Statute of limitations: what is worth knowing?

For many drivers, the question is what is the statute of limitations for the traffic police fine? After all, the rules of the road are constantly violated, appropriate penalties are imposed for this. What will happen if you don’t pay? So, let's first find out how it is written in the law. The action for which traffic police inspectors can write a fine is an administrative offense. Therefore, the time after which you can be held accountable is determined by the Administrative Code of Russia. To be precise, it is defined in article thirty-one / nine in this regulatory act.

limitation period

So, it says that the statute of limitations of fines is a two-year period of time. It turns out that you can forget about the fine that has not been paid for this period. But! This is only in theory. It is worth paying attention to the reverse side of the coin.

If the traffic police issued an administrative penalty in your name in the form of a fine, the legislator gives you the right to appeal this decision. If you refuse to challenge this fact, then ten days later the named document enters into legal force. The statute of limitations is counted from this date. When the time period allotted for payment has expired, no one will be able to fine you, since the punishment is recognized as null and void. The document with which the penalty was imposed is returned to the structure that handed it to you. The following article determines that it can be both a court and other authorities.

statute of limitations

And now the most interesting! In no case should you forget that if, within a month after the decision comes into force, you don’t transfer the money to pay the fine, it automatically doubles. Then you have to pay, in fact, two such fines. Therefore, it is worthwhile to think carefully and weigh all the possible consequences before hoping for a statute of limitations.

You also need to pay attention to the fact that in August 2011, sanctions in the Administrative Code were tightened. If you rely on the statute of limitations and do not pay your penalty on time, an arrest of up to fifteen days may be applied to you.

traffic police fine

What else should you keep in mind is that if the misconduct, for which a fine has already been imposed, is committed repeatedly, then this fact is recognized by the court as an aggravating circumstance. This can significantly tighten your next punishment, so try to prevent this by any means. If, after committing the offense, one year has passed, then you will be recognized as a person who did not commit such an offense.

From the foregoing, we can draw the appropriate conclusions. No need to hope and wait until the two-year statute of limitations expires for your administrative offense . In any case, you must do something (or pay this fine, or appeal it through the appropriate authorities). This way you can save your money, time, nerves, and also avoid most absolutely unnecessary problems and troubles.


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