Museum-model "Petrovskaya Aquatoria": description, tours, photos, visitor reviews

The northern capital does not cease to amaze city guests from around the world with its priceless monuments of history, culture and architecture. The city has many interesting museums and exhibitions, new exhibitions open every year. We invite you to visit the unique historical museum-model “Petrovskaya Aquatoria”. Its feature is the reconstruction of the waters of the Gulf of Finland and the Neva using water, the use of patented technical developments.

Museum in St. Petersburg

History of creation

The idea of ​​creating this amazing museum arose among businessmen from St. Petersburg Alexander Rubin and Igor Ravich. They are co-owners of Art-Dec Art, a woodworking company. PetroMir Holding, which owns the Admiral shopping and entertainment complex, has invested in the project.

For more than two years, architects and historians, modelers and experts in the museum industry, mock-ups and engineers, theater artists - all specialists of the highest qualification, worked on creating a layout. In addition to the details of the layout, which were made using engraving and laser cutting, 3D-milling and 3D-printing in-house, many parts and elements were handmade.

History of the museum

The main task facing the creators of the Petrovskaya Aquatoria Museum-Model in St. Petersburg was to accurately reproduce the pictures of the life of this city in the 18th century. For reconstruction in miniature, the basis was archival documents, prints and paintings, memoirs of contemporaries, descriptions of the most important historical events, surviving plans and drawings. The Committee for the Development of Tourism of the city recommended for inclusion in the tourist routes of the museum "Petrovskaya Aquatoria" (St. Petersburg). Grigory Mikhailov, Honored Artist of Russia, State Prize Laureate in the Field of Art and Literature, became the project leader.

Museum "Petrovskaya Aquatoria" in St. Petersburg: description

On a scale of 1:87, this amazing layout is made. It covers an area of ​​more than 500 m². The total area of ​​the territory occupied by the museum exceeds 1100 m². Here are the buildings on the shores of the Gulf of Finland and the Neva, which were erected in the XVIII century. The museum, or rather, a grandiose replica of the harbor of the era of Peter the Great, is also an interactive attraction, where you can get acquainted with the history of the city and the Russian fleet.

The birth of the Russian fleet

In addition, there are pictures of the life of Petersburgers in the past, not only of the nobility, but also of ordinary citizens. A feature of the interactive museum is the real body of water imitating the waters of the Neva and the Gulf of Finland, which is plowed by ships of the Petrine era. A few dry numbers to help you imagine the scale of the structure:

  • the layout has more than 40 interactive buttons;
  • over a thousand buildings and structures;
  • 20 tons of water;
  • 25 thousand characters;
  • 305 meters of embankments and roads;
  • more than 10 thousand trees and shrubs;
  • more than a thousand lights.

Visitors have the opportunity to follow the movement of 130 ships, which are made according to historical engravings, observe fist fights, the work of builders and lumberjacks, admire the dances of noble persons at the imperial reception in Peterhof.

In the fields, peasants mow grass, small carriages drive along the roads. All twenty-five thousand characters dressed in costumes that are fully consistent with the style of the XVIII century - from the laundresses and fishermen to Catherine II and Peter I, were placed on a huge layout. In each of its parts are historical buildings and other architectural structures. In addition, here you can see interesting historical events, for example, the launching of ships, elephants walking in the streets of the Northern capital, a jester's wedding in the Icy House of Anna Ioannovna, a reception in the palace of A.D. Menshikov with the participation of Peter I, and the celebration of the Nishtadt Peace.

Modern residents of the city are surprised to notice on the mock-up the arrow of Vasilyevsky Island, which is well-known but at the same time unrecognizable without a stock exchange and rostral columns, the first port, Menshikov’s estate on the site of the current St. Petersburg State University.

The Petrovskaya Aquatoria Museum fits perfectly into the format that is gaining more and more popularity every year - edutainment, which combines education and entertainment. Here you can simultaneously study the history of architecture, costume, fleet, everyday life of ordinary citizens and reigning persons. All even the smallest elements of the project are recreated in accordance with the historical events of the XVIII century.

Manors and palaces, squares and parks, architectural complexes in the museum-model “Petrovskaya Aquatoria” were recreated in their original form, without later additions. All this is framed by a beautiful and varied backlight, voiced and set in motion. In the layout, the figures move, representing sketches of city life, for example, the celebration of Shrovetide, the seasons and days change.

Palaces and estates

Museum-model “Petrovskaya Aquatoria” in St. Petersburg is a fully interactive project where you can not only observe the movement of ships, carriages, characters, hear the sounds of a tiny orchestra, volleys of guns on ships, but also independently manage all this using special buttons. These scenarios are recreated thanks to the museum’s own proprietary developments.

The uniqueness of this layout also lies in the fact that only here you can see the reconstructed buildings and monuments that have survived to this day modified or have been lost. Reconstruction combines several parts:

  • Peter-Pavel's Fortress.
  • New Holland.
  • Admiralty.
  • Vasilievsky island.

In addition, here you can see the famous suburbs - Kronstadt, Oranienbaum with the now lost fortress Peterstadt, Peterhof such as they were at the beginning of the XVIII century. In the central part of the exposition is a bowl filled with water. It depicts the waters of the Neva and the Gulf of Finland, and along its perimeter there are models of architectural ensembles of the city that are facing the surface of the water.

The creators of the project argue that the reconstruction of the landscape and architectural is only the scenery in which the city’s life took place during the reign of the Russian emperors Peter I and Catherine the Great.

