What can be made from plasticine or all about the benefits of sculpting at an early age?

According to psychologists, modeling should begin at the age when the child is one year old. It is during this period that the baby begins to interest the world around him, his own body, and speech develops. Modeling stimulates the creativity of children, the basis of which is laid as a result of "creation by the body." It doesn’t matter at all what can be made from plasticine, the main thing is to develop the baby’s fine motor skills and imagination using plastic materials from which you can dazzle, with which you can draw and make up various compositions.

What can be made of plasticine - a question that worries many parents?

Show how you can pinch off small pieces from plasticine. This develops the fingers and hands of the child, which is necessary in the future for drawing and writing. Offer a cardboard or a special modeling board where the kid can lay out these pieces at his discretion. Put the pieces on the floor together and place them on his first abstract painting, which can be put on a shelf in the nursery or attached to the wall.

In subsequent classes, pieces of plasticine can be filled with figurative meaning: make cardboard or draw a red ladybug, and a child can attach specks of black pieces of plasticine to it. Creativity can be diversified by making leaves and fruits for trees, lights for the Christmas tree, stars for the night sky.

The purposeful production of plasticine parts begins with the molding of “sausages”, from which later it is possible to make drying, bagels and treat dolls and dogs from the arsenal of children's toys. A child learns to sculpt in two ways: he rolls plasticine between his palms or on a board. This does not immediately happen exactly in a child, but the “food” for dolls can be of different sizes and shapes. A plasticine rose is molded in a simple way. It is enough to roll a “sausage” with the child, and then flatten it to a flat shape. Turning a “sausage” into a thin “ribbon”. The resulting workpiece must be wound on the tip of the pencil and then bend the upper edges. That's all the plasticine rose is ready!

Another thing that can be done from plasticine is to teach you how to make balls by rolling plasticine in circular motions between your palms or on a table. If this action still does not work out, make the balls yourself, and teach the baby to make “cakes” out of them by pressing and pressing with a finger. Fold the resulting "cookie" on a plate and ask the dolls to drink tea. A hat for fingers can also be made out of cakes, while bending its edges down. The game can be complicated and varied by making hats for other fingers from a different color or by counting and naming fingers.

Plasticine painting - exciting and bright!

Smearing plasticine is an exciting experience. You can create drawings on thick paper. To do this, you can cut out any pattern from the coloring, for example a rooster. Stick on cardboard and invite the child to paint this fairy-tale character together with plasticine. The work can be accompanied by a retelling of a fairy tale or nursery rhymes about a cockerel. This technique of coloring with plasticine is called - plasticine painting. A plasticine cock is performed in this way: a child plucks small pieces of plasticine and adheres them to the drawing, sequentially filling the entire coloring with bright plasticine strokes. A plasticine cock will turn out bright and unusual. The work can be inserted into the frame, then to hang on the wall.

Here's another thing you can do from plasticine: coat a mold with plasticine, creating vases or dishes. To show that the vase should be used for its intended purpose - put in it a small bunch of flowers or twigs decorated with pieces of plasticine. A vase can also be stolen with grains or pieces of plasticine of a different color.

Observe the child, his interests and opportunities while sculpting. Focus on his imagination and do not be afraid to experiment with different materials yourself. This will allow the child to freely show creativity, develop their imagination and thinking. Modeling at an early age helps to develop an eye, a sense of color and tactile memory, and stimulation of the muscles of the hand helps to develop children's speech. Regular modeling will help the child develop naturally and without coercion!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E173/

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