How to make a charm for a dog with your own hands

We often wear small amulets to protect against dark forces and the evil eye, even if we do not really believe in their strength. Young mothers do not forget to pin their child a hat with a stone on their hat, and sometimes they wear the same in the lining of their bags. At the same time, we often forget that pets also need protection. And most often the dog becomes the object of influence. On the one hand, because she is constantly next to her master, so she can take the blow directed against him. On the other hand, it is a person’s love for his pet that can make him an object of attack. That is why from the first day a puppy appears in your house, you need to think about how to make a charm for a dog.

a charm for a dog

Source of danger

Perhaps you don’t just need to take your dog with you when you leave home and your pet is safe? In fact, dark energy is much more insidious. If a person who does not tolerate animals just casts a glance at the animal, then trouble can easily bypass it. A talisman for a dog is needed in case someone has decided to make you ill. This animal is the guardian angel of man, it will intercept the black message, and let it be at the cost of its life, but it will lead it away from the owner. Ancient healers knew that if animals start to hurt and die in a person’s house, then something is wrong with his energy or with this place itself.

From the depths of centuries

Indeed, people today have come to the point that pets can be the object of evil eye and damage. Even our distant ancestors - the Slavs - weaved special collars for cattle and painted special characters on pastures. This was to protect animals from disease and premature death. Moreover, the manufacture of these ritual devices involved a knowledgeable person who weaved together various tissues, plants, stones and energy. Today this sacrament is practically lost, only from old books and notes you can learn how to make a talisman for a dog.

a charm for a dog with his own hands

Protect our smaller brothers

There are many ways to protect a pet from illness and premature death. The amulet for a dog can be made of a bright red ribbon. In this case, the evil eye “clings” to a bright strip and does not go any further. In addition, you can use a regular pin. They pin her to the collar. It must be ensured that it is not visible, and also that the fastener is strong enough. The pin is recommended to be calcined in the flame of a church candle, and also sprinkled with holy water.

Protection action

Below we will talk about how to make a charm for a dog with our own hands. This is not so difficult, although it takes some time. In the meantime, I would like to dwell on one more point. The protective element is designed to serve one purpose, to divert negative, destructive energy. Having done it once, he spoils. If you see that the pin has been unfastened, its tip has darkened or the ribbon has been torn, it means that the amulet has done its job, but it is no longer capable of it. It must be removed and burned immediately, and instead put on another.

evil eye guard for a dog

Protective Collar

If you are confident in your skill, then you can try to make such a thing. This will require leather strips and a lot of time. We will consider the weaving technique a little lower, but the main thing is that the product is durable and wearable. Creating a charm for a dog with your own hands, constantly keep in front of your eyes its image, direct all the energy of love to it. In order to make it more potent, weave a red thread between the main strips - it will make the protection more reliable. After finishing work, go to church with him. Even just holding it next to a candle lit in front of the icon, you will make the amulet stronger. Holy water also does not hurt at all, wash a new collar in it before putting it on your pet.

Thus, you kill two birds with one stone. You no longer need to buy an expensive collar; you are ready to protect the dog from the evil eye. However, let's focus on some important features of this process.

Manufacturing rules

Do not transfer this work to anyone else. Only you can lay in the product forces that can ward off trouble from your pet. Moreover, we will now analyze in detail how to make a charm for a dog. This is primarily your thoughts and love, intertwined with some material. In its manufacture it is very important not to rush anywhere so that no one distracts. You need to focus on your feelings. Put a photo of your pet near to constantly keep him in sight. It is very good if you have a small amount of puppy's mother's coat, so the product will get even more strength.

Specialists in the field of magic recommend paying attention to the following points:

  1. Weaving a talisman for a dog should not be hasty. Make sure that there are practically no nodes on it. So, you have to correctly calculate the length of the threads or strips from which it will be created, and not to confuse them in the process.
  2. Do not use a knife or scissors. If there are excess parts, it is better to bind them together and fold as a decorative part.
  3. Choose only natural materials - wool, leather. No synthetics. And pay special attention to the choice of color. Red threads are a universal choice for any amulet.

how to weave a charm for a dog with your own hands

Weaving technique

When choosing the thickness of the threads, focus on the size of your dog. A pretty thin lacing is suitable for a baby like a toy terrier, and if you have a serious shepherd, then choose the appropriate material, possibly a clothesline. Do not forget about the color, it is best if you find red threads. Now, let's learn more about how to weave a talisman for a dog with your own hands.

The easiest way to use the square knot technique is from macramé. To do this, take two long threads and fold them in half. Get four ponytails. Fasten the fold to the pillow with a safety pin. Calculate the length based on how your product will be. If the amulet is 20 cm, then you need to take the threads 6 times longer.

The weaving technique is simple, but let's number all the threads in order. We hold the two central ones (No. 2 and No. 3) with our left hand, thread the No. 1 thread under them with our right hand and put on the No. 4 thread. Loosen a little and see a small eyelet. Now we put thread No. 4 on top of No. 2 and No. 3 and lay it in this eyelet. Now we repeat the procedure, but from a different edge. Pull over the edges, and the first knot is ready. Now weave to the very end.

red amulet for a dog

We charge the amulet with force

The work is not finished yet, but you are already close to this. Since it is not difficult to make a charm for a dog with your own hands, let's learn how to strengthen its protective properties. Put the product on your pet and recite the prayer. Any one you know is suitable here. Above all, ask God to shelter and protect from dark forces. Now sprinkle the amulet with holy water and repeat the conspiracy: “I sprinkle it with holy water, pour light, saturate it with power. Let evil go round, find no shelter near. " Now go out with the pet out of the house to a bright light, and thank the Almighty for protecting them both from the dark forces.


If you can embroider, then you can strengthen the effect of the amulet. Our ancestors considered the sun the best symbol. This sign has always adorned cattle pens. A wicker red amulet for a dog with an embroidered circle, even without rays, will become a formidable weapon against dark forces. In addition, a protective symbol is a trefoil clover, crosses, a tree located upside down, and zigzags. The latter are designed to confuse the dark forces.

To strengthen the protective forces, you can additionally pin a pin. As already mentioned, it should not be visible. In addition, minerals, in particular amber, have protective energy. He will protect from the evil eye and ailments, from various diseases. Such a talisman should be constantly with your favorite.

weaving amulets for dogs

Choose a time

In order for the amulet to gain true strength, spells over it must be cast with the full moon. If you have previously chosen a breeder, then ask him to leave your baby's umbilical cord. This powerful connection with the mother will give the amulet an unprecedented power. For the ritual, you need to pick up the nettle in the cemetery, peel it off with gloves and mash it. You need to get a flagellum with which you can bandage the umbilical cord. Now sew a small bag of cotton, put some rice and grass with an umbilical cord inside. This amulet must be tightly sewn to the collar. You cannot wash it from now on. Limit yourself only to wiping the collar itself with a damp cloth.

how to make a charm for a dog with your own hands

Prayers for Pets

God loves all living beings, so do not think that you can not pray for the health of his dog. You can seek help from the patrons of the animal kingdom, Sergius of Radonezh, St. George. Place candles in front of the images and order a prayer service in their honor, ask for help and protection. This is especially important when it comes to severe pet illness.

Instead of a conclusion

Dog lovers do not need to tell, they already know that a puppy is the same child. His illness and suffering is grief for the master. Therefore, everything possible must be done to avoid this. There are many good and kind people in our world, but there are those who should stay away. A good amulet will protect your dog from their dark energy, so take the time to make it. It is not so difficult and does not take much time.


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