Danio pink - the perfect fish for a multi-species aquarium

Some aquarists prefer "jars" with several large fish, and there are those who like multi-species aquariums with many small pets gathering in picturesque flocks. For the latter, zebrafish (cyprinid family) is great. He gets along well with most non-aggressive fish and with similar carriers of other colors (gray, green, yellow). Zebrafish zebrafish may even be kept by beginner aquarists. Compared with some species of small fish, they are not too demanding on the conditions of detention.

Danio pink

Danio pink, which is often called "pearl", has a laterally flattened body. His head is small, and at the mouth there are 2 pairs of mustaches. The fins of this fish are small. In zebrafish, the caudal fin has two blades. Some veil and hybrid forms have long fins. Females are slightly larger than males. In nature, zebrafish pink has a gray-olive color with a purple or bluish tint. Breeders were able to create several hybrids of this fish, differing from each other in bright colors.

breeding pink zebrafish

The homeland of this beautiful fish is the basin of the Mekong River (Thailand) and the Myanmar River (Burma). Danio live in fast flowing small streams, saturated with oxygen, although they are found in river backwaters. Representatives of this species (Danio roseus) have a brighter color in aquariums planted with various plants. Filters and pumps are used to simulate fast flow. Under normal conditions, these fish reach puberty by 4-6 months. Males have a brighter color and there is a cherry-colored spot located on the caudal fin. Since zebrafish are active flocking fish, they contain at least 6-7 individuals. The length of an adult pink zebrafish is 6 cm. A small flock of these fish needs a volume of water of at least 30 liters, a lot of aquarium plants, and bright lighting. Pebbles and fine gravel are placed at the bottom of the aquarium. Water should be constantly filtered and enriched with oxygen. The aquarium must be covered with a lid, as the zebrafish pink can jump out of it.

Breeding Pink Danios
Water parameters for this species of fish: pH 6.5–7.5; hardness 5–12 °, temperature 20-24 ° . It is necessary to replace 20% of water every week. These fish are fed live food (bloodworms, brine shrimp, daphnia), herbal supplements. It is necessary to limit the content of combined and dry mixtures in the diet.

The reproduction of pink zebrafish can be mastered even by an inexperienced aquarist. To do this, you must have a 20-25-liter spawning, designed for three fish. The water level required for spawning is 15 cm. The bottom is protected by a separate mesh, which protects the eggs from fish. Parameters of water in spawning: pH 6.5-7.0; hardness 8 °, temperature 26-28 ° .

Males and females are separated for a week before the planned spawning. A pregnant fish is distinguished by an enlarged and round belly. At this time, fish are fed varied and plentiful. The female tosses eggs that are drowning. After this, adult fish are sedimented, and the water is actively filtered. The larvae hatch after 4-5 days, and after 5 days the fry swim. They should be fed with ciliates, "live dust", rotifers.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E17294/

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