What is sumy? What is this plant characterized by?

Sumacs (Rhus) belong to the sumac family, which includes about 150 species. Most of these plants grow in South Africa, but some species are found in southern Europe.

what is sumy
If we talk about what sumy is, in terms of species diversity, then most often these are low deciduous trees. There are lianas with shrubs in the family, but there are much fewer of them.

These plants have long attracted the attention of landscape designers. Oddly enough, if we talk about colors, they are extremely unpretentious. Inflorescences are small and faded, collected in large panicles.

But the leaves immediately attract the eye, since in some species they are not only extremely beautiful, but also reach meter length. Having learned about what sums are, you will certainly be interested in the possibility of growing them.

As we already said, these plants are very attractive in appearance, but serious problems can arise with their cultivation in a cold climate. In the south of the country it is not bad to grow sumy naked. Tannic (leather) sumac is quite common on the mountainous slopes of the Caucasus. Its fragrant variety, which is a vine, is also found there.

Sumy plant
In the conditions of our climate, the sumy plant is fluffy best. Often it severely freezes in winter, but without any particular problems it recovers after snow melts.

This is a very original and beautiful tree, which under suitable conditions can reach a height of 10 meters. The openwork and magnificent crown is very beautiful, and shoots of a specific color, which sink almost to the ground, resemble deer antlers. The leaves are velvety to the touch and quite long.

Despite the unpretentious colors, they serve as a bait for bees pollinating your site. After flowering, beautiful fruits are formed, to which songbirds are very partial.

The Sumy plant, photos of which are in our article, tolerates drought and is almost indifferent to air pollution. And therefore, it may well be recommended for creating green hedges in cities. Keep in mind that its root offspring spread quickly, and therefore sumac can capture large areas, displacing primary species from them.

Sumy plant photo
It grows best in well-lit areas, but is easily put up with some shading. It tolerates brackish soil, but grows better on alkaline soils.

So if we talk about what sumy is, it is best to call it a plant that is ideal for urban landscaping. Of course, when it comes to a fairly warm area.

It is best to plant seedlings older than three years on the site. Note that the plant is dioecious, so to obtain fruits and seeds, you need to plant two seedlings at once. It is best to do this in the spring, deepening the root neck by three to five centimeters. Between the seedlings, you can leave a distance of no more than one or two meters.

The plant does not require special care. An important tip: loosen the root circle as carefully as possible, since the slightest damage to the fragile fibrous root system will lead to the instant formation of new sprouts. It’s easiest to mulch the soil right away.

So you found out what sumy is!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E17248/

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