Sputnik nudist beach. Sochi invites guests

What could be better than relaxing off the Black Sea? Only rest in the wonderful city of Sochi! Many lovers of the warm sea and the gentle sun come here every year. To soak up the beach, breathe in the healing sea air, be inspired by the surrounding nature, and taste local dishes. And where else will you meet such beautiful fiery sunsets? For followers of the philosophy of unity with nature and just lovers of new experiences, there are wild beaches. The most famous among them is the nudist Sputnik beach in Sochi.

satellite beach sochi

About nudism

You should not think that nudist beaches are intended only for lovers of sunbathing without clothes or for those who want to find a relaxed relationship. After all, two informal trends have long existed: nudism and naturism. Actively developed in the 60-70 years of the XX century in the culture of hippies. Nudism was intended to unite people, to instill in them the concept of naturalness. While nudists profess only refusal to wear clothes, naturists formed their philosophical worldview. The principles of naturism are based on a careful attitude to the environment, harmony with nature, commitment to a healthy lifestyle.

About the beach

The most popular among nudists is the Sochi Sputnik beach. It is located in the Maly Akhun microdistrict of the Khostinsky district of the resort, only 10 km away from the city center. The beach is noteworthy in that the Agura River meets the sea on its territory. Nearby, in the territory of the arboretum is the International Tourist Center "Sputnik". So the beach got its name.

nudist beach satellite sochi

Nudists chose the beach back in the days of the Soviet Union. But the infrastructure began to develop only in 1995. Private entrepreneurs did not pass by Sputnik. Therefore, now on the beach you can not only buy food and soft drinks, but also take a sunbed for your convenience. For lovers of more active recreation and entertainment, there are even water rides.

A railway runs along the Sputnik beach, and a little higher, the Adler-Sochi highway. Despite this, travelers who wish to observe from the side are unlikely to see anything. After all, the concrete wall and dense thickets separate the beach from transport routes.

The Sochi nudist beach "Sputnik" is a place to relax for everyone. Indeed, the length of the coastline is 300 m, and the width of the beach is 30 m. Therefore, about 60 people can comfortably soak up the sun at the same time. The bottom descends into the sea gradually, without cliffs and drops, you can not be afraid to take children with you. Garbage on the beach is cleaned, although not often, but it looks neat. There are three breakwaters on the territory, each located 60 meters from the coast. So, if you wish, you can not only sunbathe, but also go fishing, and just jump into the sea. Breakwaters divide the beach into three territories: a common beach, a female and a male part, for representatives of minorities.

How to get there

Do you intend to visit Sochi "Sputnik" beach? How to get to the place of rest from the city?

Sochi satellite how to get
You will be approached by any public transport going from Sochi in the direction of Adler, for example, bus number 2 from the center or number 125, minibus number 122, heading from the center of Sochi to Adler and back. Total travel time will take about 15 minutes, if you do not take into account city traffic jams.

The closest to the destination is the Sputnik stop, near the entrance to the beach of the sanatorium of the same name. The distance from the sanatorium to the nudist beach is only 100 m. If you believe the stories of vacationers about the road to the "Sputnik" beach in Sochi, reviews suggest that from the stop you will be brought to the place by big red arrows. But if you don’t find one, just go a little straight along the railway towards Adler until you see the desired place to stay. And although the track itself runs along the entire coast of the city and its environs, it is impossible to get to the Sochi Sputnik beach by train. Indeed, in the accessible vicinity of the destination there are absolutely no stops or stations.


satellite beach sochi
Someone goes to a nudist beach for a beautiful tan, others are attracted by the philosophy of unity with nature. Everyone wants to say: β€œBe mutually polite! Respect the opinions and worldviews of others. After all, the sun shines the same for everyone. ” Enjoy the sea, warm summers, refreshing breezes. And never forget about a good sunscreen, especially if you are an admirer of a uniform tan without white stripes.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E17333/

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