The meaning of phraseology "you can’t do it on chaff." His origin

One of the main treasures of the Russian language are phraseological units. These are expressions that have a stable composition. They have a different origin: they are folk sayings, quotes, sayings, etc.

These expressions are distinguished by wisdom. They contain the experience of our ancestors. It is a figurative, capacious statement that makes speech brighter, more expressive, helps to convey thought more accurately.

In this article, we will consider the meaning of phraseology “you can’t fool it on a chaff”. Thus, we will enrich our vocabulary with another sustainable turn that has passed to us from our wise ancestors.

“You won’t fool it”: the meaning of phraseology

For the most accurate definition of expression, we turn to authoritative sources. In the dictionary of S. I. Ozhegov, the meaning of the phraseological unit is "you can’t fool it" - "about an experienced, knowledgeable person who is hard to fool." It is noted that the expression has a colloquial character.

the meaning of phraseology on the chaff can not be

In the phraseological dictionary of M. I. Stepanova, the meaning of the phraseological unit “cannot be fooled on the chaff” is “it is difficult to deceive, fool anyone”. The author of the collection notes that this stable expression is colloquial and expressive.

Based on the obtained definitions, we can draw the following conclusion. Phraseologism characterizes an experienced person who is difficult to deceive. How did he form? We will consider this further.

The origin of the expression

Let's analyze the composition of phraseology. Chaff is the remains of ears, stems and other wastes during threshing. If you don’t spend it, then you won’t deceive, you won’t outsmart. What do we get? Waste during threshing will not be able to outwit? Where does this expression come from?

to put on the chaff the meaning of phraseology in one word

It is from a fairy tale! From the very one in which, when sharing the harvest, the smart man gets grain, and the fool - chaff and bran. Do you remember? In it, the fool is trying to get the best, but the clever one outwitted him, and the grains went to him, and the fool went to the chaff. Thanks to this tale, the phraseological unit we are considering appeared.

Synonyms and antonyms of expression

Having considered a stable phrase, we can determine the turnover "spend on chaff." The meaning of phraseology in one word is "to outwit". But let's return to the composition of the expression, the analysis of which we conducted. We pick him synonyms, which are also phraseological units. And these stable expressions are “you can’t take it with your bare hands” and “shot sparrow”.

on chaff you will not hold the meaning of phraseology

They also characterize an experienced, experienced, cunning person who is not easy to fool.

The opposite meaning of phraseologism “you can’t do it on chaff” is “circle around the finger”. The phrase “leave with a nose” also refers to antonyms. These combinations of words characterize a slight deception, which is the opposite of the interpretation of the phraseological unit we are considering.


Like most phraseologisms, this steady circulation is most often found in fiction, print media, and movie-hero dialogues.

Having learned its meaning, we can safely use it in our speech, making it more expressive, rich and tagged.


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