Laminate 34 class 12 mm, Germany, waterproof - features, specifications and reviews

Laminate flooring is a fairly new type of flooring. The popularity of this material is constantly growing, not only due to the relatively low cost, but also due to the high technical performance of the product. The variety of shades and colors is almost unlimited, and the quality can be very high. In particular, one of the most popular types on the market is a waterproof laminate of class 34 from Germany.

laminate 34 class 12 mm germanium waterproof

Laminate from Germany: high quality and positive reviews

Laminate 34 class reviews usually has only positive reviews from customers, since the floor covering of this high class is very high quality. The products are made from excellent raw materials using modern high-tech equipment. Under normal operating conditions, this floor covering is completely harmless. Laminate 34 class 12 mm waterproof (Germany) has a higher price than products of other classes, but the long service life of this floor covering justifies all costs. In particular, a German laminate from Ecoflooring or Maxwood companies can cost about 2000 rubles per square meter, but its service life is up to 30 years, and a cheap laminate will have to be changed every five or six years.

It should also be taken into account that manufacturers from Germany usually take into account when determining the class the density index of MDF boards, as well as the resistance parameter of external coatings (according to special tests). Therefore, a laminate 34 class 12 mm waterproof from Germany is a product that has been tested by special studies and on this basis is recommended for use in rooms where the floor load is high.

Increased durability

waterproof German laminate 34 class 12 mm thick

A high-quality laminate has classes 33 and 34, and class 32 is already a coating for a room with an average load, it is less durable. That is, the strength of this material is characterized by its class, the higher this indicator, the stronger the floor covering.

In particular, a laminate of the 34th class is not at all afraid of bumps or falling on it of some heavy objects, a sharp drop in temperature or humidity, or aggressive chemical influences. This coating has a reinforced laminating film.

Even if the operation of the material takes place in small industrial or warehouse premises, where the load is constantly exposed to the floor surface, the manufacturing company in this case also guarantees worthy quality to consumers. The most durable, wear-resistant and, accordingly, expensive version of this floor covering for today is a laminate 34 class 12 mm waterproof (Germany).

Some manufacturers

laminate 34 class high-strength coating
Floor coatings of the 34th class are not too widely represented in the domestic building materials markets. Less wear-resistant materials are much more common. The most famous of all the available varieties can be called the products of the following companies.

About Maxwood from Germany, buyers respond only positively since this material began to be actively supplied to the Russian regions. Maxwood Laminate is not just water resistant; no stains remain on it. For example, even aggressive liquids (say, acetone) are not afraid of such a floor covering.

Floorwood Company is a high moisture resistance and anti-static coating. This material can withstand low temperatures, for this reason it is fully suitable in unheated houses. An example is a garden or a country house. The manufacturer offers customers a beautiful embossed imitation of real wood.

Products from Westerhof have a modern design that simulates a natural cut of a wooden surface or the texture of stone, ceramics or parquet. It can even be laid on uneven surfaces.

Hessen Floor is especially durable, it also has beautiful textures and original colors. This is a great solution for flooring in the trading floors.

Laminate from Ecoflooring is not only durable and water resistant, but also beautiful. True, the production of these German products is now located in China, but the manufacturer guarantees quality.

All of the above products are fully consistent with all applicable European sanitary standards, they are certified by the manufacturer.

Application area

Today's largest unit thickness, an additionally strengthened lock connection, increased abrasion resistance, and also high strength allow laying a 34 mm class laminate not only in dance halls and sports clubs, but also in car dealerships, train stations and airports . This material is relevant wherever there is an increased floor load, where there is a large cross of people, where loaders and carts with goods or luggage ride. The above does not mean at all that it is impossible to put such a laminate in the kitchen or in the living room, in the hall of a country house - top-quality products will serve the owners for many years.

How is a waterproof laminate 34 class 12 mm (Germany)

waterproof laminate 34 class from germany
This type of floor covering is made of a multilayer material, the basis of it is a fiberboard. In the production of fiberboard, they are pressed, and then coated with a special protective film. The material got its name from the word laminieren, that is, covered with a film. Its layers are as follows:

  • in a special way the impregnated layer of paper with the presence of a pattern;
  • under the paper - the main material from a layer of pressed fiberboard covered with a special layer (complex resin composition);
  • melamine, i.e. insulating material (bottom layer).

The main component of the material is the part made of wood that has been previously processed by a special method. The quality of such processing, in fact, gives the material durability and absolute moisture resistance. High-strength HDF-plate has a basis with increased density, usually this figure is in the class 34 about 1000 kilograms per cubic meter.

After manufacturing the tiles, the laminate 34 class 12 mm waterproof (Germany) is additionally impregnated with special means. As a rule, modern innovative compositions significantly affect all the qualitative characteristics of the floor covering, and first of all, the strength and moisture resistance.


laminate 34 grade 12 mm germany waterproof price
The positive properties of waterproof German laminate 34 class 12 mm thick are not limited to resistance to the effects of water and steam. It is also a high degree of heat resistance (a cigarette falling on the floor does not damage the surface). Also, the coating of the top floor layer will not slip, and the 12 mm thickness allows the floor to be mounted on an uneven base. A high-quality laminate is resistant to ultraviolet radiation, and convenient locks allow you to remove and lay the flooring as many times as necessary. Also, the soundproofing characteristics of this floor are very high.

Due to these properties, a moisture-resistant laminate of the 34th class is often laid in the halls of huge public buildings with high traffic as a more aesthetic alternative to standard floor tiles.

Care for Class 34 Laminate with High Strength Coating

laminate 34 grade reviews

It’s easy to care for the floor surface with such a coating, it is enough to periodically wipe it with a moistened soft cloth. However, sometimes you need to use high-quality mastics. This is necessary in order to periodically fill all interpanel seams. Despite the high quality of the material, it is better to clean puddles formed on the floor in a timely manner.

Previously, laminate manufacturers warned that such a material is not suitable for areas with high humidity. It has been widely written that the Achilles heel of this material is the ends, they are excessively sensitive to moisture. Today, innovative floor coverings have appeared on the market, such as laminate 34 class 12 mm waterproof (Germany).

The decorative ornament (texture) of this modern floor covering can look like a rustic oak or royal beech, marble or granite, or even give the material a unique bright personality. By the way, the decor options for the laminate are really endless: supporters of such floor coverings will be able to find a lot of them. Some prefer to acquire natural types of "wood", others will be surprised by the complex texture of "ceramic tiles" or even some imitation of the seams that are filled with mortar, while others will prefer bright original design drawings. In any case, if you want the floor to serve you for a long time, it is worthwhile to turn your eyes to products from well-established German manufacturers.


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