Age at marriage in Russia. Age of marriage

Marriage is a very useful thing for society. Yes, this is the simplest microgroup, but it helps organize the whole society and realize the task of reproducing offspring. If now there was no such thing as a family, then it would be impossible to socialize a child normally . And educate him. And feed. In general, society would not have developed, and the human species simply died. This article will consider the issue of marriage, its functions, as well as such an important problem as the age at marriage in Russia. Many young people are interested in this problem. And it turns out that not just like that. After all, they still have to start a family.

Age of marriage in Russia

What is marriage?

Marriage is a legal family relationship. That is, if two people live under the same roof and raise a child, then this does not mean that this is a marriage. There is such a cool word as "civil marriage." But if you look at the logic, it turns out that those are only those family relationships that are officially fixed.

But in general, with regard to the concept of family and marriage in particular, it is rather difficult to formulate an unambiguous definition. In total, there are two concepts of marriage: sociological and legal. And the concepts are somewhat different, although the same phenomenon is considered. But since our article is more legal (although it is somewhat silly to tear off jurisprudence from sociology in this aspect), we will consider marriage from a legal point of view.

Marriage properties

Age of marriage

The age of marriage in Russia is a really important and debatable issue. The reason for this is one - how much people of a certain age category are able to create a full-fledged family. What properties does she have? What is marriage by nature? By what elements can we recognize that we are really dealing with marriage? This will mean a fully functional family that does its job perfectly.

  1. Legal tightness.
  2. Common property.
  3. Diverse people, not united by blood ties, act as spouses.
  4. One of the persons does not have another legally fixed marriage.

Such signs help to judge that we are really dealing with marriage.

Marriage function

Legal marriage

Marriage, as a very important component of the life of society and a person in particular, performs a huge number of functions. And so that they are fully implemented, the age of marriage in Russia must be set at the right level. Although in fact it turns out that 18 years is not the same year when a person is psychologically ready for family life. However, on the other hand, young people are better able to adapt to each other. Consequently, there will be less conflict. But what functions should a marriage perform?

  1. Reproduction of offspring. This is the main task that he sets for himself. Therefore, the main requirement characterizing the age of marriage in Russia (or rather, one of the main ones) is the ability to provide purely in theory optimal conditions for this task.
  2. Support. Naturally, together (and in the future - together) it is much easier to experience problems in life. For example, if one person cannot simultaneously earn money and feed children (as happens in single-parent families), then the second can take on this task. And in the future, and children will be able to connect to support. It’s much harder to survive crises.
  3. Socialization. Reproduction of offspring is a good task. This is unconditional. But the family as a whole has a very important function. She acts as the primary agent of socialization of the child, that is, helps him adapt to the world. The basic social norms that the child learns come from the family. If you do not swear at her, then the child will also not do this. Etc.

These are the three main functions. As you can see, the main task of the family is to unite to raise offspring. This can be called a kind of super-task. And the age of marriage should be such that people can not only reproduce offspring, but also be able to take care of others. But this is quite rare at a young age. But it is precisely on mutual care that marriage is built.

Family types

Registration of marriage in Russia

Based on how well the family performs its functions, it can be functional or dysfunctional. In the first case, the family copes well with its task. Of course, a fully functional family is a myth. Each person has his own share of egoism. And naturally, it prevents him from taking normal care. It complicates the fact that one member of the family may not have enough care, and the second believes that it gives a lot.

If all these difficulties reach a critical point, then we are talking about a dysfunctional family. There really are many such marriages. But as for the topic of marriageable age, everything is complicated here. On the one hand, young people are more selfish. But on the other, it is easier to adapt to the requirements of a social group. That is, she was initially more conformist. This facilitates the task of creating a functional family.

Marriage process

Registration of marriage

And what kind of marriage can be called legal? This issue is also controversial enough to understand. After all, each person under the concept of "legal marriage" means his own. For example, religious people will not consider a simple stamp in their passport legal. But if they get married in the church, then he will be so. As you can see, everything is relative. And how is the legal process of marriage? What requirements should be followed?

  • Persons should not be registered in another marriage.
  • People should not be close relatives.
  • Also, marriage is not possible between those who have adopted a child and foster children.
  • If at least one wedding is recognized as mentally ill.
  • People must be heterosexual.

The requirements are quite simple. Therefore, many enter into a legal marriage.

Age of marriage

Passport marriage registration

Registration of marriage in Russia is possible only if both newlyweds have reached 18 years of age. However, in some cases, you can lower the bar by court order. When is marriage registration available to younger people?

  1. Pregnancy.
  2. Birth of a child. If it has already happened that a child was born to minors, then they can lower the threshold for marriage.
  3. Conscription in the army.
  4. Established family life. That is, if two young people already live as husband and wife, they also raise a child, that is, all legal grounds for reducing the age of marriage.

But it is important to understand that the court considers all cases individually. So the possibility of marriage for minors is still mostly unavailable.

Registration of marriage for minors - requirements

If you are a minor and want to put a stamp on your passport, marriage registration will be available to you only with the following conditions provided for by the RF IC:

  • The decline cannot be more than two years. That is, you can minimize the age to 16 years.
  • The reasons should be really good, and not just the desire of two teenagers.
  • The question of whether it is possible to register the marriage of two minors is decided at the place of registration.
  • Parental consent is not required.
  • A person entering into marriage is given almost full civil liability. That is, he becomes an adult at the state level earlier.


We figured out what age of marriage in Russia is accepted. It is important to understand that even though the minimum threshold is still 16 years old, in exceptional cases it can be reduced in some areas to 14. Such are the laws.


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