Error WS 37397 9 on PS4: Causes of Failure and Solution

Connecting a game console to the Internet does not always work stably. Many users encounter the WS 37397 9 error on the PS4, which significantly reduces its functionality. Such a failure is not uncommon. However, over time, the console owners have identified several effective solutions to fix the problem.

The essence of the error

WS 37397 9 is a network failure. The PlayStation Network with this problem either works incorrectly or does not work at all.

error ws 37397 9 on ps4

Owners of the PlayStation 4, in turn, will face serious restrictions:

  • PS Store will not be available for connection;
  • The ability to manage your account will disappear. This also applies to operations related to the electronic wallet;
  • The user cannot even open the list of downloads of games on the PS4.

And this is not to mention the minor inconvenience. Including the lack of access to view the achievements received.

There can be two reasons for the appearance of error WS 37397 9 on the PS4: either the PSN is temporarily offline, or the user IP address has been blocked by Sony.

Why exactly with my console?

No need to rush to conclusions and speculation - with the error WS 37397 9 there are no problems in the console device itself.

Technical issues may occur on the PSN side. The owner of the console should go to the official PlayStation website, choosing your region or country. After that, detailed information on the status of the network in this area will be available to him.

ps4 games

However, for PSN, such failures are completely uncharacteristic. And if the status of Sony services in the specified region is “online”, then the problem lies in blocking the user IP. Such measures apply to addresses suspected of involvement in a pirated console or the spread of malware.

In this case, the error WS 37397 9 on the PS4 will not disappear “on its own” over time. She will have to fix it with her own hands.

Method number 1: reconstruct the database

The most simple, but at the same time effective method. First you need to turn off the console by pressing the power button on the front panel.

Further on instructions:

  1. Clamp the same power button. At first, the first beep will sound, and after about ten seconds, the second will follow. This means that the console is running in Safe Mode.
  2. Via USB, we connect the DualShock 4 controller to the console , on which the PS button is located. Click on it.
  3. In the menu that appears, find the “Restore database” item and select it by pressing the X button.
  4. The procedure is performed automatically. After that, the prefix will turn off first, and then restart.

error ws 37397 9 on ps4 solution
It remains only to check whether this solution to the error WS 37397 9 on the PS4 helped. In the "Settings" menu, open the "Network" section. In it, select the item "Test Internet connection." If no failures are detected, the problem is resolved.

Method number 2: change your IP address

However, the previous method is still not a panacea. There is no guarantee that database reconstruction will fix the same error on other consoles.

In this case, the user needs to change his IP address. Thereby, a new Internet connection will be created for the console:

  1. In the Settings menu, open the Network section and go to Internet Connection Settings.
  2. We find the item “Use LAN” / “Use Wi-Fi” (depending on the type of PS4 network connection) and uncheck the box next to it.
  3. Disable the console and the router / router;
  4. After some time (about 5 minutes), turn on your network device and set-top box.

As a rule, after these actions, the provider will assign the user a new IP address. The console itself must be reconnected to the Internet. If everything went well, then the games on the PS4, like the rest of the services, should work without problems.

However, such a mistake is not always corrected in this way the first time. There is no need to despair - just repeat the same procedure. Perhaps several times.

You can also order a “white” IP address from your provider, which will be exclusively in the user's personal possession.

Method number 3: use public DNS addresses from Google

In some cases, both methods may be inconclusive. Then the owner of the console has only one option: manual configuration of the network connection.

First you need to go to the appropriate section of the menu:

  1. Open "Settings", select the "Network" and in it go to "Establish a connection to the Internet."
  2. Depending on the type of network connection of the console, select LAN or Wi-Fi.
  3. After that, go to the "Special" section.

Next, manually set the connection parameters:

  • IP Address: Automatically DHCP.
  • Host: not specified.
  • DNS settings: manually.
  • Primary DNS:
  • Secondary DNS:
  • MTU: automatic tuning.
  • Proxies: do not use.

After that, you should check the console’s connection to the Internet in the same way as in the first method.

error ws 37397 9 occurred on ps4


If the error WS 37397 9 occurred on the PS4, then the first thing you should do is go to the official PlayStation website. So you can track the current status of PSN in your own region. If you have information about technical problems, you just have to wait until Sony specialists figure out the problems on their side.

Otherwise, it makes no sense to hope that the problem will somehow "fix itself." After all, if the PS Network works without interruptions, but the console gives the same error, the problem is the blocked IP of the user.

In such cases, a simple reconstruction of the PlayStation 4 database helps. But most often this problem is solved by changing the network address. As an alternative, manual configuration of the console’s Internet connection will also work. However, the latter option is recommended either for advanced enthusiasts, or if both of the previous methods did not bring the proper result.


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