Lynx horse: types, characteristics and speed

This is a graceful and magnificent creature. When you look at a horse, everything dies inside from the sight of this noble animal. I would like to reach out and touch my soft, slightly rough lips, touch a silky coat, run my fingers into a dense mane. And if someone happened to find himself in the saddle once, then he is unlikely to want to repeat it again.

The world through the eyes of a horse

Types of movements

How do these animals move? Each horse gait has its own characteristics, and it is worth sitting in the saddle, how it feels. The movements are separated by a step, the trot of a horse, its gallop, amble. There are some other types of movements, but they are specially developed, as a rule, in riding schools and are suitable for sports such as dressage.


This is the slowest movement when the animal is calm - no one drives it, moves in steps. What is this step? This is a successive rearrangement of the horse of her limbs. The step phase does not involve jumping. Thus , the horse rests on the ground all the time.

The step is divided into 4 types:

  1. Short. When moving, the hind legs of the animal are far behind the front. Another such kind of step is called assembled.
  2. Average. When traces of the hind legs are found on the traces of the front.
  3. Wide. Such a step only happens in well-trained and plastic horses. Hind hooves stand behind the front footprints.
    Walking step


This is the fastest gait. The horse is able to move at speeds up to 60 km / h. The average speed reached by the animals at this step is 15-18 km / h.

This is a three-stroke movement used in long and short distances. In the case when it comes to equestrian sport. What are the types of gallop? And the kinds of horse lynx? Will we talk about the latter? Mandatory. Below you can read such information. In the meantime, back to the gallop.

  1. Manezhnaya - the most difficult for the animal. He has to move quite slowly, often unfolding at the same time.
  2. Assembled. The horse, as in the previous version, cannot move fast. Therefore, he is not comfortable. The animal is not able to reveal its movement with all its power.
  3. Average. More or less relative in speed movement, therefore, it is called that. This kind of gallop is necessary when you have to move for quite a long time and at great distances.
  4. Field (swing or added). This pace of gait refers to the warm-up movement. The animal moves freely, without tension and relatively leisurely.
  5. Career. The fastest gallop and the most tiresome for a horse. It is used at short distances, as a rule. There is another species that is sometimes isolated in a separate one - this is a jump. A horse gallops while running an obstacle course.

No matter how strange it may sound, but the gallop is considered the easiest to perform for both the horse and the rider.



The name is beautiful, and the gait itself is very similar to a trot horse. Differs in rearrangement of legs during the movement. If on a lynx the horse rearranges his legs in pairs and diagonally, then in this case there is a rearrangement on one side.

This type of movement is faster than trotting, but also more dangerous. Only suitable for straight and even distances. The animal is able to stumble when moving amble, "do not fit into the rotation", and thereby inflict great harm on himself and his rider.

Beautiful but dangerous


So we came close to the most complex and beautiful movement of a noble animal. When a horse runs at a trot, it looks just great. Together with beauty, this gait is the most difficult for the rider. It is necessary to observe the landing in the saddle exactly, and when jumping from its rider, dexterity is required in order to stay in the saddle.

As for the speed of the horse in trot, then everything depends on the type of similar gait. Consider them in more detail.

Horse trot

Lynx types

Horse lynx, as mentioned above, is divided into several types:

  • trot;
  • swing;
  • max;
  • prize.

Four obscure words that we will now decipher.


In another way it is called a collected or shortened horse lynx. The step length is 2 meters, the average speed is 13-15 km / h.

What is a trot? This is the slowest type of lynx. It is called shortened due to the small length of the step and the almost complete absence of the jump phase. Trot is most optimal when training trotters.


Or a sweeping lynx. They say about her: "The horse is trotting." The setting of the hind legs of the animal occurs in front of the tracks of the front. The step length reaches 6 meters. At short distances, the speed of a horse with such a movement can reach 60 km / h.


Its main difference is a long movement. Mach requires the horse and rider clarity and accuracy. It is quite fast: the speed of a horse trotting of this type reaches 30 km / h. Suitable for long distances.


She is a field, normal and regular horse trot. At a speed of 20 km / h, the stride length can reach 2.2 meters. A pronounced phase of a jump or unsupported movement.

Speaking about all these types of gait, it is necessary to note their main difference - this is the shaking of the rider. The fact is that the nature of the movement is such that this shaking simply cannot be ruled out. But it can be reduced. It's all about the correct landing of the rider.

There are two types of trot landing: training and light.

Training lynx

How to trot a horse? This is not easy, in addition, a similar type of gait is the most difficult for the rider. And in order to fix the rider's correct landing, there is a training lynx.

What is meant by this right fit? Maximum tightness of the rider to the saddle. The rider should not lift in it. Achieving such a landing is extremely difficult, especially for a beginner. It requires maximum work on the inner thighs. They strain as much as possible, and the body slightly leans back. When training trot involved the rider's legs.

Trotting thighs

Lightweight version

Before embarking on a training trot, you need to learn lite. What does she give? The ability to adapt to the trot of a horse. You must be able to catch the rhythm and pace of your horse. In order to adjust to the pace, the rider rests on the saddle with the inside of the hips. The feet are pressed against the stirrups, the body is as straight and extended as possible.

At every second push, the rider rises in the saddle using his own pelvis. That is, the pelvis is pushed forward and upward, while the knees abut the saddle, and the inside of the thighs is strained to the limit. The rider descends smoothly into the saddle, slowing down with his hips. If you roughly fall into the saddle, then there is a high probability of damage to the horse’s back.

Experienced riders are able to ride a horse trotting without stopping their feet in stirrups. At the same time, their hands are on the belt or behind the back, and the correct fit is maintained throughout the path.

Movement to the beat

Tips for beginners

For those who just decided to sit in the saddle, it is not superfluous to know the following:

  1. You should go on horseback riding in trousers or leggings, ideally seamless. Jeans can wipe your own hips into the blood. As for shoes, these can be boots with a special low and wide heel. By the type of jockey. However, few people wear such shoes these days. Therefore, in the warm season, sneakers are quite suitable.
  2. Carrying a carrot, an apple or a piece of brown bread is not forbidden. Why not treat the horse after a walk, not thank her thereby?
  3. No need to take a first time walk for 2 hours or more. Believe me, one hour will be enough to ensure that the next day there is an unpleasant sensation in the hips.
  4. If the walk should be an exit - to the forest or field, then you should warn the guide that you are a beginner and sit in the saddle for the first time in your life.
  5. For the first acquaintance with the horse, a lesson in the arena is suitable.
  6. Do not try to practice what you read or see in the films, barely sitting in the saddle. In other words, you need to start with a step. Lynx and gallop - not for a beginner.
  7. The horse is alive, and it can be uncomfortable and painful. This must not be forgotten by spurring the animal or pulling on an occasion. Everything should be in moderation, we are not skiers, and the reason is not ski poles to swing them.

Brief Summary

The main aspect of the article: horse gait are of several types. In turn, these species are divided into types.

The second point: the lynx is the most difficult movement for the rider. Therefore, before embarking on it, it is necessary to prepare. This will help training or lightweight trot.


Horses are beautiful animals, smart, beautiful, responsive to a good attitude. Communication with them leaves no one indifferent, forcing them to return to the stable or KSK again and again.


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