Bead Spider: Weaving Pattern

Craftswomen often work in different techniques, and the animal world occupies a leading place in the creative manifestations of needlewomen. There are many pleasant animals and beautiful insects, the images of which are depicted on the canvases of artists, a myriad of patterns for sewing, soft toys, embroidery and craftwork from beads.

This is understandable, people tend to strive for beauty and create with their own hands. But there is another side to the coin in creativity, which has not so many fans. We are talking about such creations that do not cause pleasant emotions in those who see them. Rejection may arise from misunderstanding, ignorance or divergence of views. Be that as it may, it is not customary to argue about tastes, and even more so in creativity. If you are a non-standard person with special requests, then you will certainly like a bead spider. The scheme will be of help in order to make such an insect quickly and easily.

how to make a spider bead diagram

Some reasons to make a spider from beads with your own hands

For many, a spider is an unpleasant creature. We can’t say that they are afraid of him, but few people feel warm feelings for such an insect. Meanwhile, spiders symbolize hard work and creativity, act as a symbol of creation. To some extent, they are perceived as protectors and guardians of the outbreak, so a small spider in the house can serve as a talisman or talisman.

But this creature has other manifestations that are associated with greedy cunning and cruelty, so spiders are indispensable guests at Halloween and theme parties - where you need to catch fear on the guests. This is the beauty of handmade work, that the author himself creates any character. A terrible spider will turn out or he will be a real cutie - the craftswoman will determine.

Beadwork looks expensive and luxurious, they are quite durable and will remain intact for more than a dozen years. All that is needed for work is a bead spider weaving scheme and materials. As with any technique, there are different levels of difficulty in performing work. Work on schemes is not easy for everyone, and therefore people who do not work in the beadwork technique should start with simple options.

The easiest and fastest way to weave a spider bead for beginners

The fewer elements in the craft, the easier it is to make it. But even in a simple job, you should be careful so that you do not have to redo and return to the previous stages. Often a perfect mistake becomes the reason that the creation is put off a long box until the day when there is a desire to correct it. Sometimes inspiration for remaking never comes.

In this section, a bead spider scheme for beginners is proposed. This is the simplest option that even children can master. Adults can only help cut the wire and monitor the correctness of the work.

It should be noted that beads can be different - not only in color, but also in size. For the manufacture of plastic, metal, ceramics, wood and other materials. The same product, made from different beads, will look completely different. In the work you can use glass beads, matte and shiny beads, combine different colors to make a beautiful spider from beads. The scheme will allow you to master the technique and simple techniques used in beadwork.

bead spider weaving pattern

DIY materials

For crafts you will need:

  • 1 large bead (trunk), 1 bead is slightly smaller (head);
  • 1.5 m of thin wire (check that it passes into the hole of the beads);
  • oblong beads, about 40 pcs. (for paws);
  • round beads, about 40 pcs. (for paws).

For convenience in working with wire, you can use pliers and wire cutters.

Work stages

  • Cut the wire into 25 cm segments (5 pcs.). We postpone one wire, it will be the basis to which the remaining elements will be attached. Of the 4 remaining need to make the legs of a spider. For this, a ring is formed in the middle of each wire with the help of round-nose pliers.

bead spider

  • An even wire is threaded into the rings and beads are strung on both sides, which will become the head and body. From the side of the head you need to string one bead of a suitable color and from the side of the body one more. Properly selected colors are the key to a beautiful bead spider. Weaving scheme for beginners will allow you to complete all the steps in the correct sequence.

spider bead pattern

  • After the head and body are fixed with beads and wire, you can proceed to the legs. A long bugle is strung on the foot, then one or more beads. In the same sequence, the beads are strung 3 or 4 times, depending on how long the legs should be. The longer the legs, the higher the spider will be.

Bead Spider Pattern for Beginners

  • After making the paws, the remaining end of the wire must be twisted using pliers. If there is excess left, trim it. So the little bead spider is ready. The circuit is quite simple to implement.

Making a spider from beads for those who are already familiar with the technique of beadwork

It is interesting to work with beads. This is an accessible material that makes it possible to realize any ideas. The level of complexity of the work performed may be different. Crafts can be flat or voluminous.

Working with complex schemes requires a certain experience from the master, with small details - attentiveness and concentration. There is another option how to make a spider from beads. The scheme of this spider is somewhat more complicated, but to deal with it is real. This spider will not have three-dimensional forms, but is assembled from more elements than the previous version.

spider bead weaving pattern for beginners

Subtleties of work

You must have beads in three colors and bugles. In this case, you get about a ten-centimeter bead spider. The scheme is proposed in color, so that the pattern and arrangement of beads in the pattern can be seen. In this case, simple beadwork techniques are used, and the work itself does not take much time.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the legs are braided in parallel with the body in one line, starting from the head.

You can find various patterns of weaving a spider from beads, and when the first simple options are successful, you can safely proceed to the manufacture of a voluminous insect. For those who only want to master this technique, it is still better to avoid beadwork using complex patterns.


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