Monument to Ermak - the conqueror of Siberia: history, interesting facts

A rather fascinating story is connected with the monument to the conqueror of Siberia, the Cossack chieftain Ermak, erected in the city of Novocherkassk. This monument of the Russian national hero belongs to the objects of national cultural heritage. To my great surprise, this long-standing sculptural work has been preserved intact and has long been a hallmark of the Don Cossack Territory, Siberia and all of Russia.

Yermaku monument

Monument to Ermak: Novocherkassk

The photo posted in the article gives an idea of ​​the courageous appearance of this great man. It all began in 1870 with a solemn event that was celebrated in the city of Novocherkassk - the 300th anniversary of the Don Cossacks. Through the chief of staff, Major General Leonov, all Cossacks appealed to the Tsar’s heir, Tsarevich Alexander Alexandrovich, the August ataman of the Cossack troops, who had arrived for the celebration, asking to help erect a monument to their heroic fellow countryman Ermak Timofeevich (native of Kachalinsky Don), the Cossacks.

A fundraising subscription for the monument was announced, which lasted for many years. This was hindered by wars in which Russia was continually drawn into. After a quarter-plus century, an amount of 100,000 rubles was collected. The main donations were granted by the Cossacks of the Urals and Siberia. The remaining part, amounting to 40,000 rubles, was taken by the Cossack Troops Government from its treasury.


When the money was raised, the question arose about in what form the glorious ataman Ermak should appear on the monument in the main square of Novocherkassk. On this occasion, in 1889, a whole commission was created, which consisted of the philanthropist V. Wagner, the head of the mountain and salt sections of the Donskoy army, the urban engineer B. Krasnov, the publisher of the newspaper Donskoy Vestnik A. Karasev, etc. among the most famous sculptors, a competition for the best monument was announced, and after that several projects were considered.

The first to develop a monument to Ermak was proposed by the sculptor M. M. Antokolsky (the creator of the monument to Peter I in Taganrog in 1903), but in 1891 he did not receive approval. The draft of the St. Petersburg sculptor M.O. Mikeshin (who created the famous monument “Millennium of Russia” in Novgorod in 1862) was also not accepted, however, taking into account all the comments, he proposed another version of the monument, and in 1896 it was approved, but the sculptor is dead.

Monument to Yermak Novocherkassk

Monument to Ermak in Novocherkassk: description

Now the commission was looking for someone who, according to the Mikeshin project, would undertake the creation of the monument. Spent several years and found the rector of the Russian Higher Art School of the Academy of Arts V. A. Beklemishev. So the work has begun.

On the birthday of Emperor Nicholas II on May 6, 1903, ceremonial masonry took place on the square. A granite pedestal was ordered by the Italian master S. Tonitto. First, a foundation pit was dug, then a foundation was built, the foundation was concreted, 8 steel chains of 4.2 meters each were manufactured at the Novocherkassk plant. In St. Petersburg, according to the plaster model of V. A. Beklemishev, the Moran company poured a statue weighing 5 tons from bronze. The total height of the monument was 14 meters 92 cm, weight - 1,600 tons.

Monument to Yermak Novocherkassk photo


The next year, again on the birthday of Emperor Nicholas II - May 6, 1904, the opening took place. At noon, the bells rang, the square was filled with Cossack troops, pupils of gymnasiums, cadets, cadets and townspeople. A procession with cathedral shrines took place from the Ascension Cathedral.

Ataman of the Cossack army K.K. Maksimovich dropped the veil from the monument and, finally, everyone present saw the mighty and majestic statue of Ermak, who had a battle flag in one hand and a crown symbolizing the conquered Siberia in the other. Archbishop of Don and Novocherkassk Athanasius consecrated the monument. Then there was a parade, distribution of postcards and brochures describing the deeds by which the brave chieftain Ermak, who died in the waves of the Irtysh River on August 5, 1584, became famous.

Bronze witness

Since then, the monument to Ermak has become a dumb witness to many historical events that took place on the main square of Novocherkassk near the Ascension Cathedral, including the visits of kings, presidents, patriarchs, people's leaders, etc.

In the first year of construction from this area, the Cossacks went into the Russo-Japanese War (1904–1905). Then, a year later, meetings were held in support of democratic freedoms (the Tsarist Manifesto of October 17, 1905). Then came the First Russian Revolution (1905-1907) and its victims among the Don Cossacks who were buried in the square. Further, the First World War and mass mobilization, the February Revolution and rallies of representatives of the Provisional Government, the oath of military general A.M. Kaledin, his election as ataman and the October Revolution of 1917. One can add to these events the constant transition of Novocherkassk to the "white", then to the "red", until the power of the General of the Donskoy Army P.N. Krasnov took control of it .

Yermak monument in Novocherkassk description

Preserving a local shrine

However, there were attempts to throw off the monument "Ermak-bourgeois". In 1918 they wanted to do this with a machine, in 1938 with a tractor, but for technical reasons they could not be done. And in 1942, the Nazis during the occupation of Novocherkassk with the same purpose drove three tractors with winches to the monument, but the locals and Cossacks came out, who called the commandant and explained that Ermak was not a red Cossack and not a Bolshevik, but a local shrine and the hero of Don . Then the German officer gave the order to remove the tractors, and this once again saved the monument to Ermak from destruction. All concerned residents of the city of Novocherkassk and Cossacks in the most difficult times tried not to forget their heroes.

In 2001, all necessary restoration work was carried out. May 6, 2004 the city solemnly celebrated the 100th anniversary of the monument. Today, more than a hundred years have passed, but the monument to Yermak stands and will rise as long as the city exists, and it is inscribed in its history forever.


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