there is a specific type of license. For the hunter - a license to purchase a hunter with a smooth barrel, pneumatic or rifled weapons, for self-defense - permission to purchase, carry and store weapons for self-defense. It is worth noting that there are almost no differences in obtaining these licenses. However, some nuances are still worth considering. Let's try to understand how to get permission for a weapon, what is needed for this. We will analyze all this right now.
extension permit for smoothbore weapons

Before you closely begin to engage in obtaining permission, it is worthwhile to understand in more detail what requirements are imposed on the person receiving it:

  • Age of majority.
  • The presence of a permanent place of residence.
  • Lack of records about a person in a neuropsychiatric and narcological clinic.
  • Lack of criminal record for intentional crimes.
  • The absence of repeated offenses over a period of one year.
  • The absence of diseases with symptoms that often manifest themselves along with chronic diseases.
  • No vision problems.

Where to get a gun permit? If a person meets the above requirements, then he can safely begin to search in the local police department for licensing and licensing. When the necessary department is found, it is best to look there and clarify a few points about obtaining a license. Firstly, you will make sure that you are doing what you need here, and secondly, once again, update in your memory the information about which papers you need to prepare.

extension permit for smoothbore weapons

The next step on the way to the license will be to visit the clinic. Here we need to obtain a document such as a certificate for weapons 046-1. For those who have ever undergone a medical commission to obtain a driver’s license, obtaining a certificate for a weapon permit will not seem like something new. Basically, a check with a doctor is a formal procedure, except for a person with low vision who may have problems with an optometrist. If the candidate on the vision test table cannot read the sixth line from the top with one eye and the second with the other eye, which will correspond to visual acuity of 0.5 and 0.2, he will not pass the checkup at the eye doctor. Accordingly, such a candidate will not be issued a permit for weapons.

In addition, to obtain a certificate it is necessary to appear in a narcological and psychiatric dispensary, where they must confirm that the candidate is not registered there and has no health problems. After the medical certificate for the weapon is on hand, you can proceed to the collection of documents. Let's list them.

  • Weapon permit application. A sample can be obtained from the inspector at the local police department.
  • Copy of the passport.
  • Two photos.
  • Received certificate for weapons.

If there are no problems with the collection, then with a package of documents you must contact the licensing department, where they must issue:

weapons documents

  • A receipt that must be paid for the state fee.
  • Direction to the precinct.
  • Referral to a specialized training center for passing a test on the use of weapons.

Let’s figure out where to carry these documents on weapons. Let's start with the most difficult, namely the passing of the test.

Weapon test

First you need to visit the training center and ask what requirements are applied to the candidates, as well as find out the opening days and opening hours. For those who are not afraid of the test, you can prepare for the questions yourself, finding all the necessary information. As a rule, in order to successfully pass the test, you need to answer nine out of ten questions that relate to the following topics:

weapons permit application

  • Federal Law "On Weapons". Attention should be paid to 17, 22, 24 articles.
  • Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation . Questions relate to article twentieth.
  • Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, namely, Art. 37-39, 222-224.
  • Various rules governing actions with weapons.

If the test didn’t give in the first time, it’s not a problem. Training centers provide a second attempt, however, a second chance must be paid again. For those who, for the second time, could not answer correctly the required number of questions, a referral to paid courses is drawn up. After listening to the lectures by the candidate, the whole procedure is repeated again. As practice shows, after passing the courses, rarely does anyone cope with the test. When he is handed over, the candidate will be given the certificate necessary for the employees of the Ministry of the Interior.

Visiting the precinct

To obtain a certificate from a local policeman, you need to get his phone number and find out the opening hours when he can be found on the spot. In order for everything to go well, the district police officer must make sure that you have a weapon box at home, but more on that later.

State duty payment

No problems should arise here, all you need to know is the necessary details. They are indicated on the receipt. Therefore, you can safely go to the nearest bank and pay.

