Pattern of beach bags. Sew a beach bag. Crochet Beach Bag

A beach bag is not only roomy and comfortable, but also a beautiful accessory. He can complement any image and emphasize the beauty of his mistress. Not always on sale you can find just such a thing that is perfect and will satisfy all your needs. Therefore, we suggest that you try to sew a beach bag yourself or crochet it.

pattern of beach bags

Bright summer bag. We prepare the necessary materials and tools

If you have at least minimal fabric skills and can handle a sewing machine, try creating a beach bag yourself.

sew a beach bag
First you need to decide on the material and style of the product. Any beach bag should be comfortable, durable, roomy, and, of course, beautiful. Therefore, the fabric must be selected quite dense. For example, you can sew a beach bag from raincoat fabric, denim, tapestry, linen, felt or felt. As for the coloring, it is advisable to use bright material without a catchy large pattern. A bag of lining may be required to draw the bag from the wrong side . In addition to material cuts, also for the manufacture of the bag you will need:

  • scissors;
  • pencil;
  • pins
  • ruler;
  • graph paper;
  • threads
  • needles;
  • sewing machine.

To decorate the product, various decorative elements are needed - straps, brooches, wooden beads, bugles, pieces of leather and suede, flowers made of satin ribbons, etc. If you plan to make a bag on a fastener, you will need zipper, rivets or buttons.

crochet beach bag

How to make a pattern of beach bags?

After acquiring all the necessary materials and tools, we get to work. Pattern beach bags is as follows. Graph paper is taken , the contour of the details of the bag is applied to it. We advise novice needlewomen to use the simplest option - draw a rectangle on paper with sides 40 and 50 cm. This element will become the basis of our product. Now draw on paper strips about 7 or 8 cm wide and 120 cm long. These details will become the handles of our beach bag. Now you know how to create a pattern of beach bags of a rectangular shape. As you can see, this is not a big deal. However, if you find it difficult to draw product details on paper yourself, you can use ready-made templates.

bag beach photo

Transfer the pattern to the fabric.

We cut out the details of our future bag from paper - a rectangle and long stripes. Fold the fabric in half, face inward. Now we attach our rectangular blank to it so that one of its sides passes through the bend of the material. We attach the pattern to the fabric using pins. We circle with a pencil, not forgetting the indents from the edge (2 cm) and cut out a rectangular pattern from the fabric. Next, we put long strips on the fabric, circle them, making the necessary indentation, and cut out the blanks. Everything, the basis of the bag and handles are ready. Next, we will tell you how to sew a beach bag.

beach mat bag

We create a stylish accessory with our own hands.

After cutting out the details from the fabric, we proceed to sewing. Fold the main part of the bag in half with the front side inward. The fold of material will become the bottom of the bag. Now we sew the sides of the product. We get a rectangular bag. Next, we sew over the inner seams and iron them. Then we carry out the product handles. Fold the blanks in half with the wrong side inward and tuck the edges. Stitch the parts along the edge of the edges folded together. We make a decorative stitch on the fold. Sew on the front side of the handle to the bag, combining their ends with the edges of the bag. After that, the upper edge of the bag (along with the sewn handle) we wrap inward, bend the edge and sew. If desired, we decorate the product with any decorative elements - beautiful buttons, straps, rhinestones, ribbons, braid. If necessary, sew outer pockets. Now you know how to make simple and easy women's beach bags. Good luck

sew a beach bag with your own hands

Another interesting idea is a denim accessory

If you have old unnecessary jeans - be sure to give them a second life by making an interesting beach bag out of them. You will receive a unique stylish thing, spending a minimum of money and effort. In addition to old denim pants, you will need scissors, threads, a sewing machine, decorative shreds, beads, buckles and ribbons.

jeans beach bags

Having prepared everything you need, get to work. Beach bags made of jeans are made very simple. First you need to determine the depth of the product. If you want to sew a bag that is not too voluminous, feel free to cut both legs in a line running just below the back pockets. Next, turn the workpiece inside out, and then sweep and grind the seam on the machine. The bottom of the bag is ready. Now turn out the product and on the front side perform decorative stitching of the lower seam. For this work, it is advisable to choose threads in tone with denim.

