Furminator for cats: reviews of veterinarians and customers

Pets bring a lot of joyful emotions to the house. But this is only possible if the pet is well-fed, well-groomed and healthy. A loving owner takes into account all these points, but sometimes it is very difficult to maintain the coat of an animal in perfect order. In addition, molting causes a lot of problems for the person and the pet itself.

Allergic reactions are prone to humans and four-legged creatures. To help your pet, save furniture from shreds of wool and get rid of wool flying around the house, a furminator for cats will help. The reviews show that the invention of specialists in the field of accessories for animals helps to successfully solve the problem.

Cat Comb - Furminator

What it is

Breeders, together with scientists from American laboratories, invented a device that allows high-quality combing of excess hair in animals. Such a product is not just a familiar comb, but equipped with trimmer functions. Furminator resembles small automatic rake, working on the principle of a hair clipper.

Frequent cloves that do not have sharp edges help to comb out the hair. The device thus does not scratch the skin. Not to damage the delicate integument of the cat also helps a special excised shape of the teeth, which are located not quite close to each other.

Caterpillar for cats, reviews of breeders confirm this, qualitatively comb out only the inanimate undercoat, which is lost to the animal under natural circumstances. In this case, the main coat is not affected, not damaged, but only a combing process occurs, which stimulates the growth of new hairs.

When creating the device, a special patented technology is used. Therefore, the product is suitable for both short-haired cats and long-haired cats. At the same time, the breed is also not always important, but there are several types of furminators on sale.

Furminator for a cat

Types of appliances

Cat scrubber (furminator), reviews are from ordinary cat lovers and from professional breeders. It is the latter that recommend choosing a device depending on the type of animal's coat. In pet stores can offer two types - the classic version and deluxe. The quality of both products is excellent, but there are some differences:

  1. Classic pattern. The wool that remains on the cloves is removed manually.
  2. Deluxe It is equipped with more ergonomic handles, and the material of the product itself may be different. But the main advantage is the button that allows you to remove the wool automatically.

When choosing, it is also worth paying attention to the width of the cloves and their location to each other:

  • For kittens and small cats, a product is required where the width of the comb is 3.2 cm.
  • For medium-sized cats, whose weight does not exceed 5 kg, a product with a width of 4.5 cm is suitable.
  • The most common and popular furminator is a device where the width is 6.8 cm. It is used not only for combing adult cats, but also for dogs whose weight does not exceed 20 kg.

Additional options upon purchase

If you have decided on the model, then it is worth considering the length of the comb itself. If the cat is short-haired, then it needs short teeth, for long-haired - on the contrary. Of course, in the first case, the process itself takes less time.

How is the process going

A very useful acquisition for the care of longhair cats is the furminator. Reviews show that the process does not cause any discomfort to the animal, and some pets even really like it.

The process is as follows:

  1. In order not to interfere with long hair in the back, they can be raised using special clips.
  2. The device begins to move from the abdomen, towards the spine.
  3. Move carefully.
  4. After that, the clips are removed and the back is processed.
  5. Lastly, you can comb the tail. However, not all cats allow him to be touched.

Furminator for cats, reviews notice this, it is enough to use it once a month. There are fewer problems with shorthair creatures, and the process takes less time. The main thing is to move along the hair growth and not to press hard on the skin. It is applied up to 7 times a year, if necessary.

The process of using the furminator


Comb for cats (furminator), the reviews are extremely positive. But, like any device for animals, it has special warnings. Before use, you must familiarize yourself with the instructions, which, in particular, say:

  1. It is forbidden to use the product if the pet has skin lesions, wounds, ulcers or scratches. To begin with, dermatological problems are solved, and the hair is removed with an ordinary comb.
  2. In the presence of tangled hair and lumps, combing should not be started. It is necessary to use a wide comb, and clods are recommended to be cut.
  3. It is recommended that the animal bathe with a special shampoo to prevent tangling. But the procedure is optional. However, dirt must be removed from the coat.
  4. Even if the cat's skin is in satisfactory condition, the furminator cannot be carried on with effort, and even more so against the coat. In order not to harm the pet and not cause a persistent aversion to the procedure, they are carried out especially carefully in the tail and abdomen.

A comb for cats (furminator), there are a lot of reviews from ordinary animal lovers. But they all notice that before the procedure and during it it is important to affectionately communicate with the cat. Calm handling and delicacy after will lead to a normal perception by the cat of combing.

Furminator effect

Validity of use

During a molt of a pet, a person and the animal itself experience many problems. If you use a furminator for cats, the feedback is confirmation, you can get rid of the "dead" undercoat by 90%. If the animal has a long and dense coat, then in the summer you can use the device twice a month.

Breeders note that the advantages of use are immediately noticeable:

  • less wool on carpets;
  • in humans and animals, signs of allergy are reduced - redness in the eyes, sneezing and nasal congestion;
  • the cat begins to lick less and, accordingly, swallows less hair.

Veterinarians note that excess hair in the stomach leads to its diseases. In addition, the entire digestive tract suffers. That is why experts advise using a furminator for a cat. Reviews show that in this case the problem is not so global, the animal takes on a more healthy appearance.