The final stage

Now it remains to take all the documents for weapons and come to the police department. After employees verify that everything is normal, the production of the long-awaited license will begin. In theory, the permit should be ready one month after the filing of the documents, but in practice the wait can last up to several months.

weapons permit what you need

As a result, in order to get a license, you will need to spend money on photographs, certificates from a narcologist and psychiatrist, certificate 046-1 and other documents. Obtaining a weapon permit will cost a lot. It all depends on how many change attempts are made.

Weapons permit. How to get it on a hunting shotgun?

We can say that obtaining permission for this type is not particularly different from that used for defense. In this case, only a purchase license is issued, while for self-defense there is also permission to carry and store. The acquisition license is valid for six months, and if a person does not acquire anything during this time, it must be renewed or canceled.

What is a license? These are three forms, two of which remain in the arms store, and one remains with the buyer. It is necessary to contact him at the Department of Internal Affairs for two weeks in order to issue a storage permit issued for a specific weapon model instead. This will happen, as practice shows, not earlier than in a week.

Hunting ticket

After all the above actions, a permit to store hunting weapons should be on hand. Now, by law, a person has the right to keep a gun at home and the only thing he is allowed to do is to admire him. And certainly it was acquired not only for this. But if the owner of the shotgun wants to, for example, move him to another place and the traffic police will find this when inspecting the car, the owner will have problems. Therefore, it is necessary to distinguish between the concepts of storage and carrying. In order to be able to carry weapons, a document such as a hunting ticket is needed.

documents obtaining a permit for weapons

We will understand the nuances of obtaining a hunting ticket. First you need to find a hunting club. If you didn’t buy weapons for hunting, it’s not very important what kind of organization it will be, the main thing is that the amount of contributions suits you. There are several types of hunting tickets: state and membership. If we consider the legal side of these two types, then for a person who is not going to engage in hunting, it is preferable to choose a state type hunting ticket. It will cost much less, and also includes a free annual renewal. If a person plans to hunt, then the choice is best made in favor of a membership card. By the way, you will have to pay about thirty dollars for it, and pay the same amount annually for the extension.

weapons permit deadlines

After completing all the documents of the candidate, testing awaits, similar to the one discussed above. In the event of their successful delivery, the "hunter" will be given a permit for weapons. How to get a hunter ticket? This document should be addressed to the Department of Internal Affairs, and then it will remain to prepare a box for storing weapons, as well as pay the state fee.

Rifle license

The advantages of rifles over smoothbore are obvious. The aiming range of smoothbore weapons is one hundred meters maximum, which is a significant drawback. Those who plan to shoot at longer distances, it is best to purchase a rifled type of weapon. Threaded trunks are distinguished by rifling, which, when a bullet moves along them, untwist it in the forward direction. This very rotation gives the bullet flight a more stable character, which positively affects the aiming of the shot. From such weapons can be fired at objects located at a distance of up to five hundred meters. By the way, it is unlikely that shooting at such a distance can be tied to self-defense, but the situations are different. Also, having such weapons, you can go hunting.

permission to carry firearms

Obtaining permission to purchase rifled weapons conceals some subtleties:

  • Firstly, the candidate must own smoothbore weapons for five years.
  • Secondly, he must have a hunting ticket in his hands, and also five years. This is necessary in order for the gun to be recognized as a hunting one, and not for self-defense.

If these features are not taken into account, permission is obtained to carry rifled type firearms in the same way as in the process described above.

weapons permit

Buying weapons. Traumatic

Buying this type of weapon should not cause difficulties. After the license is obtained, you should go to the store and choose the model you like. Then, before two weeks pass, it is necessary to visit the department described above at the local police department with the weapons purchased. There, the inspector must verify the number and stamp the license. There is also the option of buying traumatic weapons from hand. In this case, it is necessary to obtain permission for traumatic weapons, documents, and also to issue clearance at the local police department. In principle, everything happens the same as in the case of the purchase of weapons in the store, only the role of the store is performed by the licensing department.