Night Petersburg


For individual visitors in the museum-model "Petrovskaya Aquatoria" conducted sightseeing tours in accordance with the schedule. For groups of 10 people or more, the museum has developed various types of excursion programs: theatrical, thematic, for corporate clients. They should be recorded in advance.

Excursions for adults and children

Sightseeing tour

Judging by the reviews, the museum-model "Petrovskaya Aquatoria" allows not only to plunge into the atmosphere of St. Petersburg of the XVIII century, but also to see how the city has changed since then. You are waiting for an amazing trip to the "youth" of St. Petersburg. You will discover it with a new and possibly unexpected side, comparing the buildings recreated on the model with the modern sights of the Northern capital.

"The sea capital of Russia"

In the museum-model "Petrovskaya Aquatoria" in St. Petersburg, this excursion program is dedicated to the formation of the city on the Neva, as the sea capital of Russia. An experienced guide will tell you about the emergence of the Navy, about the courage and heroism of Russian sailors, about the life of the sea capital, about the features of shipbuilding and about ancient maritime traditions, about high-profile victories, magnificent celebrations, and brilliant military shows.

"Legends of St. Petersburg"

Taking part in this tour, you will hear myths and legends about St. Petersburg, interesting facts and real historical events shrouded in a halo of mystery. You will learn many intriguing, incredible, mystical and mysterious stories from the lives of contemporaries of the first Russian emperor and his close associates.

For children, the museum-model "Petrovskaya Aquatoria" prepared several interesting excursions that will interest children of different ages.

Interactive Museum in St. Petersburg

“Visiting a fairy tale” (6-10 years)

An unusual excursion-game begins with a task - children must find a fairy-tale plot on the layout. And after that, all participants become actors of the 18th century puppet theater and themselves will play a real performance.

“Know the secrets of St. Petersburg” (7-12 years)

A fascinating tour with quest elements, the participants of which will try to unravel the secrets of the city. The Northern War with the Swedes over the Neva Lands, the first heroic victories in naval battles, the appearance of the amazing “necklace” of St. Petersburg suburbs. Children learn the secrets of the Northern capital by listening carefully to the guide and answering a number of his questions.

Petersburg in the 18th century

"According to the waves of myths and legends" (7-11 years)

Excursion game for young visitors to the museum-layout "Petrovskaya Aquatoria". Children in a game format learn about the birth of St. Petersburg, about how their peers played in the XVIII century, get acquainted with the legends and secrets of the city, go on an exciting journey into the past.

Treasure Hunters: Searching for Adventure (12+)

An exciting quest that can turn a visit to the museum into an exciting adventure in search of treasure. Participants will learn how traditions and proverbs were born, discover little-known pages of the history of the Northern capital, learn to masterly knit sea knots and even meet with a real princess. And at the end of the excursion, a surprise in the form of a treasure will await the children.

Workshops: for young mock-ups

Only in this museum a master class on prototyping is held. Children will be able not only to broaden their horizons, but also to reveal their creative potential. With the help of experienced specialists, the guys create small landscapes on which you can build a house, make a pond, plant a tree. Creative imagination will be the starting point for creating wonderful landscapes.

"Marine Technology"

In an accessible game form, this master class takes place. The host will tell many interesting stories that are related to the marine theme. Children will be able to feel like real "sea wolves", under the guidance of a guide they will learn how to knit a variety of sea knots, find out where and how they are used in everyday life.

"Doll from the grandmother's chest"

Today, a beautiful doll can be bought at any supermarket, and in the distant past, from a young age, every girl learned to make herself a rag traditional doll amulet. All of them had different purposes, they were protection from diseases, evil spirits and misfortunes. At this master class, girls make the "Bell" doll - a symbol of good mood, a harbinger of good news. This cute, perky toy will bring joy to the house. You can keep it for yourself or give it to relatives with the wishes to receive only good news.

All excursions in the museum are adapted according to the age of the visitors. Significant group discounts are available.

Change of seasons

Tourist info

If you happen to visit the Northern capital in the near future, be sure to visit the Petrovskaya Aquatoria Museum (SPB), the address of which is ul. Malaya Morskaya, 4/1 (at the intersection with Brick Lane). It is located on the sixth floor of the Admiral shopping center.

If you get to the museum by car, you can leave it at the nearest parking lots located in the Brick Lane and on St. Isaac's Square. You can take the metro to the Admiralteyskaya station. The museum awaits guests from 10.00 to 22.00 every day.

Entrance ticket for adults costs 450 rubles. For pensioners, students, schoolchildren there are benefits on weekdays - 350 rubles. Family ticket for two adults and one child - 1050 rubles. For a family with two children - 1250. These amounts include excursions.

Museum-model "Petrovskaya Aquatoria" (St. Petersburg): visitor reviews

Enthusiastic reviews about visiting this museum leave not only guests, but also residents of St. Petersburg. Despite the fact that it has been working for four years, each visit opens it from a new perspective - you will learn a lot of interesting things about the history of one of the most beautiful cities not only in our country, but also in the world.

It is amazing how the creators of the museum, specialists of different professions managed to achieve amazing reliability and accuracy in creating the layout. Many believe that such a museum should be in every major city in Russia. Indeed, thanks to such an exposition, one can at least briefly learn the history of the city and get acquainted with its sights in a short period of time.

It is gratifying that the museum is of great interest to children of all ages. It hosts many interesting excursions, exhibitions for young guests. They take great pleasure in visiting the museum and for a long time remember the amazing city in the Admiral shopping center.


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