We knit dolls with needles: a step-by-step description for beginners

Currently, knitted toys are very popular. Moreover, it is difficult to resist beauties not only for kids, but also for adults. However, just wanting to do such a thing is not enough for the process to really go without problems. Therefore, in this article we propose to study the step-by-step description on the topic "Knitting dolls with knitting needles."

Manipulations preceding creativity

Linking the studied craft is easy. However, it is important to consider that you have to bother with miniature details. For example, fingers, neck, nose, ears. Therefore, at first you should not take on a too detailed doll. Itโ€™s better to link a simpler one to understand the technology.

Also experienced craftswomen note that professional work in most cases has natural hair. To do this, you need to purchase or make yourself a special tress. Beginners can make hair out of knitting threads.

how to make a doll with knitting needles

Yarn selection

Since we knit a doll that looks like a person, then the main material will be yarn of any of the skin colors. In addition, you should prepare a skein from which we will make hair. If you want to make a more natural doll, several related tones are required, with the help of which it will be possible to create interesting highlights and transitions.

It is also important to mention that for the planned product, it is imperative to prepare the lower and upper clothes. Most often these are panties or panties and an interesting bright dress. For each item of clothing, you should also purchase yarn. To make the doll look even more spectacular, you need to put it in beautiful slippers.

Tool selection

doll knitting mk

The description "We knit a doll with knitting needles" means working with this tool. However, success, speed and beauty of work directly depend on its quality.

Experienced needlewomen advise beginners to choose metal knitting needles. They guarantee a good slip of the yarn and allow you to knit evenly, that is, with the same loops throughout the process. But itโ€™s important not to choose too long instruments. Especially for knitting miniature parts.

It is also important to be careful when choosing the size of the knitting needles. Professionals recommend focusing on purchased yarn. To make the fabric dense, you should use knitting needles equal to the thickness of the thread or slightly less in diameter.

Knit a doll with legs

doll knitting master class

Having completed the preparatory phase, we proceed to knitting. However, no calculations or measurements are required. The work is completely creative, so it depends only on the wishes of the needlewoman.

In the presented master class, we will not describe the technology of knitting toes. The necessary manipulations are too complicated for beginners. Therefore, we simply collect a small number of loops (5-7), distribute to the circular knitting needles and knit in a circular.

Then we divide the "tube" into three parts. We donโ€™t touch one, knit the second, and with the third we hook the loops, tying the row to the end. When it is possible to collect 2/3 of the separated loops, we knit 3-4 rows of only them. And then we knit the whole circle again. Next, we knit the leg in height. Just move in a circle the desired number of rows. We are preparing an identical detail. And we complete the initial stage of the instruction "Knit a doll with knitting needles."

We knit the lower body

do-it-yourself knitting doll

In the next paragraph of our description, we will consider the technology of knitting the main part of the studied crafts. Since we will not knit the hips and waist, even novice craftsmen will be able to cope with the work. The process involves the following actions:

  1. Do not close the stitches on the legs, but use them to knit the torso.
  2. We distribute the loops on four knitting needles.
  3. We knit the first two rows in a circle without increases and decreases.
  4. In the third row, we add one new loop every three loops.
  5. In the fourth - in five.
  6. In the fifth - after seven.
  7. We knit the sixth row without increases and decreases.
  8. In the seventh - add one by one air, maintaining an interval of three loops.
  9. Next, we simply knit in a circle. If it seems that the size of the circle is small, we knit the series unchanged and repeat the seventh row one or two more times.

We knit the upper body

knit doll

In this master class, we describe the principle of making a knitted doll with knitting needles for beginners. Therefore, we propose to tie the body to the armpits. And after that add on the sides the loops necessary for the pens. Traditionally, their number is 2/3 of the circumference of the legs. Then we proceed to further work:

  1. We knit three rows without increases and decreases.
  2. We reduce the loops one by three and knit the next row without changes. Repeat this step until the loops necessary for the neck remain.
  3. Moving in a circle, we knit this detail to the desired length.
  4. We return to the holes for the handles, we collect with the help of a hook the loops in a circle and we knit the details. If you want to make a full-fledged pen, divide the total number of loops by five and finish each finger separately.
  5. After we begin to shape the head.

Knit head

doll knitting needles for beginners

We knit a doll according to the description for beginners, so we propose to do without knitting small parts. Just make a ball, and after that we will tighten the place for the eyes and mouth with a needle and needle, emphasize the nose. So, the head fits as follows:

  1. Double the number of neck loops.
  2. In the second row and fifth add a loop through three.
  3. The third and fourth - we knit in a circle without changes.
  4. In the sixth - add a loop through four.
  5. The seventh, eighth, ninth and tenth - we knit without changes.
  6. Next, we begin to make decreases. In the eleventh row with an interval of six loops, and then in each odd interval is reduced. Even rows fit in without increases and decreases.
  7. When there are four or six loops, we complete the work and stretch the tip of the thread through them. Most importantly, do not forget to stuff the doll first. Experienced needlewomen recommend doing this as you knit.

We are finishing work

We complete the finished product with eyes (beads, shop parts or home-made) embroider the mouth and nose. If desired, we attach ears - two circles that need to be bent in half and sewn to the head. Also attach hair. How to make them from yarn, you can see further.

Then we knit doll clothes. We offer a description of a simple but interesting dress:

  1. We gain the number of loops equal to the width of the skirt.
  2. We tie to the armholes without increases and decreases.
  3. We collect loops for the sleeves and begin to gradually decrease the loops, trying to reach the width of the gate.
  4. After we knit the sleeves of the desired length.
  5. We take a hook and tie the bottom of the skirt, the edges of the sleeves and the collar with yarn of a different color.
  6. We knit a chain-strap and carefully pass through the dress.
  7. We decorate the finished product at will. Then we put on the doll.
doll knitting description for beginners

This concludes our instruction "Knitting a doll with needles." Dress, hair, facial expression and many other elements can be changed at your own discretion. The basis - the doll itself - in any case, can be performed according to the description provided.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E17378/

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