Tomsk planetarium. Description, Address

The article provides information about the Tomsk planetarium. This place will be interesting for both locals and tourists. What is the history of the planetarium, its features? Also, the article will indicate the mode of operation, address and cost of tickets to visit.

Tomsk Planetarium is a scientific and educational institution. He is one of the first planetariums in the USSR that installed an optical-mechanical apparatus.


Mr. Tomsk

In 1946, State University will receive the Carl Zeiss (famous German company) apparatus, which was manufactured in the 1930s, after which it was installed in the museum of local lore. In 1950, the opening of the lecture hall. A couple of years before, the Kolpashev Institute received the Simplified Planetarium apparatus.

Since the beginning of the 80s, this planetarium has already worked as an independent institution. He was on the Resurrection Hill. Later, the building was transferred to the Catholic Church. Then the planetarium had a difficult period, he moved from place to place. In 2005, a new building was already built for the planetarium. Six years after that, the SpaceGate astronomical system (digital) was purchased, which can give an image of the starry sky on the dome, as well as show annual and daily movements and the contours of the constellations. In addition, it became possible to demonstrate the show program in 3D format (surround video is projected onto the dome). After such innovations, the planetarium in Tomsk became digital.

There is a Star Hall here. It hosts various programs, conferences and meetings. A telescope is installed on the observation deck through which night or evening observations are made.


How much does a visit to the Tomsk planetarium cost? The average ticket price is 150 rubles. But there is more and cheaper - depending on what program or exhibition you are going to. Also, the ticket price will be cheaper for senior citizens, schoolchildren, as well as groups. For photo and video, you need to pay extra. If you plan to take pictures, then you need to pay an additional 50 rubles. Those who will shoot the video must pay 100 rubles.

planetarium in the city of Tomsk

Address and time

The planetarium is located at: city of Tomsk, Lenin Avenue, 82a, building 1.

It works all days except Sunday. On Wednesday-Friday accepts collective applications from 10 am to 5 pm.


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