How does a husky differ from a husky? The similarities and differences between huskies and huskies

These are amazingly beautiful dogs. Nobody can pass by them indifferently. But not everyone can distinguish between these two noble breeds - in fact there is a lot in common between them. It's time to figure out how a husky differs from a husky. To do this, you need to familiarize yourself with the characteristic features of each breed.

Siberian Husky

This is a northern sled dog of Russian origin, although FCI (International Canine Union) ascribes to her American roots.

how husky differs from husky
In fact, breeders in America used in breeding a modern breed of sled indigenous dogs taken from the indigenous peoples of Anadyr, Kamchatka and Kolyma - Yukagirs, Eskimos and Kereks. Many of these small nationalities are mistakenly united under the common name "Chukchi". The first difference between a husky and a husky is precisely the purpose: the husky is a sledding breed, the husky is a hunting one.

In the midst of the gold rush in Alaska, dogs were the main means of transportation. By that time, the Americans had already mastered the Russian Far East and North - the inhabitants were actively engaged in whaling and seal hunting. So there was no question of which dogs should be relocated to Alaska. At this stage, the difference between husky and husky was somewhat leveled - both dogs were equally in demand.

difference between husky and husky
Where are the American roots from?

This misunderstanding happened at the beginning of the twentieth century. For the first time in the country of Soviets, a general register of northern dogs was compiled. The color of the dog tribe - sledding - did not fall into this register in view of their recognition as unpromising: in the USSR they should no longer ride dog teams. There were already planes, helicopters, snowmobiles and snowmobiles on the horizon. The Americans were farsighted. They exported from Siberia and already started to breed sled dogs in the USA, and soon they were happy to design them as a breed, put in the register all the features of each species and subspecies, and specified, in particular, how a husky differs from a husky. They still kept their priority for huskies as an excellent race breed. By the way, dog races, held in Alaska since 1908, are held to this day.

Husky breed characterization

Husky is small in size - up to 60 cm at the withers of males and up to 56 cm at females - and low weight (maximum 28 kg). But this compactness is deceptive - the Siberian husky can tirelessly carry riders for many hours in a row under the most difficult conditions. By nature, these are very friendly dogs, which excludes their use as security guards. And the hunters from them are not very good.

differences husky and husky

Russian like

As mentioned above, a husky is mainly a hunting dog, and this is the main answer to the question of how a husky differs from a husky. By and large, this name can be considered the collective designation of all hunting dogs in the forest zone of the Eurasian north. They belong to the group of Spitz and their subspecies. This dog is more fortunate in Russia: in 1911, the breed was officially classified by Russian dog handlers. The differences between huskies and huskies are also that in the case of huskies, the superiority in her breeding was not inferior to foreigners, and she remained a โ€œRussian huskyโ€. At the same time, one of the breeding pioneers - a passionate hunter and dog breeder, Prince A. A. Shirinsky-Shikhmatov - noted that there are as many varieties of huskies as there are tribes living in the North and Siberia. In total, dozens of subspecies are distinguished: Tunguska, Finno-Karelian, Zyryansk, Ostyak, Votyak, Norwegian, Buryat Laika ... The list is very impressive. Thanks to the efforts of true fans of cynology - the already mentioned A. A. Shirinsky-Shikhmatov, M. G. Dmitrieva-Sulim and others - in-depth studies of the breed appeared. True, later, starting in 1925, many of the judgments of the first researchers were found to be erroneous, most of the varieties listed never existed. With each subsequent classification, the list of huskies was revised. Today, Russian-European, East Siberian, West Siberian, Yakut, Karelian-Finnish huskies are known.

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Laika: breed characteristics

This is a real hunter, so strong and dexterous that they go with him to the largest animals - to ungulates and even bears, as well as to smaller game - to fur animals. Laika both hunts and brings prey itself, and this is an essential sign of how a husky differs from a husky. Both dogs are almost identical in height and weight. Laika reaches 60-61 cm at the withers, weight - up to 23 kg. She is the same fluffy, with a stiff sticking out coat and a snow-white collar, like husky dogs.

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Husky and husky: how do the breeds differ and how are the breeds similar?

Why does the question of the similarity of two completely different breeds arise? In fairness, we must admit that there are still similar signs. Both breeds, by height and weight, belong to the middle category. Both dogs have a luxurious thick fur coat with a hard undercoat, which helps them to feel great in the harsh conditions of Siberia and the Far North. The color of the husky and husky can be similar - from black and white to brown-white, with a thick white collar. In general, both dogs are very beautiful and do not leave anyone indifferent.

And now about the differences. The very first difference between a husky and a husky is the exterior. It is difficult for an experienced dog breeder to confuse these animals, although it is sometimes difficult for an amateur to understand. And therefore it is useful to once again consider the signs of each animal in order to know how to distinguish husky from husky.

Explicit rock differences

The first and main difference has already been said: husky - a sled and a racing dog, a husky - a hunting one. If necessary, each of them can be used both for riding and hunting at the same time, but they perform worse tasks that are unusual for them. Further. Huskyโ€™s constitution is stronger and denser, while huskyโ€™s is lighter and leaner. The tail of the husky is usually lowered, the husky - raised to the back. Husky, by the way, has a more fluffy tail than husky. And by the paws you can distinguish these dogs: wide, strong husky paws give out a sled dog, with husky they are more compact.

how to distinguish husky from husky
And the most striking difference is, of course, the eyes. Not a single dog, including a husky, has such blue eyes as a husky, and in this they have no equal. But they did not fly into space, unlike huskies. Husky have a self-cleaning coat, and they are practically odorless, but the husky has the usual dog smell. And often it is this circumstance that becomes decisive in the question of who is better - husky or husky, when it comes to choosing a domestic dog. Yes, these great sledding and hunting dogs are not always used for their intended purpose. Recently, more and more often it is they who are chosen as a companion dog for maintenance in a private compound or even in a city apartment.

In general, the question of the superiority of a breed is at least illogical. How can you choose the best dog from the two best, which are also so close in many ways that they are even confused? If you are lucky to get a puppy of either of these two breeds, you can assume that a real friend for adults and children has appeared in the family.


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