Modern and funny bride ransom - interesting ideas and scenario

The ransom of the bride is an ancient custom that has its roots in the prohibition of incest. The groom was looking for a girl of a different kind. Often there were no ties between the two tribes, or they were at enmity. Therefore, the bride had to be taken accompanied by a squad, and her relatives paid a rich ransom. A lot of time has passed since then, however, and now the bridegroom is invited to compete for the narrowed one.

To be or not to be?

Traditionally, in front of the house of the bride of the groom and his friends, a witness with friends awaits. They offer to climb to the desired floor on foot, performing various tasks on the road. The unfortunate groom is wrapped in toilet paper, watered with salt water, forced to shout declarations of love, feverishly recall the mother-in-law's birth date, look for the prints of her bride’s lips and climb into a basin with her legs. For mistakes they require money, alcohol or sweets. Not surprisingly, many men are frightened by this prospect.

At the same time, most girls dream that the bridegroom, for their sake, would overcome all the trials, demonstrate to the near and dear ones the strength of their love. To observe the traditions, but not frighten the future husband, fun modern ransoms of the bride are called on. With their help, you can set the desired emotional background throughout the holiday.

What to consider

In order to avoid incidents, the bride must voice her expectations to her friends in advance. Well, if:

the groom sings a serenade
  • The repurchase process will take no more than 15-20 minutes.
  • The action will take place in a beautiful place: park, square. In extreme cases - before entering the house. Video recording in the stairwell never succeeds.
  • Competitions will not imply the adoption of alcoholic drinks by the groom and his friends.
  • The interests and fears of the chosen one will be taken into account. Don't make serenades of someone who has no hearing. Do not make a clown out of a serious businessman, forcing him to ride a tricycle. If you are a sports enthusiast, do not find the bride’s footprint, but a blindfold soccer ball.
  • Let the bride ransom competitions remind you of your love story, romantic moments.

Ready for family life!

Entering a new stage of life can be compared with a draft in the army. On the door of the porch hang the inscription “Recruiting office of the suitors”. A ridiculous ransom of the bride can be carried out by her father in general uniform and witness. To begin with, they build young people in a line and offer to execute commands, checking their sobriety.

dance of the groom and his friends

Then the groom is called forward, who proves his readiness for family life. He is invited to:

  • Overcome the path from the office to the store, and then to the blindfold house. A simple maze is drawn in advance on a Whatman paper, a felt-tip pen is handed to the groom. Friends suggest a direction.
  • Demonstrate the power of your love by complimenting the bride and eating lemon slices at the same time.
  • Build a house out of cubes in 3 minutes. The witness takes a fine if the house does not have a garage for two cars.
  • Plant a tree by attaching leaves to a trunk drawn on whatman paper. On each of them are written the duties that the groom must fulfill: bring coffee to bed, throw garbage, put socks in place, etc.
  • Raise a son, which becomes a friend of the groom. He needs to dress up in a bonnet and bib, give a nipple, sit on his knees and lull him to a lullaby.

Upon passing the tests, the bridegroom is awarded the title "Newlywed".

Baba Glasha

This cool bride ransom will appeal to the groom with a good sense of humor. The witness will play a harmful grandmother, who sits at the entrance and sticks her nose in everything. She greets guests with questions whom they are looking for: Tanya from the 5th apartment, to which gentlemen always roam? Lena, who is in her fifth month of pregnancy? Upon learning the answer, the old woman praises the bride and undertakes to check whether her groom is worthy.

competition for the groom

For this:

  • The witness should describe the positive qualities of a friend, putting each time a candy in his mouth.
  • The groom guesses how the displayed objects are related to his bride or their relationship.
  • Upon reaching the apartment, guests see on the door a lot of balls with male names. Need to burst the extra.

Several tapes stick out from behind a closed door. Baba Glasha suggests pulling the right one. The groom does this, a man comes out in a tulle curtain, then an old woman with a wand. Young people refuse “wrong” brides, Baba Glasha is perplexed that they are not satisfied. The groom is invited to describe his bride. After the story, Baba Glasha states that this is her exact portrait, but she liked the witness more. And if he allows him to kiss his cheek, the groom will receive his bride. After fulfilling the conditions, lovers meet.

Prince on a white horse

Every girl wants to feel like a princess. To fulfill this desire will help the stylized ransom of the bride. For each competition, the groom receives a piece of heart. Putting it together, he becomes the owner of the key to the apartment of his girlfriend.

knight and his bride

But before that you need:

  • Defeat a dragon drawn on a dartboard target.
  • Sing a serenade to the accompaniment of musical instruments. The bridegroom is given the words, his friends - ladles, covers from pots, spoons, whistle, rattles.
  • To accomplish a feat in the name of a beloved by collecting scattered objects in a garbage bag and peeling a potato.
  • Bring prey into the house (from the bow to get into balloons that depict animals).

