Knitted snowmen. We knit a snowman with our own needles

Making soft toys and figures opens up endless possibilities for knitting lovers to express themselves. Due to the small size and simple patterns, such work is very fast and easy to perform. In addition, this is a great opportunity to dispose of accumulated residues of yarn in different colors and textures.

Knitted snowmen (knitting them is no more difficult than crocheting) can serve as decoration for an interior, New Year tree or table. They are also often used as small gifts or in addition to a gift.

What materials will be required

You can use literally any yarn. That is, it can be a fluffy or smooth thread, thin or thicker (maximum 200 m / 100 grams). Of course, the main thread should be white or very light, for example bluish, pinkish or with a peach tint.

Knitted snowmen (many craftswomen own knitting needles and will be able to complete such crafts) will not be able to do without carrot spouts and eyes, so you need to stock up on orange thread and sewing decor. Also, material for stuffing (synthetic winterizer or cotton wool) will be needed. The remaining elements that adorn the figures in the photograph can have absolutely any color, shape and pattern. Their appearance depends solely on the desire of the knitter.

Knitting needles for work should be selected taking into account the thickness of the yarn. It is better to give preference to finer instruments, as they will allow you to create a dense canvas. In order for all the details of the snowman to have the correct shape, not to stretch and not to shine through, they should be performed rather tightly.

Knitted snowmen (knitting): workshop

All indications regarding the number of loops apply to yarns with a thickness of about 400 m / 100 grams. If the selected yarn is thinner, then the finished product will be smaller. To correct them, the method of proportionally increasing the number of loops and rows should be applied. For example, multiply by 30%. For a thick thread, the same approach is used to reduce the size of a snowman.

knitted snowmen knitting master class

First of all, you need to make the body and head. They fit in one long fabric. You should dial 18 loops, close them in a ring and start knitting in a circle. To do this, you can use as many knitting needles as convenient for the craftswoman, from two to four. To give the part the correct shape, it must be consistently expanded by the uniform addition of six loops in a row. Each row should be expanded from the first to the eighth.

An important point remains the preservation of the density of the canvas. The additions should be performed not by the method of forming the yarn, but by knitting new loops from the broaches between the existing loops.

Thus, in the eighth row you get 42 loops. Next, to the 39th row, inclusive, you need to knit evenly.

In the 40th row, the canvas should be slightly reduced, since the head has a slightly smaller size than the body of a snowman. To do this, six loops are uniformly removed (two facial knit one).

Until the 60th row, knit unchanged. Then, over four rows, you need to cut six loops in each row. The basis for making the snowman figurine is ready.

knitting the main part

Filling the main part with synthetic winterizer

This procedure should be done carefully so as not to stretch the edges of the holes too much. The synthetic winterizer is pushed in small portions into the base and two lumps are formed on both sides, and the holes are pulled together with a thread and carefully sewn. It should not be allowed that the printed material was not enough, as this will lead to the sloppy appearance of the whole figure.

At the next stage, the knitted snowman will receive a shaped silhouette. To separate the head from the body and create the impression of two balls placed on top of each other, it is necessary to stitch the canvas around the entire perimeter with a needle with a strong thread. This work should be done along one row, as in the photo.

making a snowman

After tightening and fixing the thread, the figure shown in the photo below is obtained.

DIY knitted snowman

Knitted snowman with description: hand making

Handles knit very simply, you need to dial six stitches on the knitting needles and perform 26 rows of front stitch. Then close all loops or pull them into a bundle.

knitted snowman with knitting needles step by step

Another way to make parts is to knit a six-loop fabric with a double elastic band. It is performed as follows: one facial loop (PL) is knitted, the second is removed without knitting. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the broach of the thread is on the front side of the fabric (before work). Thus knit all 26 rows. The resulting part is flat, neat, and does not need to be stitched.

Mittens for the snowman

This decorative element fits in a circle. They collect 12 loops and divide them into such a number of knitting needles, which is convenient for the craftswoman. The first two rows should be knit with a viscous, the next 3 - garter. Further, all rows up to the 13th inclusive are performed by sock viscous.

In the 14th row, the canvas needs to be cut by three loops. Reductions should be carried out evenly, through the same number of loops. The actions are repeated when knitting the 15th and 16th rows. The loops remaining on the spoke are neatly pulled together with a thread. Ready mittens need to be equipped with thumbs, while knitted snowmen (as you can see, all stages of the work are carried out with needles) will get a more believable and detailed look. They are knitted from two loops of stocking viscous to a height of 3-4 rows. Then sew on the front side. Fingers are sewn to mittens in appropriate places.

do-it-yourself knitted snowman with knitting needles

You can sew hands with mittens after placing a small amount of padding polyester inside the parts.

knitting snowman with a description

Carrot nose

It is difficult to imagine such a toy as a knitted snowman (it is easy to make it with knitting needles with your own hands), without a characteristic orange nose. For its implementation, it is necessary to tie the part in a circular manner (on two or three knitting needles). The initial row includes six loops. The canvas is knitted exactly to the height of five rows, then, in the 6th, three loops are cut, and the remaining ones are pulled together.

snowman carrot nose

At this stage, you can already collect the related details and see what happens.

knitted snowman

If desired, wire can be inserted into the parts of the hands. Eyes are bought at the hardware store and put on glue, the mouth line is formed using embroidery.

Foot manufacturing

Flat wide boots are necessary to give the figure proportionality and stability. A knitted snowman (knitting step by step carry out each stage of work) is equipped with legs connected like baby booties. The only difference is the small scale.

Start work on two knitting needles from the bottom edge of the part. It is required to dial six loops and knit two rows of garter stitch. Next, you need to add four loops in each row. However, the expansion is not done evenly, but only in the central part. To maintain symmetry, you need to designate the center of the canvas and add two loops on each side of the mark (with an interval of one loop). Thus knit 15 rows.

From the 16th to the 28th row, the fabric should be knitted with stocking. The upper part of the feet fits the other way around: the canvas will contract as it previously expanded. In each row, the part is cut by four loops (front only).

In the process of knitting the last two rows, six loops should be evenly reduced, and the remaining ones should be closed.

knitted snowmen knitting

Ready-made boots should be sewn in the back and filled with padding polyester. Now they can be sewn to the snowman.

Decoration figures

Knitted snowmen are decorated with any accessories at the discretion and desire of the craftswoman. These are berets, scarves, hats, knitted buckets or something else. Figures with sewn snowflakes, sequins, beads and other accessories also look good.

Beret, who is wearing snowmen in the photo, is connected as follows:

  1. Collect 40 loops.
  2. From the 1st to the 4th row knit with an elastic band.
  3. In the 5th row, the number of loops is doubled. To do this, from each knit one regular and one crossed loop (so that there are no openwork holes).
  4. Until the 30th row, they knit exactly with the front surface.
  5. All loops are strung on a strong thread and tighten the canvas.
  6. Perform a side seam and sew a pompom.

Beret can be done not with a simple smooth surface, but with some kind of pattern, for example, braids or lace.

beret and a scarf for a snowman

A self-made knitted snowman can be an independent unit of decor or an element of composition. As a rule, scenes involving such figures are very popular with children.


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