Buying smoothbore weapons

An important difference in the process of buying this type of weapon is that there is only a permit for the purchase of weapons, which subsequently changes to a permit that allows carrying weapons. It is worth noting that in order to buy several smoothbore guns, you need to get the same number of licenses. Given the fact that medical certificate 046-1 is relevant for six months, the process of obtaining another, additional license can be postponed for several months. When registering weapons, it is very important not to forget to bring not only a license, but also the weapon itself with a passport.

weapon certificate

The law allows for one license to purchase up to five samples of traumatic weapons, which are recorded on the back of the document. In the case of a smoothbore, the owner must have all five permissions, for each weapon.


How long is a weapon permit valid? The timing is as follows:

  • For the purchase of smoothbore weapons - six months.
  • For carrying weapons with smooth trunks - 5 years.
  • On weapons for self-defense - 5 years.

If the weapon was not purchased within the specified time period, then an extension is required for the documents. A smoothbore weapon permit is either renewed for a new term or surrendered to the licensed work department. In cases where the remaining licenses expire, registration is required again.

Weapon purchase

As noted above, when obtaining a license for weapons, a prerequisite is the presence of a special cabinet for storage. The law states that all citizens of our country are obliged to store their weapons and ammunition at their place of residence, and in locked cabinets or drawers that prevent access to weapons by attackers and any other unauthorized persons.

where to get permission for weapons

Finding a place to sell weapons cabinets is not difficult; you should first visit the large arms stores. There is also the option of ordering a safe from the company involved in their installation. These organizations will not only bring the purchased cabinet to the place, but also, if desired, will help to mount it. The range of prices for safes is very large, and, based on any material capabilities, you can choose a cabinet for weapons. In the most budgetary version, the buyer will receive a weapon box made of thin sheets of steel, which will be locked. The only thing this cabinet protects from is from the prying eyes of the guests, because the design of this cabinet is very simple, and if you want to steal the contents from it, it will not be difficult.

permission for traumatic weapons documents

For those who are worried about the weapons stored in the house, you can offer the purchase of a cabinet more serious. Such cabinets have a greater mass and burglary resistance. Naturally, it will be necessary to pay for such a characteristic, so it makes sense to find a middle ground between the cost of the safe, the price of the weapons stored there, and the likelihood of theft.

issuance of weapons permits

The first thing you need to pay attention to when buying a cabinet for a weapon is its dimensions, because they must correspond to the size of the weapons stored there. If the weapon has not yet been bought, it is better to take care of a certain stock. To save usable space in the apartment, as well as for a certain disguise, you can mount a safe in the wall. Its thickness in most apartments, of course, will not allow the installation of such elements in them. Therefore, this option is more suitable for private homes.

In addition to the dimensions of the box, an important role is played by the opinion and requirements of the district police officer, which are not excluded, which will diverge from the norms. For example, the district police officer will require the installation of a separately lockable department for ammunition in a box, or he will not be allowed to put a cabinet in the hallway. You can, of course, argue with him and try to justify his point of view to him, but there are recommendations in advance to learn about these requirements and save yourself from unnecessary hassle.

It is also worth noting that weapons cabinets must be attached to the walls or floor with anchor bolts. The way to rule out theft, of course, is not very reliable, but it does have its advantages. For example, this will eliminate its fall, and also relieve problems with the district.

Weapon Box Prices

  • Budget models of small pistol cases with a width, height and depth of about thirty centimeters cost around forty dollars.
  • Models equipped with crossbar locking devices will cost no more than a hundred dollars.
  • Prices for pistol cases, with thicker walls (3 mm), start from a hundred dollars.
  • Boxes containing 2 samples, about 1.2 m high, cost around $ 150.

Cabinets for larger smooth-bore and rifled specimens cost from $ 250.


permission to store hunting weapons

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