What is a seedling? This is the beginning of a new life.

All living things that surround us in the world were once quite tiny. This little grain can be called completely differently, grain or seed. Caring parents invested in the crumbs bit by bit, but just so much that one fine moment a new violent life appeared from it. At one point, a tiny seed begins to behave differently - it swells, bursts and a seedling appears on its surface. It is he who symbolizes that the time has come to leave your cozy nest with a small crumb. What is a seedling, and what does it have to go through?

what is a seedling

First there was a seed

In the plant world, reproduction can occur in completely different ways. But often this process occurs due to the separation of the seed from the mother plant (tuber or spores), which contains the genetic information of the parents and the necessary resource to provide and maintain a new life separately from them. What is a seedling? This is the part that appears on the surface of the seeds the very first. It is not yet a sprout or leaf, but only a visible part of the embryo developing inside the seed. Seedlings appear on the surface only when the time for their development is most favorable. This may be due to the season, temperature or humidity of the environment.


He will become big and strong

What is a seedling? This is the state in which the future plant resides, it has already broken through the wall of the seed, but it has not yet turned into a leaf. Before it becomes an adult, strong and can give a new generation, he will need to go through several more stages of his development. The sprout will develop into a sprout, give its first leaf, and then the stem. After a while, new seeds will fall to the ground, and the process will be repeated again.

Now you know what a seedling is when it appears and what it will turn into in the future.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E17244/

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