The credo is a model of response to the problem

Trust and faith are related concepts. But there is another word that is completely different from them, but has a very close meaning. A creed is a Latin form meaning "faith." And then it says exactly what a person believes. It is easy to notice the similarities between the words “credit” and “credo” - what do they have in common? When a person is given a loan, it means that they trust him. It is no coincidence that banks so carefully check everyone who comes to borrow money. Decide whether to trust.

the credo is

They are all so ...

A credo is, in the modern sense, a short expression of human values. Some knowledge about the world that has already passed an experimental test in life. A developed creed system develops in a person by the middle of life, and individual elements begin to form at the age of 21-28 years.

Of course, beliefs can be absurd. For example, that all men are a separate species of artiodactyls. Or that all women are necessarily bad people of light behavior. This is also a creed.

Vital Information

From the knowledge of reality itself, the concept is different in that it has practical value. Both men and women professing the beliefs mentioned above try not to communicate with the opposite sex, or at least not be charmed, so that later there will be no disappointments. That is, simple knowledge of something, even having a foundation in a person’s practical experience, cannot always be considered a creed. A mandatory practical component is required. Otherwise, the word will be mentioned out of place.

Good taste in the tongue

It is not worth mentioning the concept in everyday conversations - it sounds too pretentious. However, in solemn situations or in letters it is quite possible to afford it. The meaning of the word credo implies the position of the teacher in relation to the student. Not everyone agrees to endure instructions, therefore only appropriate use of this, undoubtedly high, concept will be considered good form.

meaning of the word creed

Quote contemporaries!

If your taste is not offended by “quotes from dead people”, you can use the word “credo” with them. This, of course, is debatable - is it worth it to indulge in other people's phrases taken out of context.

It seems that this justifies itself only in cases of deep and little-known thoughts, but there are few such ones in the era of the Internet. However, we can recommend to pull away the quotes of our contemporary Niklas Nassim Taleb. He has very bright and strong thoughts, at the same time, individual phrases have not yet been erased.

So different

And now for examples. What are the creeds? It is not true that the creed should be short. The aphorism is good, but sometimes it’s not possible to simplify. Of course, the classic “while I breathe, I hope” is wonderful, but there can be such a creed: “Love created our world, it moves with its breath, and lives and continues. Long, but very close to the convictions of Dante, who believed that love is the cause of the movement of the sun and other bodies.

Created by pain

word credo

The credo is never given easily, they appear as a result of multiple mistakes and defeats, and not victories at all. Therefore, so little credo among young people. And enough mature enough has a whole system.

Moreover, the higher the intelligence, the more complex the creed, the more deep the concepts. In old age, a person comes to simplicity, but this simplicity must be suffered - that is why it is interesting to communicate with older people who have lived a busy and active life. People of a high level of development, even in old age, do not slide into the repetition of the same boring stories to all. Sometimes it remains only marvelous to be given how plural and simple the creeds of some bright personalities who have lived to advanced years.

The credo can support you in a difficult situation. From the point of view of psychology, this is not a word, it is a model, a model of response. And only you decide how it is better to achieve your goal, what beliefs to use in order to make life worthy.


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