Many breeders notice that the product significantly improves the quality of the animal’s hair itself. It becomes more silky, gains shine and is less prone to the formation of tangles.

Is the cat litter suitable for everyone?

Reviews of veterinarians indicate that for all the usefulness of the device, its use is not shown to all pets. There are animals in which there is very little undercoat or it is completely absent. Therefore, if there is any doubt about the validity of the use of the furminator, it is important to get a veterinarian consultation. Only with its approval can you purchase a device that really facilitates the procedure for caring for cat hair.

Important details

Before using the product for the first time, it is important to remember some precautions. The principle of operation is described in detail in the instructions, but it is worth paying attention to some details:

  1. You can not use the product if there are tangles on the wool and, moreover, comb them. Such actions can deliver the cat pain and she will resist the procedure in the future.
  2. Each time after use, the blade should be cleaned. In the Deluxe modification, this procedure occurs when the corresponding button is pressed. If you have a classic sample on hand, then cleaning is done manually. To do this, it is convenient to use a brush.
  3. If there is no experience in use, it is better to conduct the first procedure with a professional groomer. The specialist will show in detail the principle of action, talk about the nuances and warn about possible problems.

In the case of a detailed consultation, you can see the full picture in action.

Furminator for cats

In order to purchase the best option, it is worth exploring the characteristics of the most popular brands. By comparing the pros and cons, you can choose the best for each particular cat.


The most popular brand, because the comb is distinguished by its low price, but the high quality of combing out unnecessary wool. This furminator is suitable for British cats. Reviews indicate that the device copes well with thick undercoat without causing discomfort to the cat. The disadvantages of the device are that the blade must be changed at least once every two years. More expensive models require this procedure much less often.


Foolee host, reviews were only positive. Users are attracted by the unusual design and a variety of colors. Breeders appreciated the special bend of the handle, which allows you to more comfortably hold the device by hand. The color scheme allows you to choose the option you like. But the main advantage of the product in its work. It is able to remove undercoat and shedding wool by 95%.


This is a fairly well-known manufacturer. He produces animal care accessories. Among the assortment of scabies, you can choose a product suitable for a short-haired pet and for a cat, with a rather thick and long coat. When choosing a comb, you need to look at the technical part, which is different for each cat litter, and reviews.

Scottish breed or long-haired pet - all this affects the choice of product. The FURminator brand offers a fairly diverse lineup. For each breed, you can choose the most suitable. Of course, the device costs a little more, but the purchase justifies the money spent on it.

Furminator for cats reviews


The host Trixie reviews also has pretty decent ones. Its main advantage is that it is suitable for all breeds of cats. The hairbrush gently removes the thick undercoat, while the skin is not damaged, and the pet does not feel discomfort. However, it is the versatility of the device for some that is a drawback. The manufacturer does not offer a choice of products for different breeds, therefore it is recommended to use a furminator for cats with an average coat.


Product of Taiwanese origin. The manufacturer pleases the consumer with an excellent ratio of product quality and its price. The device is recommended for combing cats of long-haired breeds. Models differ in crest modifications. You can choose the direct option, which is universal, or curved - for more thorough combing.

How to choose an original device

Due to the fact that the device is not cheap and quite popular, there are unscrupulous companies that produce low-quality fakes. Therefore, choosing a furminator, you should buy it only in specialized pet stores or sites. At the same time, pay attention to some nuances:

  1. You should not consider devices that initially have a suspiciously low price. Cheap analogues in appearance may not differ at all from the original, but at the same time not fulfill their functions or cause discomfort to the pet.
  2. A low price may indicate the use of low-quality components and metal components. In this case, the comb is completely uncomfortable and can hurt the cat.
  3. It is important to apply for purchase in a large specialized network of pet stores. In such companies, the quality control of goods is at a very high level. The more unpresentable the store, the more likely it is to purchase a fake.
  4. When buying, you should pay attention not only to the product itself, but also to the packaging.

Without fail, all the furminators have a special marking on the blade, and on both sides. The brand and serial number are indicated. The blade must be made of stainless steel, which has a matte sheen and is completely free of chips and other damage.

The opinion of experts

Furminator - reviews of veterinarians

To cope with a dense undercoat of a cat, an ordinary comb is not enough. Especially if the pet has a chic and shiny coat, it is necessary to take care of it so that it has a constantly attractive look. In addition, hair that is everywhere: on furniture, clothes and on the floor - annoying. It is the furminator that is able to solve the problem and remove shedding wool.

The product is easy to use. It does no harm to the cat. On the contrary, regular combing of dead hair makes the hair more healthy, improves skin condition and eliminates problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Indeed, only a professional furminator can help with excess wool. Reviews of veterinarians clearly show that the device is useful and effective.

However, it should be borne in mind that some breeds of cats that have a weak undercoat, or do not have it at all, do not require such a cardinal combing:

  • sphinx;
  • laperm;
  • Scandinavian;
  • Turkish angora;
  • Burmese;
  • Devon Rex
  • oriental.

To cats like a sphinx, the furminator is completely contraindicated. In any case, if in doubt, it is better to consult a veterinarian.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E17283/

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