How to make a hood in a private house? How to make a ventilation system of a private house with your own hands

Installation of a ventilation system in a private house can significantly improve the indoor microclimate. In the assembly, such designs are not too complicated and, if desired, can be mounted with your own hands. We will talk about the features of the technology for performing this kind of work, as well as how to make a hood in a private house, in a later article.

Varieties of ventilation systems

At the moment, in country houses only two main varieties of such structures are used:

  • Natural ventilation. In this case, only the output riser is installed. The air inflow is carried out through the air vents, cracks in the windows or specially made holes for the radiators. The disadvantage of such systems is primarily considered a very low efficiency. In addition, in the summer such a design generally does not work due to the absence of a temperature difference on the street and inside the house.
  • Forced ventilation In this case, the output of polluted air is carried out using special fans. A supply air duct is also installed, supplying air from the street.

Cooker hoods are usually connected to an existing forced ventilation system. In its absence, the conclusion is made either to the natural extraction shaft, or directly to the street.

how to make a hood in a private house

Installation of natural ventilation

The assembly of such a system is reduced mainly to the installation of an exhaust riser. Its upper part should protrude beyond the roof. Usually, as in city apartments, bends are made from it to the kitchen and toilet. In order to ensure an influx of fresh air into the apartment, in this case, holes with a diameter of 8-10 cm are drilled under the heating radiators. Special inlet valves are inserted into them.

Ventilation in a private house, and how to make a ventilation system

In a suburban building, both a conventional design with air ducts and fans can be installed, as well as a more modern, expensive and convenient one with a recuperator. As for the complexity of installation, it is approximately the same for both systems. Only in the first case, air is taken directly to the street and taken from here. In the second, both flows pass through a recuperator. The latter is a device designed to collect heat from the exhaust air and transfer it to the supply. Thus, ventilation systems with a recuperator can save on heating.

Varieties of cooker hoods according to the principle of action

Before you begin to understand how to make a hood in a private house, let's see what varieties of such devices are currently available. There are three main groups to subdivide structures designed for air exhaust from the stove:

  • Exhaust. This is a classic version designed to divert contaminated air from the stove to the ventilation shaft or to the street.
  • Recirculation. To make an extract in a private house of this type means to get a rather effective and at the same time reliable device. Such designs, in fact, are large air purifiers equipped with a filter system. Their main advantages are simplicity and low cost of installation. The disadvantage is the need for periodic (usually once every six months) filter replacement.
  • Combined. These hoods can both divert air into the street and clean it.

how to make a hood in a house hood in a private house

How to choose ventilation pipes

Below we will figure out how to make a hood in the house. A hood in a private house is usually connected to the main ventilation system. Therefore, we first find out how such structures are mounted. Pipes for such systems can have a round or square cross section. In addition, their diameter may vary. Both metal and plastic ducts are available. The former are characterized by maximum durability, the latter by light weight and ease of installation. Of particular note are the recently emerged flexible corrugated ducts.

make a hood in a private house

Which recuperator is better?

Many owners of country houses are interested in the question of whether it is possible to make ventilation of a private house with their own hands. Of course, it is possible, including with a recuperator. The main thing is to choose the right device itself. At the moment, the most popular variety are plate designs. The exhaust air and supply air in them do not directly intersect with each other. Contact occurs through plates made of plastic or aluminum foil. The advantages of such devices include, first of all, simplicity of design, reliability and maintainability. The disadvantages are the possibility of icing of the plates in the winter.

is it possible to make ventilation of a private house with your own hands

Project drafting

So, let's start to figure out how to make a forced-type ventilation system of a private house with your own hands. Of course, before starting installation, you should draw a wiring diagram. The development of the project is best entrusted to specialists. The case is very responsible and quite complicated. When performing it, you need to take into account a lot of nuances. If the project is not properly designed, ventilation will not work effectively. In addition, such a nuisance as the appearance of the smell of a toilet or kitchen in living rooms is possible.

Recuperator installation

A device for exchanging heat between air flows is usually installed in the attic or in the basement. The main rule that must be observed is the evenness and absolute horizontalness of the stand.

