Are bridges built in St. Petersburg in winter? Schedule of bridges in St. Petersburg

It is very romantic to stand alone with your loved one and watch such a magnificent (and you will not say otherwise) and grandiose ceremony, like building bridges in St. Petersburg. Almost every tourist, every guest of the city on the Neva considers it his duty to attend this event, take photographs as a keepsake, and then, of course, boast of them. And most importantly - there is something. Everyone knows that bridges are built in the summer. But are bridges built in St. Petersburg in the winter?

Do bridges in St. Petersburg in winter

History of the city and its bridges

The whole history of such a great city is inextricably linked with bridges that are thrown either across the Neva or through its tributaries. Just think about it: 1723 - 20 years have passed since the foundation of St. Petersburg (1703), and it already has 20 bridges in its arsenal. Yes, they are wooden, but many of them are already adjustable! Just a miracle of technology! Then stone bridges appeared, followed by reinforced concrete ones. Today, there are 300 bridges in total. In order for the Neva to be navigable, part of the bridges (namely, twelve) were made movable.

Nine bridges are built regularly. These include: Palace, Birzhevoy, Liteiny, Alexander Nevsky, Tuchkov, Annunciation, Troitsky and Bolsheokhtinsky. And three - only on preliminary applications filed in certain cases. These are the Kantemirovsky, Sampsonievsky and Grenadier bridges, which are located on the tributaries of the Neva. It is they who stop breeding first. But the bridges from the first category are bred two or three weeks later, giving residents and guests of St. Petersburg the opportunity to conduct unforgettable photo shoots against the background of the bridges that have been built.

winter peter

In the center of each of the drawbridges there is a rising part, which allows the ship to pass under it. And it always has been and it will be so. The only exceptions were such bridges as Liteiny, Troitsky and Blagoveshchensky, in which until the middle of the twentieth century the spans were simply laid aside (and did not rise, like the rest).

A drawbridge (except that its parts are lifted up) is no different from a drawbridge. It is also suitable for the movement of cars, trolleybuses, buses, and even pedestrians and cyclists.

Today, navigation on the river begins at the end of April, and the end of shipping in St. Petersburg falls at the end of November. That is, if there is a desire to see the layout of bridges, then come precisely during this period. You will definitely not be mistaken and you will see for yourself. And you don’t have to think about whether bridges are built in St. Petersburg in winter or not. Just come and enjoy. This bewitching spectacle leaves no one indifferent. Believe me!

Winter Peter

Many come to St. Petersburg in the winter season, because during this period he is unusually good. But what upsets the guests of the city of canals and rivers is that at the end of shipping, bridges automatically stop to be built, because there is no reason to do this.

bridges in St. Petersburg

The city administration, on reflection on this topic, decided to make a gift not only to tourists, but also to residents of the glorious city. It was decided to arrange a memorable show - the bridges straight on New Year's Eve (from 2017 to 2018), which will become a bright part of the Nevskiye Siyanie festive program! There will be a lot of music and extraordinary lighting. Why not? And in order to answer the question whether bridges are being built in St. Petersburg in winter, one could say with confidence: “Yes, they are.” So far, there is no absolutely exact information about the names of the bridges that they plan to build. Maybe it will be just the Palace Bridge. But what the show will be is for sure. And winter Peter will forever remain in the memory of guests and residents of the city.

On a note! For everyone who wishes to celebrate New Year's Eve in the center of St. Petersburg, it is reported that the metro will serve passengers around the clock.

Where and when is the best time to watch the bridges

The best location is Palace, Universitetskaya or Admiralteyskaya embankment. It is worth thinking about arriving at the place in advance and taking the most advantageous position.

On a note! Do not forget to check the timetable for bridges in St. Petersburg each time because it may be amended due to certain holidays (for example, Scarlet Sails or Navy Day).

Schedule of bridges in St. Petersburg

You can admire the ceremony of soaring bridge spans up not only by walking, but also during the tour by bus or boat, as well as being on board a floating restaurant.

On a note! When it is planned to hold state official holidays or sports competitions on the water surface, the bridges are not built at night. It happens during the day.

Wiring conditions

In order for the wiring to be carried out efficiently and on time, the services responsible for this adhere to the following rules:

  • An application for this event should be submitted no later than two days (and on weekends - 10 days) to the Volga-Balt Central Public Library (fax).
  • It is necessary to carefully monitor the weather conditions in the city: if the wind speed is more than 15 meters per second and the air temperature exceeds +25 degrees, then the bridge layout should be postponed.
  • Structural divorce is carried out according to such a document as “Rules for the admission of ships during the layout of St. Petersburg bridges”.
  • In case of emergency or abnormal situations, the manager of the State Unitary Enterprise Mostotrest is obliged to inform the city services about this.
  • No one has the right to violate the time of stopping the movement of land transport.

Bridge building schedule for the current year

Its publication is always in advance. For 2018, there is no schedule yet. Most likely, it will appear just before the start of navigation. No worries. But regarding the layout of bridges on New Year's Eve (from 2017 to 2018), a decision has already been made, and there should be a holiday.

the end of shipping in St. Petersburg


You are still tormented by the question of whether bridges are being built in St. Petersburg in winter? No need to look for an answer. Just come to this city during the white nights - and enjoy, not just two in one, but three in one. First, make sure that sometimes the night is like a day; secondly, you will see and admire the layout of bridges; and thirdly, you will visit the solemn celebration of graduates called "Scarlet Sails." Make up your mind, book tickets for the Sapsan - and Peter is waiting for you!


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