We work with denim: a beach bag with your own hands. Sewing it is very simple!

Handle the product from a long cut of denim. Cut a strip of the required length 7-8 cm wide. Fold it three times and sew along the entire length. Then sew the handle to the bag with the ends on opposite sides of the product. Here is such an original beach bag (photo).

Women's beach bags
Decorate the product as you wish with fringe, beads, beads and any other decorative elements. Such an exclusive beach bag will make your look more attractive and interesting!

Crochet a bag

A stylish beach accessory can not only be sewn, but also crocheted. It is especially simple and easy to do this by completing several separate square motifs and then connecting them together and tying them in single crochet columns.

crochet beach bag
In order to make a roomy beach bag, you need 300 g of yarn and hook number 4. Knitting threads can be purchased in different colors - then your bag will turn out to be more bright and attractive. You will also need two woven hand straps and a large square button for decoration. Our bag will consist of 24 square motifs. For beginners, we recommend using the following simple scheme for making a bag.
crochet beach bag motif pattern

Of course, you can use any other square motif, the one you like. Gentle and very romantic look beach bags made of more complex motifs with floral patterns. So, let's look at how a crochet beach bag is made? First we knit the required number of squares. The first and subsequent motives are as follows: first we create four air loops and connect them into a ring using a connecting half-column. Next, we knit three VP necessary for lifting. We perform a single crochet (CH) column. Next, we knit two air loops and three CH. Repeat this pattern two more times. We complete the row with two air loops, one double crochet and a connecting loop. We will knit the second, third and fourth rows according to the scheme, all the time using only single crochet columns and air loops. As a result, you should get such an element.

beach bag crochet motive first
By analogy with the first, it will be necessary to make another 23 of the same multi-colored squares.

We continue to carry out a beach accessory crochet

After making all the squares, we lay them out as shown in the figure.

crochet beach bag
We take a yarn of contrasting color and fasten all the parts in turn with single crochet columns. As a result, you get such a blank.
do-it-yourself crochet beach bag
We tie the edges of the bag with double crochets and attach the handles-straps. If desired, decorate the product with a bright large button. That's all, a bright and beautiful crochet beach bag is made. As you can see, making such an interesting and practical accessory is not difficult at all! The main thing is to devote enough time to work and adhere to the proposed scheme.

Beach Bag Mat

We bring to your attention another very convenient and effective model of a beach bag, which can serve not only as a storage for things, but also as a convenient rug. To make it, you will need to prepare beige yarn 225 m / 50 g and a hook number 2.5. You will also need a synthetic winterizer (45x65 cm), dense fabric and buttons - 6 pcs. Start work by creating 130 VIs. Perform the first and subsequent rows with single crochet columns, not forgetting to make the necessary lifting loops. When the product reaches 40 cm in height, complete knitting. You will get a rectangular part. Now tie the handles. To do this, perform 6 air loops. Knit all rows with single crochet, making 2 VP at the beginning of each increase.

DIY women's beach bags
When the handle reaches a height of 60 cm, complete knitting, fasten and tear the thread. By analogy, perform the second same part. Sew the handles to a two-sided rectangular blank. Cut pieces of padding polyester and fabrics that are suitable for the size of the knitted fabric. Put the synthetic winterizer on the rectangular blank first, and then the material, carefully sew them to the base. Now fold the bag in half. Sew three buttons on each side on each side, and loops from chains of air loops on the other. For the manufacture of each chain, you need to dial about 35-40 VP. That's it, the gorgeous beach bag mat is ready!

Instead of a conclusion

As you can see, making a modern, stylish and original accessory with your own hands is not at all difficult. The main thing is to get everything you need and give creativity a little time. And the pattern of beach bags is quite simple. We hope our tips, photos and detailed descriptions of the work will help to make a beautiful accessory, which will definitely become the highlight of your wardrobe.


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