Atmosphere and chemical composition of the Sun: description and structure

When we observe a sunny summer landscape, it seems to us that the whole picture seems to be flooded with light. However, if you look at the sun with the help of special devices, we will find that its entire surface resembles a giant sea, where fiery waves rage and spots move. What are the main components of the solar atmosphere? What processes take place inside our star and what substances are included in its composition?

Total information

The sun is a celestial body that is a star, and the only one in the solar system. Around him revolve planets, asteroids, satellites and other space objects. The chemical composition of the Sun is approximately the same at any point. However, it changes significantly as it approaches the center of the star, where its core is located. Scientists have discovered that the solar atmosphere is divided into several layers.

what is the chemical composition of the sun

What chemical elements are part of the sun

Mankind has not always possessed the data about the Sun that science has today. Once upon a time, supporters of a religious worldview argued that the world could not be known. And as a confirmation of their ideas, they cited the fact that a person was not given to find out what the chemical composition of the Sun is. However, progress in science convincingly proved the fallacy of such views. Scientists have especially advanced in the study of the star after the invention of the spectroscope. The chemical composition of the Sun and stars, scientists are studying using spectral analysis. So, they found out that the composition of our star is very diverse. In 1942, researchers discovered that even the gold is present on the Sun, although not so much.

chemical elements in the sun

Other substances

Mostly the chemical composition of the sun includes elements such as hydrogen and helium. Their predominance characterizes the gaseous nature of our star. The content of other elements, for example, magnesium, oxygen, nitrogen, iron, calcium is negligible.

Using spectral analysis, the researchers found out what substances are definitely not on the surface of this star. For example, chlorine, mercury and boron. However, scientists suggest that these substances, in addition to the basic chemical elements that make up the Sun, can be in its core. Almost 42% of our star consists of hydrogen. Approximately 23% falls on all metals that are in the composition of the Sun.

chemical elements that make up the sun

Some interesting facts

Like most parameters of other celestial bodies, the characteristics of our star are calculated only theoretically using computer technology. As the initial data are indicators such as the radius of the star, mass and its temperature. Currently, scientists have determined that the chemical composition of the Sun is represented by 69 elements. Spectral analysis plays an important role in these studies. For example, thanks to him, the composition of the atmosphere of our star was established. An interesting pattern was also discovered: the set of chemical elements in the composition of the Sun is surprisingly similar to the composition of stone meteorites. This fact is an important evidence that these celestial bodies have a common origin.

basic chemical elements that make up the sun

Crown of fire

The solar corona is a layer of highly rarefied plasma. Its temperature reaches 2 million Kelvin, and the density of matter exceeds the density of the Earth’s atmosphere by hundreds of millions of times. Here the atoms cannot be in a neutral state, they constantly collide and ionize. Corona is a powerful source of ultraviolet radiation. Our entire planetary system is exposed to the solar wind. Its initial speed is almost 1 thousand km / s, however, as it moves away from the star, it gradually decreases. The speed of the solar wind at the surface of the earth is approximately 400 km / s.

chemical composition of the sun and stars

General ideas about the crown

The crown of the sun is sometimes called the atmosphere. However, it is only its external part. The easiest way to observe the crown is during a total eclipse. Nevertheless, it will be very difficult to sketch it, because the eclipse lasts only a few minutes. When photography was invented, astronomers were able to get an objective idea of ​​the solar corona.

After the first pictures were taken, the researchers were able to detect areas that are associated with increased activity of the star. The corona of the sun has a radiant structure. It is not only the hottest part of its atmosphere, but it is also closest to our planet. In fact, we are constantly within it, because the solar wind penetrates into the most remote corners of the solar system. However, from its radiation exposure, we are protected by the earth's atmosphere.

Nucleus, chromosphere and photosphere

The central part of our star is called the core. Its radius is approximately a quarter of the total radius of the Sun. The substance inside the nucleus is very compressed. Closer to the surface of the star is the so-called convective zone, where there is a movement of matter that generates a magnetic field. Finally, the visible surface of the Sun is called the photosphere. It is a layer more than 300 km thick. It is from the photosphere that solar radiation comes to Earth. Its temperature reaches approximately 4800 kelvin. Hydrogen is stored almost in a neutral state. The chromosphere is located above the photosphere. Its thickness is about 3 thousand km. Although the chromosphere and corona of the sun are above the photosphere, scientists do not draw clear boundaries between these layers.


The chromosphere has a very low density and is inferior in magnitude to the solar corona. However, an interesting phenomenon can be observed here: giant tongues of flame, whose height is several thousand kilometers. They are called solar prominences. Sometimes prominences rise up to a million kilometers above the surface of a star.

what chemical elements are part of the sun


Prominences are characterized by the same density indices as the chromosphere. However, they are located directly above it and are surrounded by its sparse layers. For the first time in the history of astronomy, prominences were observed by a researcher from France Pierre Jansen and his English colleague Joseph Lokier in 1868. Their spectrum includes several bright lines. The chemical composition of the Sun and prominences is very similar. It mainly contains hydrogen, helium and calcium, and the presence of other elements is negligible.

Some prominences, having existed for a certain period of time without visible changes, suddenly explode. Their substance with a gigantic speed reaching several kilometers per second is thrown into nearby outer space. The appearance of the chromosphere often changes, which indicates various processes taking place on the surface of the Sun, including the movement of gases.

In areas of a star with increased activity, one can observe not only prominences, but also spots, as well as an increase in magnetic fields. Sometimes, with the help of special equipment, flashes of especially dense gases are detected on the Sun, the temperature of which can reach enormous values.

Chromospheric flares

Sometimes the radio emission of our star increases hundreds of thousands of times. This phenomenon is called a chromospheric flash. It is accompanied by the formation of spots on the surface of the sun. At first, flares were seen as an increase in the brightness of the chromosphere, but later it turned out that they represent a whole complex of various phenomena: a sharp increase in radio emission (x-ray and gamma radiation), mass ejection from the corona, and proton flares.

chemical composition of the sun

Draw conclusions

So, we found out that the chemical composition of the Sun is represented mainly by two substances: hydrogen and helium. Of course, there are other elements, but their percentage is low. In addition, scientists did not find any new chemicals that would be part of the star and be absent on Earth. In the solar photosphere, the formation of visible radiation occurs. It, in turn, is of tremendous importance for maintaining life on our planet.

The sun is a red-hot body that continuously emits white light. Its surface is surrounded by a cloud of gases. Their temperature is not as high as that of the gases inside the star, however, and it is impressive. Spectral analysis allows you to know at a distance what is the chemical composition of the Sun and stars. And since the spectra of many stars are very similar to the spectra of the Sun, this means that their composition is approximately the same.

Today, the processes occurring on the surface and inside the main body of our planetary system, including the study of its chemical composition, are studied by astronomers in special solar observatories.


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