The recuperator should be installed in an easily accessible place. The fact is that in any case, the owners of the house will have to clean their plates from dirt at least twice a year.

Installation of the main ducts

Previously, holes are drilled in the walls for exhaust and air intake. Further, special nozzles equipped with valves are inserted into them. Then proceed to install the main (supply and exhaust) ducts. They can be mounted to the walls for plasterboard or plywood finishes or for suspended ceilings. Sometimes they are carried out in interfloor ceilings. However, the inconvenience of this method lies in the inaccessibility of the elements in case of need for repair.

Fastening of pipes is made on special collars. For plastic lungs, one per piece is enough. The pitch between metal clamps is usually about 1.5 meters. At one end, the main pipes are connected to the branch pipes in the walls, and the other to the corresponding pipes of the recuperator. In the instructions that came with this device, the manufacturer indicates how to connect the ducts.

extractor hood in a private house installation instructions

Pipe layout

Proper wiring of pipes around the premises is also an important answer to the question of how to make a hood in a private house. At home, the installation of the hood is done by connecting its duct to one of the branches heading to the kitchen. The main highways will need to connect the segments leading to the premises in need of ventilation. Their connection is made through special pipes and tees. Each room should have both an exhaust duct and a supply duct. The first is best installed on the ceiling, the second - on the floor or at the bottom of the wall, closer to the radiator. In the holes made in the structures of the house, nozzles with adapters are inserted, onto which the duct pipes are attached. Top they are covered with decorative grilles.

Cooker hood in a private house: installation instructions

This device is mounted on a wall or furniture, depending on the design. According to the regulations, the distance from it to the stove should be at least 65 cm for gas and at least 45 cm for electric. The exhaust duct is attached to the grille of the exhaust pipe or shaft. If there is no ventilation in the house, a hole is made in the wall under the air duct. In the latter case, it will be necessary to ensure an influx of fresh air into the kitchen. To do this, as with the natural ventilation device, under the windows or behind the heating radiators, drill holes and insert the supply valves into them, which you can buy at the construction supermarket.

how to make the ventilation system of a private house your own hands

How to choose an exhaust duct

Thus, we briefly examined the issue of how to make a hood in the house. A hood in a private house will work efficiently only with the correct selection of air ducts. At the moment, only two main varieties of corrugations for such kitchen devices are produced - plastic and metal. The first ones are cut into pieces during the production process. In the event that the exhaust hole is in the wall opposite from the plate, one such segment may not be enough. Joints in the ducts of cooker hoods are extremely undesirable. Therefore, in this case, it is better to purchase a metal corrugation. In the event that the joints cannot be avoided for any reason, they must be glued with sealant. The corrugation is hidden under a decorative box, which can have a round, rectangular or square shape. The joints in it should also be sealed.

How to properly attach the recirculation hood

To make an extract in a private house is also to correctly mount the device case itself. Install it on the wall should be strictly marked. For this, a horizontal line is drawn in advance with a pencil. Next, two holes are drilled on it, coinciding with the brackets on the hood. Then dowels are driven into the holes. Canopies are attached and screwed to them. A device is hung on them.

Mounting dome devices

How to make a hood in a private house using a dome design - the question is also not too complicated. As in the first case, markup is preliminarily made for this variety. Devices of this type are mounted directly to the wall on the wall. In this case, dowels and screws are used as fixing elements. Under them, according to the marking in the wall, holes are drilled.

ventilation in a private house and how to make a ventilation system

What rules should be observed during installation

So, how to make a hood in a private house, we have figured out. When installing it, the following points should be considered:

  • Plan the location of the device so that the duct is as short as possible.
  • The number of knees should be minimized.
  • If the turns of the duct cannot be avoided, you need to try to make them not too steep.
  • An air duct with a smooth inner surface should be purchased in order to minimize flow resistance.

So, we figured out how to make the hood and ventilation in a private house. As you can see, this is not a particularly complicated matter. The most important thing is to develop the right project. This will make living in the house as comfortable as possible in summer and in winter.


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