How is the registration and closure of the LLC

LLC, as it was, remains the most convenient form of conducting a small business. It is not so difficult to open, and if there is not enough money for further business, you can always eliminate it in accordance with the procedure established by law.

Registration of LLC in St. Petersburg can be made both independently and with the help of an agency that will help you complete all the necessary documents and register your company in accordance with all the rules.

In any case, you need to know that at the moment in the Russian Federation a limited liability company is registered with the Federal Tax Service of Russia and for this the legislative act FZ No. 129-FZ "On state registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs" is applied. Be sure to familiarize yourself with this document, as it indicates the basic requirements and documents for registration of a legal entity.

Next, prepare the necessary documents for the registration of LLC. At present, these include the charter, in the event that the founders of LLC 2 or more special articles of incorporation, as well as the Protocol of the Meeting of the Founders and the Application for state registration.
You can find the form of this application on the website of the Federal Tax Service under serial number P11001.

This application form is electronic and may well be submitted by you yourself. It is completely unnecessary for the validity of this statement to have all the founders as applicants at once. Even one of the founders can sign the form.
As for the case when the applicant is a legal entity, the form must be signed by the head of this legal entity.

Well, if you needed close LLC with debts with or without, you will again have to contact the Federal Tax Service of Russia. This procedure involves the complete closure of a legal entity without the right to conduct further activities, as well as without the possibility of reorganization into a legal entity of a different type.

To carry out such a procedure, you will need an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, a list of members of the liquidation commission, as well as copies of their passports and identification codes, copies of the passports of the manager and founders of the legal entity, the charter of the LLC, and it is important that it be in the latest edition with all the amendments made earlier and changes. Also, do not forget to provide a decision on the establishment of the company, a protocol of the meeting at which a decision was made on the appointment of the director of this company, a certificate that shows tax registration, as well as a certificate of state registration.

Next, the official liquidation of the LLC should be carried out, which is a rather lengthy process, but it will be direct and not raising any questions on the part of the State in the future.


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