Entering the apartment, the groom is faced with a new test. The evil sorceress turned the bride into a toy frog. You can save her by uttering a spell. A witness knows him, but first he will ask the groom to remember how some dates are memorable to the bride. Only after that the enchantment drops.

Travel agency "In search of a narrowed"

This is a funny and modern bride ransom, during which the groom goes on a journey. First you need to cross the border between single and family life. The customs officer will check the availability of alcohol, sweets, currency and will require to pay tax. Then comes the turn of the tests:

Foreclosure bride contests
  • "Choice of direction." The groom must find his bride in school photographs of the entire class.
  • "Buy a ticket." It is proposed to guess the country in its capital. At the end of the test, the witness asks for a ticket to which destination to issue to the groom. He must give the address of the bride.
  • "Airplane". The groom and the witness with one hand fold the plane out of the newspaper. How far will they throw him - so much will pass freely. Each next step involves answering the question of the bride, getting to know her, memorable events.
  • "Checkpoint". It is not easy to stay loving in difficult situations. Invite the groom to compliment his wife, who spent his entire salary, prepared “Doshirak” for dinner, read the messages on his phone, etc.
  • "I agree". The groom must pull out a piece of paper with this inscription in order to go to the bride. For every mistake he will have to pay. In order not to make the chosen one nervous, write a coveted phrase on all the pieces of paper.

Redemption of the bride in a private house

Relatives are actively involved in the competitions. A cottage or cottage is a great place to ransom the bride, especially if there is good weather. The yard can be pre-decorated with posters, balloons, flowers. Men and clockwork grandmothers dress up in tulle curtains, beads, wreaths of flowers, turning into fake brides.

The groom is met by a delegation of the girl’s parents and girlfriends. He is offered a choice of a few narrowed ones. When he begins to neglect fake beauties, parents complain about the intelligibility of modern youth. Does he even know which bride is his? A quiz on the biography of the narrowed is held:

  • Born in 1990 - yours?
  • At five, I read Blok by heart - yours?
  • Went to the swimming section - yours?
  • Falling asleep with a soft toy - yours?
  • Marries today an enviable groom - yours?
  • Does not utter a tear for all the years of marriage - yours?
kiss of the bride and groom

Tests from relatives

Just like that, father and mother refuse to give their daughter away and hold a series of contests. They need a son-in-law:

  • Savvy. The groom is offered several cut photos. Task: find and put together a portrait of the bride.
  • Handy. Father asks to hammer a nail.
  • Economic. Mother offers to disassemble and assemble the meat grinder for speed.
  • Strong. Hand wrestling with brother or uncle of the bride.
  • Cheerful. Groom and friends are dancing gypsy.
  • Caring and patient. The bride’s grandmother puts on a dressing gown over her clothes, the bridegroom is handed thick gauntlets and asked to button all the buttons.

In the finale, the comic oath of the future husband is pronounced, and the bride goes to her lover.

Redemption of the groom by the bride

Modern women strive to become one step with men. They take on a huge amount of responsibilities, compete with the stronger sex in the professional field. So the ransom of the bride, modern couples are sometimes replaced by the theft of the groom. In this case, the girl has to fight for her beloved, passing contests and paying money.

Such a turn can shock guests, so evaluate all the risks in advance. Get the consent of the groom, ask his friends for help. You can also choose a compromise option, when the groom first passes the test, and then he himself is taken from the bride.

bride and groom

In the clutches of a single life

So, the groom overcame all obstacles, reached the cherished door, the bride hurries to him, and then ... A “single life” appears in the form of a man dressed up in a woman’s dress. She does not agree to just give such a noble guy and offers to compete for him. The following contests follow:

  • "I will feed you." Idle Life offers dumplings, crackers and beer for dinner. What does the bride oppose?
  • "I will entertain you." "Idle life" promises football, gatherings with friends, a weekend on fishing and in the garage. What will the bride offer?
  • "Choose me". While the match is burning, the participants justify why the groom should choose each of them.
  • "I know you". “Idle life” and the bride take turns calling things that the groom likes. Who is bigger?
  • Dance with the groom. "Idle life" famously danced to the first verse and chorus of the song Dune "If there was a sea of ​​beer." Groom and bride include a romantic composition.

After dancing, the culprit of disputes makes his choice in favor of his beloved girl.

The ransom of the bride will be a good start to the whole holiday if the organizers manage to make it fun, original and not prolonged. The main thing is not to turn contests into mockery of the groom.


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